

Medically Reviewed


结直肠癌的一个危险因素是有的Crohn’s disease。With Crohn’s disease, thegastrointestinal(GI) tract is inflamed. The inflammation mostly affects the lower part of the small intestine, but it can have an impact anywhere along the GI tract, including the colon or large intestine. When the colon or rectum is inflamed, the risk of developing colorectal cancer increases. The longer a person has Crohn’s disease, the greater their risk of developing colorectal cancer.

建议在克罗恩病了超过八年的人每年或两两个人建议进行监测结肠镜检查Edward Loftus, MD, a gastroenterologist and professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and former chairman of the immunology, microbiology, and inflammatory bowel diseases division of the American Gastroenterological Association Council.

A.结肠镜检查, a doctor uses a flexible scope and camera to look closely at the colon walls. If suspicious polyps are detected, they’re removed during the test. “For patients with long-standing Crohn’s disease, random surveillance活检罗朗博士说,也获得了结肠直肠衬里,寻找发育不良或癌前变化或癌前变化。

Colorectal cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, but it’s much more treatable when it's detected in its earlier stages. In fact, having a colonoscopy can reduce the risk of dying from colorectal cancer by 60 to 70 percent, according to the National Cancer Institute.

When researchers in Boston analyzed data from more than 6,800 people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) — which includes Crohn’s disease and溃疡性结肠炎— they found that the rate of colorectal cancer was significantly higher in people who had not had a recent colonoscopy. They also found that those who'd had a colonoscopy six months to three years before their癌症诊断有更大的生存机会。这些调查结果于2014年7月在杂志上发表Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Take Steps to Prevent Colon Cancer When You Have Crohn’s Disease

这是你可以做些什么来帮助prevent colon cancerif you have Crohn’s disease:

坚持你的治疗计划。Even if you feel well, be sure to take your medication as prescribed. “The less bowel inflammation you have, the less likely you are to suffer complications, including dysplasia and cancer,” Loftus says.



Avoid trigger foods.关注您的饮食可以帮助减少耀斑和克罗恩的疾病症状。保持您的结肠平静和缓解可以降低您对结肠癌的风险。触发食物与人的人不同,但共同的罪魁祸首包括油炸或油炸食品,碳酸饮料,香料,坚果,种子和生蔬菜。

常规运动。“运动可以去瞧ng way in helping people stay healthy and feel better overall,” Loftus says. It may do even more. A study published in November 2013 in theBMJ.found that women who were physically active were at lower risk of developing Crohn’s disease than were women who were sedentary. The ACS also says that exercise lowers the risk of developing colon cancer.

Tell your doctor about your family history.如果您患有结直肠癌的近亲,风险更高。与您的医生讨论此操作,以便您可以使用适当的筛选正确监控。

Don’t smoke.Smoking can worsen Crohn’s disease symptoms and increase therisk of colon cancer。有些专家认为,吸烟干扰了肠对抗疾病的能力。吸烟也可能导致身体的变化导致更炎症,并且更多的炎症会导致细胞生长或癌症异常。

虽然Crohn疾病的人的结肠癌的风险更高,但发展结直肠癌是不可避免的。如果您有Crohn的疾病,请保持警惕,并保持疾病的控制才能提供帮助prevent cancerfrom developing or to catch it early, when treatment is most successful.
