Haldol (Haloperidol)Reviews

56people have reviewed this drug
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Ratedfor Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

I was misdiagnosed as bipolar, hospitalized, restrained & injected with haldol. Haldol made me feel absolutely miserable & another pt receiving haldol jumped through a glass window. THIS DRUG SHOULD BE USED AS A LAST RESORT.

1 Stars

Ratedfor Dementia

It was horrible and I nearly died on this drug. I was unable to swallow for two days on the drug and my hands were twitching uncontrollably like someone with Parkinson’s. I was able to drink fluids once the drugs was no longer given to me (about 20 hours later).

1 Stars

Ratedfor Depression

I got only two shots of haldol, three days dystonic, wanted immediately to kill myself, psychologically it was unbearable, the state as huge part of me had died. Now, six month past, I still cannot to 'awake' from this shallow, blur world of haldol's soap, emotion dead, except of sorrow, made me suicidal as well, I never was. Difficult in arithmetics, forgetfulness, hard to speak or think clearly. All these things did not last or hardly even improved. Worst poison there ever existed.

5 Stars

Ratedfor Schizophrenia

I've been on haloperidol (oral, 30mg/day) for around 6 months. I've been on several other first and second generation antipsychotics which have not worked as well as the haloperidol. The only problem I have is that it tends to make my thinking clouded, making it hard to focus.

1 Stars

Ratedfor Depression

I hope whoever created antipsychotics goes to hell.

5 Stars

Ratedfor Schizophrenia

I've been on Haldol 7 years at 150 mg. decnate shot monthly without side effects.

1 Stars

Ratedfor Tourette's Syndrome

This drug ruined my teens ! I've suffered a mild case of tourette's for as long as I can remember .. I was prescribed this at 12 years old .. Being young and unaware of what I was taking I was under the impression this would just stop my tics or atleast calm them down.. It did work in that regard.. few months into taking them and having the dosage raised.. I would randomly start having these strange episodes that would slowly come upon me.. What I can only describe as a heightened state of anxiety and paranoia.. The first signs of these episodes beginning to come upon me would be sweating palms ... the inability to focus my vision on anything .. I felt so strange I physically couldnt look at people or speak to them.. At first they started happening every week or so and then became a daily occurrence I remember feeling I'd rather die than feel like that constantly .. They got more severe to the point of me hearing things during these episodes.. I'd hear looping music... voices... other random kinds of sounds.. which were not real.. The only way for this feeling to go away was for me to sleep... I was always very social regardless of my tics.. But these episodes pretty much stopped

5 Stars

Ratedfor Schizoaffective disorder

My adult daughter has been on the Haldol dec shot for a year. She has been almost delusion/hallucination free that entire time, all paranoia has gone, with side effects of minimal occasional muscle pain (handled with a dose of benedryl), sleeping 12 hrs per night, higher heart rate. Prior to that she was experiencing delusions and hallucinations fairly severely for 2.5 years or was unmedicated. She thought she could read minds, talk to higher beings, believed (wrongly) she was being abused, and talked or yelled herself hoarse frequently. She still does not believe she is mentally ill, nor is capable of living life without daily support (money, food, living space), but takes her shot monthly. Compared to the psychotic years, being on Haldol has given her a life with social interraction, a part time job, and almost normalcy in thinking.

5 Stars

Ratedfor Schizophrenia

I actually love haldol. I respond better to the older antipsychotic medication. Haldol calmed me down, took away paranoia and delusions, and allowed me to sleep. I was on it for a year on 1 mg twice a day. But I was having bowel problems (severe diarrhea) which they thought was from the haldol, so they took me off it.

1 Stars

Ratedfor Schizophrenia

Haldol is an older anti -psychotic there are newer and better rx out there. . Mom was placed on Haldol and soon she was unresponsive, sleeping 21 hours a day , had difficulty opening her eyes,,shaking with tremors. extreme hot and cold temperature swings .She no longer could recognize her adult children. She could barely speak Was not making any sense at all It was like seeing someone slipping in and out of a coma. She was taken off this medication and put on something newer and better. , Side effects for the elderly on Haladol could be death.

