What Is a Coronavirus?

Medically Reviewed
这National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases (NIAID) and its Rocky Mountain Laboratories produced new images of the novel coronavirus. NIAID-RML

Chinese health officials first reported cases of acute respiratory illness associated with a seafood and animal market in the city of Wuhan on December 31, 2019. A week later, they confirmed that a novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, was associated with this initial cluster of cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (1)这first confirmed case of COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, in the United States was reported on January 21, 2020; by the end of March, the number of cases had climbed to 188,200, according to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center. (2

A “novel” coronavirus (CoV) means it’s a new strain of coronavirus that hasn’t been seen or identified before.

Expert Doctor Explains How We Got to COVID-19 and What to Expect Now April 2, 2020

Expert Doctor Explains How We Got to COVID-19 and What to Expect Now April 2, 2020

冠状病毒的范围从普通感冒到更严重的疾病,例如severe acute respiratory syndrome((SARS). Symptoms can be mild, with just a runny nose or咳嗽,但也可能变得更加严重,包括发烧,甚至pneumonia。In some cases, a coronavirus can be fatal, especially in frailer people or those with preexisting medical conditions, such as heart disease or diabetes, notes the World Health Organization (WHO). (3

Must-Know Info About Coronavirus

Must-Know Info About Coronavirus

Types of Coronaviruses

Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s, and there are currently seven that can infect people. They include 229E (alpha coronavirus), NL63 (alpha coronavirus), OC43 (beta coronavirus), HKU1 (beta coronavirus), MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2, the latest coronavirus to be transmitted to humans.

世界各地的人们被229E,NL63,OC43和HKU1感染非常普遍。疾病预防控制中心称,这些病毒通常会导致轻度至中度的上呼吸道疾病 - 基本上是一种普通感冒。((4


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)




It’s suspected that SARS started in bats and potentially spread to civet cats before spilling over to infect humans, notes the WHO. (7)Although SARS came from an animal host, it was mainly transmitted human to human through close contact. It spreads as many coronaviruses do, via tiny respiratory droplets that land in the mouth, nose, or eyes of a nearby person when an infected person coughs or sneezes, per the CDC. (8


This viral respiratory disease was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012, and approximately 80 percent of human cases have been in that country. The virus can cause fever, cough,shortness of breath, and sometimesgastrointestinalsymptoms, including diarrhea. People with MERS often develop pneumonia.

MERS is a zoonotic virus, which means it is passed between animals and humans, specifically from camels. Researchers suspect that the virus originated in bats who transmitted the virus some time ago.

世卫组织指出,这种病毒并不容易通过人的传播。((9)Since the first reported case, there have been 2,494 laboratory-confirmed cases of MERS from 27 countries, resulting in 858 deaths, per the WHO. (10



怀疑是病毒在蝙蝠——开始genetic sequence is similar to other known coronaviruses that begin with that mammal — but experts believe it may have been transmitted to humans by an animal called a pangolin. These long-snouted, ant-eating mammals are often used in traditional Chinese medicine, according to an article published in February 2020 inNature。((12


On January 31, 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency (PHE) for the United States to aid the nation’s healthcare community in responding to COVID-19. (13)这outbreak was declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020, defined as “the worldwide spread of a new disease,” because of the alarming levels of the spread and the severity of COVID-19, as well as the alarming levels of inaction, according to Tedros Adhanom Ghedbreyesus, the director general of WHO. (14



What Causes a Coronavirus?

这four most common coronaviruses — 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1 — did not start in animals, but use humans as their natural hosts.

