



Symptoms can run the gamut from mild to severe, says爱德华莱丁, MD, a gastroenterologist and associate clinical professor in gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. And the response to treatment can vary just as widely. For these reasons, there’s a lot of confusion out there about克罗恩病治疗。

To make the best decisions about your care, it’s important to know what's fact and what's fiction when it comes to克罗恩的治疗。Start here.

1.克罗恩病治愈:神话。“有许多药物和生活方式的变化可以让克罗恩的某人受益,但没有已知的治疗方法,”Dana J. Lukin,MD,博士学位,纽约布朗克斯的炎症性肠疾病爱因斯坦 - 蒙蒂岛医学学院助理教授博士。根据克罗恩和结肠炎Foundation of America (CCFA), research is underway to help us understand more about Crohn’s disease, help high-risk people prevent it, and ultimately find a cure.

2.大多数人与克罗恩病可能y require surgery: FACT.大约70%的人克罗恩will need手术当药物不再控制症状,例如出血,恶心,减肥,发热和疲劳,或者当CCFA的说明时,它们发生瘘管,裂缝或肠梗阻时。手术通常涉及去除肠道的受影响部分。“手术并不意味着你的治疗失败了,”莱文博士说。“手术是您治疗的一部分。”

3. Early treatment is best: FACT.“The sooner a diagnosis is made, the better off you are,” Levine says. “That’s because some treatments, especially the生物药物,比你开始的更早更有效。“他补充说,早期治疗也有助于您最大限度地减少并发症的风险。


5.量身定制的饮食可能是计划的一部分:事实。While there’s no “Crohn’s diet” that works for everyone, it can help to tailor what you eat to your specific needs, according to the CCFA. Keeping a food diary can help you see which foods tend to aggravate your condition—that way, you can steer clear of them. During flares, it may help to eat smaller meals throughout the day and skip fatty, greasy foods as well as foods that are high in fiber. If your doctor tells you that you have a narrowing in the part of your digestive tract called the ileum—which occurs in about two-thirds of people with small bowel Crohn’s disease—a low-fiber, low-residue diet may minimize your symptoms, says the CCFA. This diet excludes high-fiber foods such as raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

6.留在类固醇中是安全的,长期:神话。说,有两个治疗目标Saleem desai.,MD,加利福尼亚州诺尔奇天才健康胃肠学家。一个是实现缓解 - 意味着你没有症状 - 一个是maintain that remission并防止耀斑。你的医生可以给你类固醇治疗急性耀斑,因为它们是快速行动;大多数人在几天内感觉更好。然而,只要有可能,类固醇不应用于保持缓解,因为它们的长期副作用,如高血压,high blood sugar, weakened bones, mood swings,insomnia,体重增加。当逐渐逐渐消除你的医生,谈论你的医生。

7.您必须在怀孕时停止服用药物:神话。根据2012年8月出版的1,100名妇女的研究Gastroenterology and Hepatology。It’s important to talk to your doctor about continuing your medications, especially in the first and second trimester, Dr. Lukin says. “Patients whose Crohn’s is not well controlled going into pregnancy may be at higher risk of complications," he notes. "It is important that a woman with IBD see a high-risk obstetrician and that her treatment plan is individualized to her needs.”
