Potassium Chloride (Kato)Reviews

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评分为for Hypokalemia

I was given this Potassium CL 10 MEQ ER tablet drug to take daily as I was also prescribed a water pill to take daily. The capsule did not upset my stomach, but the yellow colored Generic tablet that my insurance only covered make me feel every day like I was going to throw up. I have never had this problem before with any drug. There are benefits to Potassium but there are also pitfalls. I have experienced the feeling of my hands and feet 'falling asleep' tingling during the night. It wakes me up about 8 times per night. I'm going to ask my doctor if I can just eat a banana a couple times per week to give me the relief of this pill on some days. I feel like I have the flu when I take it and my urine is very yellow colored. I will also ask about the liquid form of the potassium.


评分为for Hypokalemia

由于低钾血症,我一直服用k-chlor 10meq约6周。我始于20Meq,但由于其尺寸而无法吞下药丸。我几乎不能设法让10 Meq下来。我试过胶囊和液体,不能容忍他们。我真的不能容忍平板电脑。恶心和呕吐是愚蠢的。在上周,由于这些副作用,我已经丢失了5.5磅,我已经是皮肤和骨头。有些日子我太恶心地处理钾,我跳过它。第二天永远是一个光荣的恶心的一天。但我知道我是否跳过一天,我会开始再生病了。 It is truly a Catch-22.

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评分为for Hypokalemia

由于我的钾水平极低,我一直在一个月的咖啡壶20 meq大约一个月。服用后一个月我开始经历腹泻,现在我的皮肤开始变亮。好吧,我打电话给我的兄弟,他建议我搜索副作用,我很高兴我有。我上周进行了后续预约,并提到了我的医生,我相信肠道情况和我被告知“没有钾不会引起这个问题”。好吧,我想我必须打印我的信息并向医生提供信息。


评分为for Hypokalemia

I was prescribed the liquid form and I absolutely hated it. It is extremely salty, hard to swallow and it made me very nauseated. When mixing it with water it just prolonged the dosas and I just didn't like that at all. I'm going to ask my doctor for the pill form and try that to see if I can tollerate that way better.

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评分为for Hypokalemia

my wife takes the capsules but she opens them and puts the granules in peanut butter or yogurt and takes it that way it helps with the pains in the belly and yes she was told to do this by her dr. so if this helps anyone your welcome and good luck

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评分为for Hypokalemia

我每天都害怕它。它让我的肚子上令我痛苦,我的脚上拉着感觉。我接受它,因为我也服用水丸 - 医生曾经举起。这是我唯一有困难的药丸。这不是很大,但它总是粘在我的喉咙里。我需要找到本文中描述的液体版本。这正是我在这个搜索中寻找的。
