Tonsil Stone Treatment: Home Remedies, When Surgery Is Needed, and More

Medically Reviewed
Using a water flosser is a first-line option doctors recommend to get rid of tonsil stones. Shutterstock(2)

Tonsil stones通常不会构成严重的健康风险,但他们可以是令人讨厌的处理。他们会造成口气不良,一个令人不快的感觉,好像有些东西在你的喉咙后面留下,或吞咽困难。所以,如果你注意到扁桃体(也称为扁桃体或扁桃体)在你的扁桃体上,你可能会想要摆脱这些浅黄色的颠簸。


Sometimes Home Remedies Can Get Rid of Tonsil Stones — but Avoid These Missteps

有时不适用于扁桃体石头的治疗。因为他们没有有害,如果你不经历或不被困扰,医生可能会建议独自离开他们symptoms associated with tonsil stones。(1)

If they do bother you, some at-home remedies may help you deal with them.


Many people try to physically remove these stones on their own by pushing or squeezing out these growths with something like a cotton swab, the back of a toothbrush, or even their finger.

It can work, but putting pressure on the tonsils can trigger the gag reflex in some people, says亚伦·撒切尔,MD是密歇根大学耳鼻喉科门诊和颈部手术部的助理教授。如果您自己决定自己拆下石头,请务必将脱落的石头向前推,朝向口腔开放,远离喉咙。(1,2)

If you do try to remove a stone yourself,不要说,使用锋利的物体(如笔,铅笔,牙签,刀或安全别针)这样做Jennifer Setlur,MD, an otolaryngologist at Massachusetts Eye and Ear, in Boston. “There is risk for injury to the tonsil and bleeding,” says Dr. Setlur. “There is a risk for vascular injury.”





Your Doctor May Be Able to Help Remove Tonsil Stones, or Decide if Surgery Is Needed

没有药物,你可以采取摆脱扁石,和外科手术(如atonsillectomy) are usually not needed, unless a patient’s quality of life is affected by the tonsil stones, Dr. Thatcher says. (1,2)

但是,如果上述归属补救措施都不为您或您工作有扁石that are too large or too deeply embedded in the tonsils for you to remove them yourself, you may want to consider seeing an otolaryngologist (an ear, nose, and throat doctor), Setlur says. “Most dentists or general practitioners may not want to manipulate this area and may recommend an ENT or oral surgeon.”


RELATED:Everything You Need to Know About Preventing Tonsil Stones

If your tonsil stones are on the severe end of the spectrum — if you’re constantly working to remove tonsil stones that persistently grow back or you're coughing up tonsil stones every couple of days, for instance — you may want to talk to your doctor about surgical options, says Thatcher.


如果您发现任何这些症状,您也应该立即看到您的医生,这可能是您对感染或另一个更严重的医疗问题的迹象(根据2018年4月发布的文件)Saudi Medical Journaland other sources): (1,2,3)

  • 扁桃体被扩大或看起来非常红色
  • Any asymmetry in the tonsils (if one side is bigger or looks different from the other or if you are experiencing more pain on one side)
  • 吞咽困难
  • Persistent sore throat
  • Bleeding in the tonsils
  • 脓来自扁桃体
  • 疼痛(包括ear pain)
  • Enlarged tonsilliths that interfere with breathing




A tonsillectomy is the complete removal of the tonsils. Like any surgical procedure, there are risks of complications such as bleeding and infection. It’s also a painful procedure that can involve two or more weeks of moderate to severe pain, says Thatcher.



Laser Tonsil Cryptolysis

In this surgery, a surgeon uses a laser to remove the tonsil crypts by resurfacing those areas (but not removing the full tonsils). A review published in 2013 in theAmerican Journal of Otolaryngology500例涉及这一程序的案例发现,这种手术的优势在于扁桃体切除术,无需全身麻醉(较低,局部剂量是所需的,不必去除扁桃体,使医生能够只瞄准隐秘的区域口袋是,降低出血的风险,手术后较少,恢复时间短。(4)

Coblation Tonsil Cryptolysis

For this procedure doctors use radio-frequency energy and salt water to remove the crypts and crevices in the tonsils where tonsil stones have formed. (5)它具有激光扁桃体密码溶解术的所有上述优势。另外,它允许医生在较低的温度下操作而不是激光所需的温度,因此风险少于激光程序(例如潜在的气道火,视网膜损伤和面部烧伤)。


  1. Tuesday Q and A: Self-Care Steps May Help Prevent Tonsil Stones From Returning.Mayo Clinic。2014年10月14日。
  2. Are Troublesome Tonsil Stones Causing Your Bad Breath?Cleveland Clinic。March 21, 2016.
  3. Alfayez, Albesher MB, Alqabasani马。一个巨大的吨sillolith.Saudi Medical Journal。April 2018.
  4. KRESPI YP,Kizhner V.激光扁桃体密码解剖:在办公室500案件审查。American Journal of Otolaryngology。February 8, 2013.
  5. Chang CY, Thrasher R. Coblation Cryptolysis to Treat Tonsil Stones: A Retrospective Case Series.Ear Nose & Throat Journal。June 4, 2012.
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