What Is Insomnia? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

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经过definition, even having just a few restless night of sleep qualifies as a bout of insomnia, per the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (1)In and of itself, a night or two of bad sleep isn’t a critical problem. But one or two nights of bad sleep can easily turn into a persistent problem. And it’s the repetitive nights of continued sleep woes that are the biggest drain on the body and brain.


If you struggle to sleep, you’re not alone. Estimates suggest approximately 10 percent of adults suffer from chronic insomnia and between 15 and 35 percent of adults suffer from some level of short-term insomnia lasting anywhere from a few days to up to three months, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (2


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“流行病学研究表明,缺乏睡眠s associated with obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, even老年痴呆症,”说Sara Nowakowski,博士,是加尔维斯顿德克萨斯大学医学分公司的临床心理学家和睡眠研究员。失眠的其他后果包括增加精神病和机动车事故的风险。在健康方面,她补充说:“睡眠与饮食和其他生活方式行为一样重要。”

That’s why dealing with insomnia and getting the help you need is critical. So how do you know if you have insomnia, and how do you treat it if you do have it? Read on to get answers to your most pressing questions.

Common Questions & Answers

What causes insomnia?
失眠usually isn’t caused by one factor alone, rather it can be the result of a number of triggers and underlying causes. Some common causes include: medical conditions (like arthritis, chronic pain, and neurological conditions), medication, psychiatric disorders (like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and ADHD), unhealthy sleep habits, stress, and traumatic events.
Why am I having trouble sleeping even though I’m tired?
即使你没有得到足够的睡眠feel overtired, there may be other factors (some in your control and some out of it) that are signaling to your body it’s not time to sleep. Things like drinking too much caffeine, stress, untreated anxiety, an irregular sleep schedule, and other medical conditions can all keep you awake.
How common is insomnia?
Approximately 15 to 35 percent of adults suffer from insomnia symptoms lasting a few days or up to three months, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. And estimates suggest approximately 10 percent of adults suffer from chronic insomnia, which is defined as having had trouble sleeping three or more days a week for at least three months.

What Is Insomnia: Defining Both Acute and Chronic Insomnia

失眠是最常见的睡眠障碍。与许多其他医疗状况不同,它具有相对简单的定义。“失眠意味着无法入睡,”神经科医生的医学博士Gerard J. Meskill说sleep disorders休斯敦的全面睡眠医学伙伴专家。失眠的特征包括无法入睡,整夜都不会睡着,并且早晨醒来。


Acute insomnia can still be a problem, however, because if ignored and not addressed it can lead to longer-term chronic insomnia.

Chronic insomnia is more severe and involves difficulty sleeping three or more days per week over the course of three months. Individuals with chronic insomnia also report disruptions in their daytime functioning, including sleepiness, irritability, or anxiety, or difficulty paying attention, focusing on tasks, or remembering, Dr. Nowakowski says.

While acute insomnia can usually be solved without professional help, the same isn’t true forpeople with chronic insomnia。These individuals need to work with a trained professional, and the sooner they bring someone on board, the more quickly they can stop problems from becoming even more severe and thus taking longer to solve.



Determining if you have insomnia usually isn’t difficult. In most cases, you know if you’re not sleeping well. “Most patients see me already knowing their diagnosis,” Meskill says.

But there are also some people who may not be aware that they have insomnia. “It’s possible that these people have so much going on that they might perceive symptoms of daytime fatigue as a result of other chronic health conditions or a busy schedule,” she says.

Taking 30 minutes or longer to fall asleep at night suggests you have insomnia, according to MedlinePlus. (4)当涉及到深夜觉醒时,大多数人每天晚上都有一些。但是,如果您的持续时间超过几秒钟或几分钟(也就是说,您已经完全清醒并且无法入睡 - 这表明失眠,约翰·霍普金斯医学(Johns Hopkins Medicine)指出。((5




  • Fatigue
  • 聚焦或集中的问题
  • Poor memory
  • Mood disturbance
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • 低动力或能量
  • Increased errors or accidents

If you’re at all concerned about your sleep issues, talk with your doctor. Your doctor can then direct you to a qualified sleep specialist.

