bob体育在线日常健康Editorial Policies, Ethics, and Standards

Mission Statement and Coverage Priorities

Wellness inspired. Wellness enabled.

Our mission is to inspire and empower people to live their healthiest lives, every day.


We are committed to providing our audience with trusted, evidence-based health and medical information from the nation's leading healthcare providers and patient advocates at the center of clinical care.

Our editorial team is comprised of passionate, award-winning health and medical journalists.

We have a team of board-certified medical reviewers who are practicing specialists in their fields. All medically reviewed content identifies the specialist who conducted the review.

Our articles are written by health and medical journalists, patient advocates, and healthcare professionals who are committed to Everyday Health's editorial standards for accuracy, objectivity, and balance.

Statement of Purpose


In cases where issues are not clear-cut, these editorial standards will act as guidelines rather than a set of absolute “dos and don’ts.” These standards are intended to help examine and thoughtfully resolve editorial dilemmas. Staff are responsible for initiating such discussions with their editors and managers when they encounter a perceived editorial issue.



The Everyday Health Editorial Standards provide a framework for addressing situations in which the accuracy and integrity of reporting and writing could be compromised or called into question. The reporter and editor will work together to answer the following questions and reach a solution when there is a question about a piece of content. If a solution cannot be reached, final say goes to the editor in chief or next highest manager, who will make a decision after consulting all concerned parties.

The questions a reporter and editor should answer in order to reach a solution include (but may not be limited to):

1. What do I know? What do I need to know?

2. What is my journalistic purpose?

3. What are my ethical concerns?

4. What organizational policies and professional guidelines should I consider?

5. How can I include other people, with different perspectives and diverse ideas, in the decision-making process?

6.谁是利益相关者 - 受我决定影响的利益相关者?他们的动机是什么?哪个合法?

7. What if the roles were reversed? How would I feel if I were in the shoes of one of the stakeholders?

8. What are the possible consequences of my actions? Short term? Long term?

9. What are my alternatives to maximize my truth-telling responsibility and minimize harm?

10. Can I clearly and fully justify my thinking and my decision? To my colleagues? To the stakeholders? To the public?

Each situation and its resolution should be documented. The following details should be saved to a shared drive on the Everyday Health server: 1) a short summary of the issue, 2) the resolution, 3) steps taken to resolve the issue, and 4) what steps should be taken to prevent similar situations in the future. Editorial supervisors should meet twice yearly to review these documents, learn from past experiences, and update Everyday Health Editorial Standards as necessary.

Diversity Policy

bob体育在线日常健康is committed to publishing website content reflective of the diversity of our audience. Our goal is to provide medically accurate health and wellness information that is inclusive of all ages, genders, races, religions, and political affiliations where applicable.

Sourcing and Unnamed Sources Policy

All sources of content must be given. A reporter should clearly indicate the recognized, scientific, or official sources of information in his or her articles.


  • If a reporter uses another website, book, article, database, or any other supporting information that is not common knowledge, it must be cited.
  • 只要有可能,部分icularly if a source is central to the article premise and position, a story should cite and link to the source material referenced.
  • In some cases, it may be appropriate to attribute breaking news to a credible third-party source until an Everyday Health story is available. The source should be cited appropriately.

Citing Sources

  • 如果来源不是众所周知的媒体,日记或个人,记者应包括一个简短的描述。
  • 记者应包括消息来源的专业,业务和个人隶属关系(例如与制药或其他公司的关系),以及与提到的其他原始材料的关系(例如,研究作者身份)。
  • Conflicts of interest must be noted as close to the top of the story as possible.
  • A source’s qualification and relevance to the subject (e.g., patient or medical or health professional) must be clearly stated.
  • If using social media for sourcing, a reporter should make sure to verify source identity.