SARS, MERS, and SARS-CoV-2 are zoonotic, which means they are transmitted between animals and people. Experts estimate animals are responsible for about 60 percent of human infectious diseases. The viruses commonly circulate in animals. In fact, several known coronaviruses are currently circulating in animals but have not yet infected humans, according to the WHO. (15

In birds, bats, and other animals,流感viruses can replicate and be transmitted to a new host without causing any severe disease. This transmission can be to a different species. When a virus is transmitted between animals and humans, it’s called a spillover event, notes TuftsNow. (16

这majority of people will become infected with a human coronavirus at some point in their lives. Usually this doesn’t pose a major health risk. It often causes a mild to moderate upper-respiratory infection, like a cold. Sometimes these can be more serious, however, and lead tobronchitis and pneumonia

Risk Factors for Becoming Infected With a Coronavirus


这report pointed out that there has been rapid virus spread in countries currently experiencing “summer” climates, such as Australia and Iran. (17)

With COVID-19, people with the highest risk are those who have close exposure to a person infected with the virus. COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets expelled when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, which is why experts recommend staying at least six feet away from a person who is sick. Research suggests that people may spread the virus even if they don’t show any symptoms.


这way COVID-19 spreads is similar to how the common cold — a much milder viral infection — is transmitted. Children younger than 6 years old are at greatest risk for catching the common cold, but most adults have two or three colds every year, notes the Mayo Clinic. (19

Coronavirus 101: How Is It Diagnosed?

Coronavirus 101: How Is It Diagnosed?

Risk of Developing a Severe Coronavirus


  • Chronic lung disease
  • Asthma
  • 严重的心脏状况
  • Severe obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Liver disease

Initial reports suggest that infants, children, and adolescents under the age of 18 are less likely to have a severe case of COVID-19. (21


这symptoms of a coronavirus can vary depending on the level of the infection. According to the CDC, a mild to moderate upper respiratory infection may include the following: (22

  • 流鼻涕
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • 总体上感觉很差


  • Fever
  • Cough with粘液
  • Shortness of breath or labored breathing
  • 呼吸或咳嗽时胸痛或紧绷

Symptoms of COVID-19 have ranged from mild to severe and have resulted in thousands of deaths. The most common symptoms are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The time from exposure to onset of symptoms can vary, with the median time being 5.1 days. About 97.5 percent of people who develop symptoms after exposure will do so within 11.5 days. (23

Many people who have mild symptoms of COVID-19 aren’t tested but instead told to recover at home and practice good respiratory and handhygieneas well as social distancing.


Coronavirus 101: Coronavirus Symptoms

Coronavirus 101: Coronavirus Symptoms


这re is currently no specific treatment for a coronavirus. Antibiotics do not work against viruses; they are only effective in treating bacterial infections. Treating and relieving symptoms is the appropriate care, according to the WHO. (3)

People who have been exposed to COVID-19 should contact their health provider for further instruction. If you test positive for COVID-19, your doctor will instruct you on how to monitor your symptoms as well as what to do if they worsen.




How Can You Prevent Being Infected With a Coronavirus?


Follow federal and local stay-at-home orders. "Stay at home" is pretty self-explanatory: Work and engage in schooling from home if possible and don’t go anywhere that isn’t essential. Avoid social gatherings with groups of more than 10 people.


  • 尽量不要用未洗手的手触摸眼睛,鼻子和嘴巴。
  • 如果您生病了,请练习家庭隔离。将自己与家中的其他人和宠物分开,并在可能的情况下使用其他浴室。
  • 如果您必须打喷嚏或咳嗽,请用组织覆盖,然后丢弃组织。
  • Clean and disinfect things or surfaces that you touch a lot, such as phones, doorknobs, and countertops.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If you don’t have access to a sink, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.
  • 当您在其他人周围时,用布脸盖住了嘴和鼻子。((25

这re is currently no approved vaccine for COVID-19, although a few pharmaceutical companies, as well as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, are working to expedite the development of one. (26


这answer to whether or notvitamin C, zinc, or othersupplements might help your body fight off infections— like one caused by the novel coronavirus — is not a simple one. The body and the immune system need both vitamin C and zinc, as well as other nutrients, to be able to function optimally. (27)But there’s little evidence that doses above and beyond the regular daily recommended amounts will provide additional benefit.

immune systemis a complicated network of cells found in many tissues in the body (the skin, the blood, and more) that work together to fight off germs like bacteria and viruses. (28)这vitamins and nutrients our bodies get from the food we eat provide the building blocks for a lot of the cells that are part of the immune system. If you’re malnourished or not eating a healthy diet, your body might be deficient in some of these key nutrients that allow the immune system to function properly — in which case a supplement could bolster your immune response. If you’re not deficient, there’s little evidence that getting extra amounts of specific nutrients can prevent illness.