1 Stars

Ratedfor Schizophrenia

我妹妹年龄39年对奥氮平治疗ed for autism then a year later she got psychotic and then All of a sudden psychiatrist changed the med to Haloperidol and sent a huge guy to our house to make sure our sister is taking the drug. Sister changed from a calm person to a demon {sorry sis.} She said this voice is telling her to end it all either with a weapon or jump off a 30ft bridge, she jumped off a bridge with motor way below it and even though she got serious injuries such as punctured lung, broken jaw, broken left harm the nurses in A&E still gave our sister the evil med. I made an issue because patients saying our sister hasn't moved or talked. Days later our sister is sectioned for 7months under mental act3 then in rehab for a further 7months. My father died with during our sisters rehab. Now our sister is back home enjoying life. How is somebody schizophrenia when never hurt anyone and always loves life? What happened to our sister could have happened to anybody.

1 Stars

Ratedfor Nausea/Vomiting

I received an injection of Haldol in the hospital ONCE due to vomiting. I instantly went into massive shaking fits where I could not control my body, I began sweating profusely and uncontrollably and could not regulate my body temperature. It was not until medical staff had administered a dose of Ativan and Benedryl did the shaking stop long enough for me to go to sleep. (After being covered in 2 warm blankets due to being so shaky still. Over a week later and my body temperature is disregated and I have missed 2 whole days of work, sitting at home as my body temperature went up and down. Never...take...this...drug

5 Stars

Ratedfor Schizophrenia

My daughter got the depot injection in the hospital, supposed to last for 30 days. Calmed all symptoms of schizoprenia within days, no voices, no delusions, no paranoia. I thought it was a miracle. After 27 days the symptoms were returning, but she got another shot, and is symptom free. No side effects so far. She went from hiding in her room, talking or screaming at voices, paranoid about her own family, to normal social life. I highly recommend trying this for fairly constant psychosis.

2 Stars

Ratedfor Psychosis

我在幻觉和声音在我的脑海里which led me to the mental hospital. They put me on haldol and cogentin and for some odd reason Benadryl with it. I was literally sleeping 20 hours a day felt like I was dying, worst experience in my life. I had to throw away all the pills after months of taking them and the day after I stopped i felt normal again. Exercise and meditation helped way more than any meds

5 Stars

Ratedfor Acute Psychosis

I think the key is to take low doses of this drug. I take only 5mg and its perfect. Enough to take the edge off of my symptoms but with virtually no side effects except for some sleepiness. For whatever reason I tolerate the older drugs best. The newer ones make me feel very ill and i'm very likely to stop it.

5 Stars

Ratedfor Schizoaffective disorder

Medicine works great for me. I am on 5mg twice a day and the only side effect that I have had is drowsiness.

5 Stars

Ratedfor Schizophrenia

I was put on Haldol after trying several atypicals: Abilify (no effect), Risperdal (high blood pressure/ heart arrhythmia), and Geodon (panic attacks/ nightmares). I'm so glad I was switched. The difference has been night and day. I have noticed some side effects (slight tremor/ restlessness) but nothing serious. This works much better for me than the newer medications. I will definitely be sticking with Haldol.

1 Stars

Ratedfor Nausea/Vomiting

I have scoliosis and am also diagnosed with HIV. This halperidol is the worst medication and is prescribed misproperly by doctors who just want to keep a job. I have allergies to this medication (similar to people with peanut butter allergies), and major side effects. For example my neck getting stuck sideways with my head slanted, very painful and last for hours till you do something about it otherwise doesn't go away, and happens for days among weeks after every time. Nobody cared. Instead they would force me to take it.

5 Stars

Ratedfor Bipolar I disorder

I have Bipolar 1 Disorder (Mixed Episodes) with agitation and this med helps me out a lot! I am on 5mg at bedtime and this med makes me feel mellowed out and calm. Just what I need. The only side effects I have is a little drowsiness and I shake a little but nothing I cant handle.

3.5 Stars

Ratedfor Psychosis

The voices that was making my son a living hell has went down. I really worry about using this med but my son(16yrs) has no choice. The only problem that I see is the sleeping...it's too much.