Learn More About the Symptoms of Insomnia


失眠不仅有一个原因 - 可能是由许多因素引起的。


有关的:How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule

To better understand how insomnia develops and its causes in a specific individual, sleep experts often use what’s called the “Spielman model” or “3P behavioral model” of insomnia. It helps sleep doctors chart various factors that might触发失眠,,,,and account for any possible contributing causes.

Per past research, here’s what each “P” means, and how each can potentially contribute to insomnia: (8

  1. 诱发因素该类别包括大多数心理,生物学和社会因素,这些因素可能会使您更容易失眠。For example, anxiety, being a woman (because statistics show insomnia is more common in women than in men), and hyperarousal (meaning that you’re at greater risk of anxiety or have a higher wake drive than normal) are all predisposing psychological or biological factors. Predisposing social factors include an unconventional work schedule, and also a bed partner whose sleep schedule doesn’t align with yours, notes previous research. (9
  2. Precipitating FactorsThese are new and often stress-related events that trigger insomnia. For instance, you might be dealing with stress at work, financial worries, bad news about something important in life, or travel. Pain, depression, illnesses, and medication may also play into this, and all of these factors can lead to chronic insomnia. Note though, that an ongoing medical issue, like chronic pain or untreatedobstructive sleep apneaMeskill说,可以作为沉淀和永久性因素。
  3. 永久因素These are generally behaviors or beliefs people have adopted that either maintain their sleep difficulties or make them worse, all of which perpetuate chronic insomnia. This could include changes in daytime behaviors — many people take naps or try to sleep in later, which can in some cases make insomnia worse — or beliefs about sleep that fuel the insomnia flame. For instance, people with insomnia often develop anxieties connected to their bed, fear about not sleeping, and even worries about how lack of sleep will affect their daytime routines. Medical issues, as Meskill mentioned above, can also fall into this category.


Learn More About What Causes Insomnia

How Is Insomnia Diagnosed?


To help with this, many sleep experts recommend that you keep an accurate sleep journal or “sleep history” for two weeks (or more) before visiting a doctor to talk about your insomnia, notes the Cleveland Clinic. (10)在上床睡觉时写下,大约需要多长时间才能入睡,醒来时,以及任何中晚上觉醒的频率和持续时间。所有这些信息都可以帮助您的医生确定您是否患有失眠以及如何最好地管理它。((Note: Write all of this information down in the morning, after you’ve gotten up for the day. If you’re trying to document middle-of-the-night arousals as they happen, you could be making the awakenings worse.)

大多数情况下,您的初级保健提供者可以评估和诊断这些失眠的症状。He or she may, however, refer you to a sleep specialist if your symptoms are complex, or for certain treatments.

Your doctor or sleep specialist will also likely perform a medical exam. Your doctor will listen to your heart and lungs, and perform other routine screening measures for health problems that could be causing your insomnia.

Your doctor may also order some follow-up tests that can help determine the cause of your insomnia. These could includeblood teststo check for medical issues or an actigraphy test, a small device that you wear while sleeping to measure your sleeping patterns. (1)

Duration of Insomnia

失眠doesn’t mean you don’t sleep at all; it can come and go from night to night, week to week, or month to month. You might experience several weeks or months of poor sleep, followed by a period of relatively easeful slumber.

Again, doctors tend to differentiate between “acute” and “chronic” insomnia based on its duration. Chronic insomnia is three or more nights of poor sleep each week for a period of three months or longer. Acute insomnia is anything that falls below those time thresholds.



Treatment and Medication Options for Insomnia

失眠sufferers, especially those with the chronic type, might feel like there’s no hope in sight. “Many people think they’re broken and can’t be fixed,” Nowakowski says. Yet the good news is that insomnia can be overcome and sufferers really can learn how to sleep again, as current treatment therapies are highly effective. It just takes time, patience, and some effort.