Anonymous Sources

  • 来源应始终充分识别。在很少有人可能处于法律或身体危险的情况下,记者必须与编辑讨论情况,并准备向其编辑确定来源。
  • A reporter should always question the motives of sources coming forward with information that they do not wish to be associated with by name, and communicate those motives to readers.
  • 当认为适合保留有关来源的信息时,记者应使用最完整的来源描述(例如,名字和职业)。
  • 在讨论归因时,记者应尽一切努力允许身份证明。识别资源使故事的信誉和促使受众信任。
    • 消息人士说的“记录上”的任何内容都可以报告。假定同意接受故事采访的消息人士被认为是在记录上发表讲话,除非有明确的协议就任何访谈的任何部分或全部采访都是“未记录的”。
    • “Off the record” information can be used if it is confirmed with another source who speaks on the record.
    • A reporter may withhold a source’s name if there is an express agreement that certain information given is “not for attribution.” The attribution should give as much information about the source as possible and agreed upon.
    • Explain “off the record” and “not for attribution” to sources using the definitions above.
  • The reporter should make sure the source understands and agrees on the meaning of the above terms. Once a decision regarding “off the record” or “not for attribution” information has been made, it is important to protect that decision.

External Reviews of Content

  • In general, noneditorial personnel should not preview an unpublished article. Exceptions include “medically reviewed by” articles submitted to medical experts.
  • It is acceptable to vocally read direct quotes back to sources. Discuss the situation with an editor if the source requires further information or context.
  • It may be acceptable to allow a source referred to in an article to review relevant sections, quotes, or other details in a story to ensure accuracy and clarity. Subject matter and other circumstances will determine how much of the article may be released for review. Reporters should first discuss any such requests with their editor.
  • The decision to submit content for external review is at the discretion of the reporter and the editor.



  • When reporting a story, a reporter should identify him or herself as a journalist. In a case where anonymity is necessary (e.g., consumer reporting), it is acceptable to not reveal that he or she is a reporter. If asked, the journalist must identify his or her profession and publication.
  • If a reporter has a conflict of interest with a story, he or she should disclose this information to the editor and readers. A reporter who cannot remain objective should remove him or herself from the story.

Conflicts of Interest

  • 感知的利益冲突与实际利益冲突一样“真实”。两者都解决。
  • 请注意,故事中的事实放置,单词重点,视觉效果和单词选择都可以赋予偏见并传播误解。
  • Always disclose the use of family members as sources.
  • Gifts:
    • A reporter cannot solicit gifts under any circumstances. Unsolicited gifts of any value that could create the appearance of bias should be reported to an editor.
    • When covering conferences, there may be cases when it is appropriate to accept discounted or waived attendance rates, or minimal items, such as meals. When in doubt, discuss these practices with an editor.
  • Donations of all kinds:
    • 记者不能做出任何捐赠或捐款,无论是慈善还是政治上,可能会质疑其报告的客观性和准确性。
    • 一个记者应该寻求批准他或她itor before making any donation or contribution.

Verification and Fact-Checking Standards

Our experienced team of health journalists is dedicated to providing our users with the most accurate and trusted health and medical information to empower, educate, and inspire.

All of our content is reviewed by a team of copy editors to ensure accuracy and consistency of editorial style as well as voice.


The purpose of medical review and medical fact-checking is to ensure that all content on Everyday Health is medically and pharmacologically accurate, and that all factual statements about medical procedures and tests, symptoms, treatments, standards of care, and typical protocols are correct and up to date.

Corrections Policy and Practice

Trust is easy to lose and difficult to regain. In order to uphold the integrity of the publication and preserve readers’ trust, wrongs must be redressed promptly. Immediately relay reports about potential corrections to an editor. Corrections to online articles should be submitted and approved by the editor. Never promise a correction or takedown of an article without approval.

When addressing topics covered in this section, please reference the Everyday Health Framework and submit a document to the shared drive as outlined.


  • A correction is published when there is a factual error in a story.
  • When a correction is made online, the reporter is responsible for alerting homepage, social teams, etc., to make necessary changes.
  • 应在文章中直接进行更正,并且页面底部添加的文本应阐明已纠正的内容。
  • When a correction is made, the last updated date on the article should only be changed if the article has been substantially modified or undergone another medical review.
  • 更正应该是简洁的,并清楚纠正错误的方式和原因。
  • 示例校正:Earlier versions of this article incorrectly stated [an expert source’s title]. It should have read [corrected title]. Everyday Health regrets the error.


