Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Stress — Including How to Manage It

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These days, it can sometimes seem as if "压力“是生活的代名词”。"(你能说国际性组织ional pandemic?!) From worrying about whether your kids are safe or whether you can travel (or eat out), to a boss piling on yet another deadline, to a suddenly sick family member, it’s all too easy to shift from chilled out to压力ed out— that overwhelmed, slightly sweaty, breathless feeling that makes it hard to think and function effectively (and that ups the chances you’ll snap at whomever happens to be in your vicinity).

“压力越来越成为日常生活的一部分,”Alka Gupta, MD, the codirector of the综合健康和福祉计划at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City. It’s likely that just checking the news on your phone can be enough to get your heart pounding — and not in a good way.


According to the American Psychological Association’s (APA) 2017 Stress in America survey of nearly 3,500 adults in the United States, 56 percent of people say that following the news causes them stress.

我们的有线文化也有助于我们更多的时间失控。Gupta博士说:“人们的数字设备需要更长的时间。”“这意味着很难摆脱锻炼,放松或与亲人共度时光 - 所有这些都可以帮助缓解压力。”

How Much Stress Is Unhealthy?

A little bit of stress can actually be a good thing. Indeed, the body and brain's normal reaction to everyday stress is what allows us to handle daily challenges, such as waking up to an alarm clock in the morning, getting stuck in traffic, or coming home to a birthday surprise.

How Stress Helps Us Survive

压力还可以使您对何时处于危险的情况下有适当的认识。“这对于您作为人类的生存至关重要。”Jennifer Haythe, MD, 一个cardiologist以及妇女心血管健康中心at NewYork-Presbyterian Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City.

健康的警惕性部分依赖于身体的战斗或飞行的反应:当发生压力时,压力激素像cortisolcourse through your body, says Dr. Haythe, amping up your energy and enabling you to, say, get a loved one out of a burning car before you've noticed that you’re injured yourself.

When Stress Turns Unhealthy

But when stress becomes chronic, or when you find that you’re constantly having an outsize reaction to small stressors, that’s when stress can be less than beneficial, and can impact your emotions, cognition, and physical health in a negative way, says Gupta. Stress may even contribute to serious illness down the line, be it heart disease, lowered immunity, or changes in the brain.

But while it’s impossible to banish stress entirely, every one of us can learn coping strategies that help manage its effects. Whether it’s listening to soothing music, dabbing your favorite calming essential oils on your pulse points before bed, or closing your eyes, getting out of your head and having a sensory experience, it’s possible to put stress aside when you need to. Here’s what you need to know to calm your nervous system, keep stressful events in perspective, and continue to feel good, whatever life throws your way.

What Is Stress?

压力可能比你想象的更严格的定义。While some events are universally considered stressful (a potentially serious illness like新冠肺炎, 一个divorce, or a natural disaster, for example), experts say that most stress is actually in the eye of the beholder: What stresses out one person may go unnoticed by another.

“It’s more about yourresilienceand ability to cope than it is about a particular压力ful event,”说Michelle Dossett, MD, PhD, MPH, 一个n assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a staff physician at theBenson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicineat Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.


“压力”和“焦虑”一词通常可以互换使用。尽管症状会感觉到相似,但在医学上是不同的。“有时焦虑是由压力ful situation;the two often go hand in hand,” says Dr. Dossett. “But it’s also possible to feel压力edwithout feeling anxious.”

So what’s the distinction? “Anxiety is more closely associated with consistently worrying orruminatingabout things, even when nothing much is going on,” she explains. Sometimes, anxiety can be part of a syndrome known asgeneralized anxiety disorder (GAD), 一个constellation of symptoms that jangle your nervous system and a condition you may experience even when the outside world is at its calmest. Stress, on the other hand, tends to be a person’s response to a situation or event, like giving a presentation in front of a crowd, says Gupta.

The Most Common Causes of Stress

某些事件是天然压力源(思考:大流行,一次创伤事故,cancer diagnosis, 一个big move, or an unexpected tax payment that’s due). As for the rest of life’s stress-inducers, “it’s really all about interpretation,” says Gupta. “What we see with patients is that some event happens, and based on what the patient has experienced in the past, they’ll react with a certain level of stress and discomfort, or be calm.”

Thecauses of stresscan also feel more amorphous. You may experience stress when you feel that you’ve lost your purpose in life or that you’re not relating to friends or a spouse. “The triggers really vary widely,” she says.