有一些证据表明根据对发表的研究的评论,补充剂可以帮助您的身体从普通感冒中恢复更快。JRSM Openin May 2017。((29)但是,除了从普通感冒的人那里收集的数据之外,没有办法知道锌是否会对其他类型的病毒(例如各种冠状病毒)产生相同的影响。

同样,有一些证据表明,维生素C补充剂可以在某人感染该病毒后缩短普通感冒的持续时间。系统评论的Cochrane数据库。((30)But as with the zinc study review, this data is only from people with the common cold, so there’s no way to know if vitamin C would have the same effect against people infected with coronaviruses or other viruses.

Experts say the best way to make sure you’re getting the vitamins and nutrients your body and immune system need is by eating a healthy diet. Other ways you can help保持免疫系统的增强并正常工作include: keeping stress under control, getting plenty of sleep,staying active, not smoking, and managing chronic conditions.

Latest News and Resources for the COVID-19 Pandemic


Planning meals ahead can help you minimize the number of trips you make outside your house during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether your intention with your food list is to follow an eating plan like theketo diet, or to use time at home to try新食谱不太可能,一个特定的饮食本身可以prevent you from getting COVID-19. But eating healthfully may shore up your immune system, so be sure to stock your pantry with foods that contain必需维生素and nutrients. Refer to the articles below!

Must-Know Telemedicine Info

An increasing number of healthcare practitioners are offering online appointments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in accordance withCDC的最新建议为患者提供远程医疗选择。

Online appointments can lower the risk of COVID-19 transmission in doctors’ waiting rooms, where small spaces may make proper social distancing difficult. Remote visits can also help reduce the strain on healthcare providers and facilities by allowing a greater number of patients to be seen.

远程医疗is not a substitute for emergency care and cannot be used to test for COVID-19; it’s best for non-urgent situations in which physical exams, samples, or X-rays likely won’t be necessary. Check with your healthcare provider to see what they recommend should you fall ill or if you have symptoms.



您也可以注册日常健康的日常bob体育在线冠状病毒更新newsletteror check out our每日冠状病毒警报for the latest need-to-know news. For up-to-date facts and figures regarding the coronavirus in your area, refer to your local health department’s website. If you’re in the United States, the CDC has a list ofstate and territorial health departments



  • Chronic lung disease
  • 中度至重度哮喘
  • Heart disease
  • 艾滋病毒或艾滋病
  • 肥胖(体重指数为40或更高)
  • Type 1and type 2 diabetes
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Liver disease

If you are living with a chronic condition, take extra care to follow all the CDC-recommended precautions against the coronavirus outlined above.

Self-Care Resources to Help You Stay Grounded

Staying home all day may be one of the best ways to stop the spread of COVID-19, but it can also wreak havoc on your mental health. Many of the activities that we rely on as self-care practices — thinkyoga类,gymsessions, and time spent with friends — have been suspended or canceled for the foreseeable future. And with the constant news coverage about the impact of the coronavirus, which rarely seems to be good, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed.

虽然你可能无法参加你的usual activities and events that could help at a time like this, you can still cultivate your own well-being by developing and implementing a self-care regimen and sticking to it. Whether that means limiting your社交媒体消费, committing to a form ofexercise您喜欢或只是设置睡眠时间表and sticking to it, there has never been a more critical time to ensure you’re looking after yourself and engaging in healthy self-care practices.