  • In general, "unpublish" requests are not granted. If the subject is suspected of inaccuracy, the editor and reporter should investigate and, if necessary, publish a correction. There may be situations in which fairness demands an update or follow-up coverage. Consider whether further editorial action is warranted, but do not remove the article as though it was never published.

Social Media

  • In the event an error in fact or emphasis is disseminated via an Everyday Health social media account, the reporter should contact their editor immediately. If deemed appropriate, the editor may take down the offending post and republish a corrected version of the content along with a correction.

In-House Editor Standards


  • bob体育在线日常健康staff editors and reporters should ask for permission to freelance on condition topics they cover as beats. Do not write, work, or consult for direct competitors, as listed on ComScore, without an editor’s documented permission. Editors and reporters should not hold other nonjournalism positions that could represent a conflict of interest — these would include, but not be limited to, work for medical centers, healthcare providers, and pharmaceutical companies.


  • For questions regarding appropriate use of Everyday Health message boards, chats, and other public forums, reporters and editors should reference Section 5 of the Everyday HealthTerms of Use

Social media

  • Social media accounts owned by Everyday Health and maintained by Everyday Health reporters and editors — on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, or elsewhere — reflect upon the company and website’s reputation and credibility.
  • 个人社交媒体帐户属于日常Health journalists are the responsibility of said journalists. Please note that these accounts may also reflect upon the company and website’s reputation and credibility.
  • bob体育在线每天的健康记者和编辑应避免在公司或个人帐户上发布任何内容,以使读者质疑他们客观和专业地完成工作的能力。
  • Make every effort to present an objective social media presence. Be mindful of the effects of endorsing or liking particular social media profiles or pages, such as politically sensitive Facebook groups. Perceived conflicts of interest — whether or not they’re based on fact — should be avoided.
  • Including “RT ≠ endorsements” in a bio is not a license to post inappropriate material. Do not rely on such caveats.
  • 很容易陷入故事周围的嗡嗡声中。避免轰动。
  • 不要以出于上下文的头条或行情的头条或行情歪曲任何故事。
  • Do not oversimplify information.
  • Promote transparency when using social networks by using your full name and professional title in social bios.


  • 在新闻禁运之前收到信息的记者应兑现这种禁运日期和时间。
  • If a reporter believes an embargo should not be honored because the information has already been reported elsewhere, he or she should discuss with an editor.


  • 关于医学或科学研究的任何文章,都应注意混杂因素和研究弱点。
  • Practice due diligence. Reporters must give sources at least two hours to respond to negative press before publication.
  • 有关任何治疗,产品或服务的收益或绩效的所有信息均考虑索赔。所有索赔都必须得到科学证据(医学期刊,报告或其他证据)的支持。
  • All medical content must have a “last updated” date.

Participation in the Trust Project

每天health.com遵守标准Trust Project, providing truthful and verified news and information with a commitment to fairness and accuracy.

新闻守卫’s Standards of Credibility and Transparency received a green rating from新闻守卫,该组织对数千个新闻网站进行评分和审查以确保信誉和透明度。绿色评级表明网站遵循准确性和问责制的基本标准。DaivenerHealth.com还遵守Newsguard的所有九个信誉和透明标准:

  • Does not repeatedly publish false content
  • Gathers and presents information responsibly
  • 定期纠正或澄清错误
  • 负责任地处理新闻和意见之间的区别
  • Avoids deceptive headlines
  • Website discloses ownership and financing
  • Clearly labels advertising
  • Reveals who’s in charge, including possible conflicts of interest
  • The site provides the names of content creators, along with either contact or biographical information

Read NewsGuard's complete "Nutrition Label" review of EverydayHealth.comhere

Editorial and Newsroom Contacts

For feedback and questions related to all site content, including news, please connect with our editors via email。查询将立即分发给适当的编辑。

For inquiries related to general information or other matters, please visit ourContact Us page

Founding Date

bob体育在线日常健康is a publication of New York–based Everyday Health Group. The company was founded in 2002. In December 2016, it became a subsidiary of J2 Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: JCOM).