If you’re worried about COVID-19 and the effect it’s having on health, the economy, and, well, everything,你不是一个人。在2020年4月Kaiser家族基金会进行的一项民意调查中,美国有53%的成年人表示,由于大流行造成的压力,他们的心理健康受到了负面影响。此外,有36%的人说他们很难入睡,有32%的人说他们的食欲受到影响,12%的人承认增加了饮酒或吸毒。

Stress and Politics, Health, and Violence

Studies have shown that politics is also a major source of stress right now (no surprise). The2019 APA surveyfound that 62 percent of Americans find the current political climate stressful. Nearly 7 in 10 adults (69 percent) say that healthcare is a significant source of stress, while more than 7 in 10 adults (71 percent) say mass shootings are a significant source of stress — up from 62 percent in 2018.

The Role of Stress Hormones

“Stress can come from any number of sources, whether relationship issues, actual trauma, or a dialogue in your own head,” says Dossett. “Whatever the cause, your brain has a specific pathway by which stressors get processed, which involves the activation of the hypothalamic, pituitary, and adrenal axis, followed by the release ofcortisol,epinephrine,去甲肾上腺素, 一个nd other hormones that affect every single organ in your body.” That’s why it’s so important to be able tomanage stresseffectively, so you can save that all-hands-on-deck response for the situations that really count.

Learn More About the Most Common Causes of Stress

What It Feels Like to Be Stressed, Emotionally and Physically


Why Stress Makes You Tired — and Makes You Drink More


所有这些事情可能会对您的健康产生负面影响 - 最终导致您猜到了:更大的压力。

Learn More About the Most Common Symptoms of Stress

How Stress Affects the Body

Beyond the damage you might do by engaging in unhealthy behaviors, over the long term, stress can have more insidious effects on the body and nervous system. “People who are chronically stressed tend to have an elevated level of the压力hormone皮质醇,引起炎症,”海斯说。

And while there is not a lot of data directly linking stress to disease, evidence-based studies suggest that inflammation is associated with a host of serious illnesses over the course of a lifetime, according to a 2019 report in自然医学

These may includeheart disease,糖尿病,irritable bowel syndrome, 一个nd autoimmune disorders likemultiple sclerosis,海丝说。

多塞特说:“很难绝对确定压力直接导致这些疾病。”“通常,有许多因素正在发挥作用。但是我确实知道,人们可以应对压力或heart arrhythmias;其他人会在gastrointestinal区域,例如胃酸反流或炎症性肠病。I have patients with multiple sclerosis who say that their symptoms started after a particular stressful event,” she says. “Stress may not be the precipitating factor for these illnesses, but it can tip people over the edge.”

Learn More About How Stress Affects Your Body


For better or worse, what you eat can also affect your压力levels。When you're stressed, you may crave more comfort foods, like cookies and potato chips. And while those eats may provide temporary relief, they won’t make you feel good for long, nor will they reduce anxiety in the long term. Ultimately, they can lead to weight gain andblood sugar crashes, making you feel more frazzled.


来代替这些快速和less-healthy options, consider adding fresh whole foods such asfiber-rich fruits and veggies, fish, nuts, and even黑巧克力to your stress management arsenal. It might also help to put away your phone and focus on eating as a sensory experience. Turn on some soft, soothing music, close your eyes between bites, and savor the textures and flavors to reduce anxiety.

Learn More About How to Build a Stress-Busting Diet

How to Manage Stress and Soothe Your Nervous System

幸运的是,有很多方法可以防止压力from pushing you over that proverbial edge and jangling your nervous system. While it’s important to focus on the basics of good health — getting seven to nine hours of sleep a night, sticking to a healthy, Mediterranean-style diet (fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein), and getting about 150 minutes ofcardiovascular exerciseevery week, Gupta recommends using any technique that “feels natural and enjoyable, and makes sense in your life.”

That can include healthy, evidence-based calming sensory experiences likelistening to music,or simply closing your eyes, doing a few easyyoga poses, 一个nd focusing on your breathing. Shoring up your coping skills with cognitive behavioral therapy or a few sessions with a life coach can also make a difference.

At the Benson-Henry Institute, Dossett teaches her patients evidenced-based mind-body skills to reduce anxiety, ranging from正念冥想(apps likeHeadspaceandCalmmake it easy to learn), yoga, and breathing. Getting social support is also crucial; there’s nothing like calling a sympathetic friend who can talk you down off the ledge, Dosset says.

Even squeezing a stress ball or playing with your child’s fidget spinner can make you feel good, reduce anxiety, or at least momentarily distract you from what stresses you.

“When we’re feeling stressed out, it’s natural to want to withdraw from life, but a more beneficial way of dealing with it is to use coping skills and tools that work for you,” says Gupta, “whether that's problem-solving or focusing on your breathing. Once you have these skills under your belt, you’ll be able to pull through the next stressful situation more easily.”

Learn More About How to Manage Stress


These sources and sites offer information that can help you lower stress in your life or deal with unavoidable stressors in a healthier way.

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