即使您拥有建立的自我保健常规,压力也是生活中必然的一部分。在大规模裁员,挣扎的经济以及Covid-19在许多社区中的传播之间,由于冠状病毒大流行而遭受压力是完全正常的。实际上,ABC新闻和华盛顿邮报found that 77 percent of respondents reported that their lives had been disrupted in some way by the virus, and 70 percent reported that the pandemic was a source of stress. It seems clear that however the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, the United States will have to be as resilient as ever in order to return to normalcy.

Everyday Health partnered with researchers at the Ohio State University in Columbus to create two special reports, one on the impact of stress in the lives of Americans and one examining the importance of弹力在风化艰难的情况下。COVID-19大流行是重新审视这些报告的最佳时机,以了解有关如何管理压力事件并培养您的个人韧性的更多信息。

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  1. 发病率和死亡率每周报告。疾病预防与控制中心。February 7, 2020.
  2. 冠状病毒资源中心。约翰·霍普金斯大学医学。April 16, 2020.
  3. 冠状病毒的问答。World Health Organization。April 8, 2020.
  4. Coronavirus: Human Coronavirus Types.疾病预防与控制中心。January 10, 2020.
  5. 冠状病毒:症状和诊断。疾病预防与控制中心。March 20, 2020.
  6. SARS(十年后)。疾病预防与控制中心。March 3, 2016.
  7. International Travel and Health: SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).World Health Organization
  8. SARS Basics Fact Sheet.疾病预防与控制中心。December 6, 2017
  9. Middle East Respiratory Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Fact Sheet.World Health Organization。2019年3月11日。
  10. 中东呼吸冠状病毒(MERS-COV)。World Health Organization。2019年3月11日。
  11. First Travel-Related Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Detected in United States.疾病预防与控制中心Newsroom。January 21, 2020.
  12. Did Pangolins Spread the China Coronavirus to People?NatureFebruary 7, 2020.
  13. Secretary Azar Declares Public Health Emergency for United States for 2019 Novel Coronavirus.U.S. Department of Health & Human Services。2020年1月31日。
  14. WHO Director-General’s Opening Remarks at the Media Briefing on COVID-19. World Health Organization.World Health Organization。March 11, 2020.
  15. Virus Origin.World Health Organization。March 26, 2020.
  16. 这Spillover Effect.TuftsNow。2018年3月15日。
  17. Rapid Expert Consultation on SARS-CoV-2 Survival in Relation to Temperature and Humidity and Potential for Seasonality for COVID-19 Pandemic.National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine。April 7, 2020.
  18. How It Spreads.疾病预防与控制中心。April 13, 2020.
  19. 普通感冒。Mayo Clinic。April 20, 2019.
  20. Information for People Who are at Higher Risk for Severe Illness.疾病预防与控制中心。April 15, 2020.
  21. 2019年冠状病毒病 - 美国。发病率和死亡率每周报告。疾病预防与控制中心。April 10, 2020.
  22. Common Human Coronaviruses.疾病预防与控制中心。February 13, 2020.
  23. Lauer SA, et al. The Incubation Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) From Publicly Reported Confirmed Cases: Estimation and Application.内科年鉴。March 10, 2020.
  24. 美国国家医学图书馆。Clinicaltrials.gov
  25. 冠状病毒:预防和治疗。疾病预防与控制中心。April 13, 2020.
  26. HHS, Janssen Join Forces on Coronavirus Vaccine.美国卫生与公共服务部。February 11, 2020.
  27. 通过营养支持您的健康。Eat Right: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics。April 2020.
  28. 深度免疫。Oregon State University。October 2015.
  29. 柠檬酸锌和普通感冒:比较乙酸锌和葡萄糖酸锌的荟萃分析,以及锌剂量的作用。JRSM Open。May 2, 2017.
  30. Hemilä H, Chalker E. Vitamin C for Preventing and Treating the Common Cold.系统评论的Cochrane数据库。January 31, 2013.
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