What Midlife Women Should Know About Intermittent Fasting


Medically Reviewed
Some consider intermittent fasting a potential antidote for weight gain and other midlife health risks. Getty Images

什么时候间歇性斋戒(IF) was first proposed as a dietary approach, many nutritionists said any weight loss would likely arise from the reduction in calories that inevitably occurs when you limit the amount of time during the day and night when you are eating. But studies since have begun to show that additional factors may be involved as well, making IF an intriguing approach to weight loss.

Intermittent fasting是各种饮食时间表的伞术语,所有这些术语都涉及定期饮食一些时间并限制他人的卡路里。该方法形成了一个新的基石weight-loss diet directed at menopausal womenknown as theGalveston diet

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Some women in this age group put on weight around the abdomen that can be hard to dislodge, menopause experts say. So it’s not surprising that midlife women are especially interested in a dietary approach directed at them.

But the decision about whether IF is right for women over 40 needs to take into account a number of factors.


There aremany different approaches to IF。有些人在本周挑选一到三天,当他们最微小的时候,如果有的话。另一种技术,称为afasting mimicking diet,严重限制了一个月五天的卡路里。


Other people use a时间限制饮食(TRE)过程, eating normally during any 8 to 12 consecutive hours in a day and fasting for the remaining hours. A TRE plan prohibiting food during a 16-hour window, known as 16/8, is whatthe Galveston diet recommendsfor midlife women.

某些液体总是允许-indeed are encouraged — during fasting hours when little to no food is consumed. These include black coffee, teas (especially herbal tea), and water.


除了减肥工具之外,加尔维斯顿饮食吹捧为全卫生组织。根据the website,如果防止肥胖,降低心脏风险,改善胰岛素抵抗, decreases chronic inflammation, and boosts memory, mood, and energy.


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One of the largest and most recent reviews of the research on intermittent fasting in adults (both men and women),published inJama Network开放in December 2021据表明,某些类型的间歇禁食似乎有助于中等减肥,以适度到高质量的证据。


Digging deeper into the analysis, the researchers found that only the 5:2 or a similar modified alternate-day fast was associated with “a statistically significant weight loss of more than 5 percent in adults with overweight or obesity.” They did not find that time-restricted eating, like the kind used in the Galveston diet, yielded similar results.

Additionally, the researchers note that IF seemed to be most successful during the first one to six months, after which people often experienced a weight plateau.

Intermittent Fasting May Lead to Similar Results as a Calorie-Restricted Diet, Preliminary Research Says

Anotherreview, published in October 2021 inAnnual Review of Nutrition确实发现TRE,以及次数禁食和5:2吃,所有这些都导致了减肥,他们说的是温和至中度(比基线重量低1%至8%)。从芝加哥伊利诺伊大学的研究人员观察到这一点IF seems to result in the same amount of weight lossas the more traditionalcalorie-restrictiondiet that trims roughly 500 calories a day.

目前关于间歇性禁食的大多数研究只评估了少数人,并且在营养师竞技演员的RDN说,埃伦利斯科夫说,没有追随它们Yale New Haven Hospital Center for Nutrition and Wellnessin Connecticut. “These studies are not conclusive enough to say that intermittent fasting is a dietary plan that all people should employ,” she says.

Might Intermittent Fasting Help Women’s Heart Health?

两项综述文章发现有证据表明间歇性禁食提供了与心脏健康有关的改进,这是中产妇女性的重要领域heart disease risk rises during this time

TheJama Network开放writers found several studies where adults on IF diets improved their low-density lipoprotein (LDL)胆固醇,总胆固醇,甘油三酯,血糖,空腹胰岛素,胰岛素抵抗和血压。

Many of these benefits occurred in people who were overweight or obese.

Similarly, theAnnual Review of Nutritionanalysis documented decreases in blood pressure and insulin resistance in some, as well as LDLcholesteroland甘油三酯水平

Is Intermittent Fasting Safe for Midlife Women?

“Intermittent fasting is generally safe and does not result in energy level disturbances or increased disordered eating behaviors,” the University of Illinois reviewers concluded.


Other experts say people with certain medical conditions may be poor candidates. Women with Crohn’s disease, for example,可能会在不同的情况下做得更好eating plan. And those with diabetes are alsotypically advised to refrain,特别是当血糖不受欢迎时。

What’s the Bottom Line for Midlife Women and Intermittent Fasting?


It’s important to be sure you’re eatinghealthy foodsduring the eating window, rather than filling up on nutritionally empty calories, says Carol Roberts, MD, a functional medicine physician in Naples, Florida, who recommends IF to some of her patients. “If you’re on a junk food diet, it’s not going to be good for you to eat for fewer hours. Better food selection is also important,” she says.


Mary Claire Haver,MD, the obstetrician-gynecologist who created the Galveston diet, suggests women who want to try IF ease into it, such as by pushing the morning meal back every few days until it’s finally close to noon.

Dr. Roberts says mornings aren’t the hardest part for most IF dieters aiming for a 16/8 schedule. “A cup of black coffee goes a long way toward keeping people happy in the morning. The hardest part for many is to not snack at night,” she says.


For women who are healthy or who have gotten the all-clear, there seems to be little downside in giving IF a try. You might finally drop some of those stubborn midlife pounds that haven’t otherwise budged.