For people with acute insomnia, tried-and-true sleep hygiene strategies, like keeping consistent wake and sleep times, avoiding stimulating activities before bed, and shutting down electronic devices 30 to 60 minutes before bed, usually help sleep problems and often alleviate them completely. They’re the same strategies that, unsurprisingly, are recommended to prevent insomnia.

Meskill说,一旦睡眠问题变得长期慢性,这些策略在扭转睡眠困难方面并不那么有效 - 尽管通常仍然建议它们以防止失眠变得更糟并帮助其他治疗更有效。

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Although prescription medication may be used in some cases,失眠的认知行为疗法((CBTi) — a type of psychotherapy or talk therapy — is now considered the gold standard for chronic insomnia treatment. “CBTi is generally recommended as first-line therapy for chronic insomnia,” saysSheila Tsai, MD,,,,pulmonologist and section head of sleep medicine at National Jewish Health in Denver.

With CBTi, you’re essentially retraining your brain and body on how to sleep. “People with chronic insomnia develop an aversion to their bed and bedroom and the act of sleeping,” Meskill says. CBTi works to erase that aversion by training people to use techniques specifically targeting the psychological factors associated with insomnia, such as having negative emotions and worries about not being able to sleep.


Although doing CBTi with a trained specialist in person is the best option, online programs can also be effective, especially with people who are self-motivated and highly disciplined, or who live someplace where there is no CBTi specialist, Meskill says.



处方sleeping pillsdo play a role in insomnia management, but they should be used with caution and only for a short period of time. They can come with serious side-effects and they can be habit forming if relied on for too long, notes the Mayo Clinic. (12)“Taking these on a frequent basis can lead to physical dependency, so that when you go to sleep you need more to fall asleep or just can’t sleep without them,” Dr. Tsai says.

Benzodiazepines,催眠和orexin receptor antagonists根据Mayo诊所,所有可以养成习惯的药物。((13


许多人还伸手去拿式睡眠辅助工具,例如melatonin。Our bodies naturally produce melatonin, a hormone that triggers a series of reactions that help our brains and bodies fall asleep. It’s available as a supplement and does not carry the same risk as other prescription sleep aids of becoming addictive, according to past research. (14



压力and anxiety are potent sleep slayers. If the stuff you’re doing before bed (or while you’re in bed) causes you to feel anxious — whether you’re watching the news, sending work emails, or scrolling your social media feeds — you’ll want to avoid those activities before they start messing with your slumber, notes the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. (15


  • 每天都在同一时间起床,即使在周末
  • 定期体力活动,,,,which includes walking and other low-impact exercises (but avoid vigorous exercise too close to bedtime, which tends to wake up and energize your body)
  • Avoid taking long or frequent naps
  • 限制您的咖啡因和酒精摄入量
  • 睡觉前不要吃重饭
  • 避免尼古丁

最后,创建一致的就寝时间仪式可能会有所帮助,这有助于向您的大脑和身体发出信号,表明该睡觉了。Mayo Clinic说,您可能正在洗澡,然后读书,或者做一些轻便的瑜伽并听音乐。((16


As mentioned above, mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety, can fuel insomnia. It makes sense that if you have a lot of anxiety, it will be tougher to relax and fall asleep. But poor sleep can contribute to mental health problems, too.



Chronic insomnia has also been linked to increased risk of the following problems: (1)

  • Asthma
  • Heart disease
  • 怀孕并发症
  • 慢性疼痛恶化
  • 削弱了免疫系统


Research and Statistics: How Many People Have Insomnia?

大约25%的人口的经历t least one bout of acute insomnia each year, according to a 2018 study from the University of Pennsylvania. That same study also found that about 1 in 4 of these folks will develop persistent or chronic insomnia. (21


Statistics on “short sleep,” meaning those who sleep less than seven hours each night, find that men are very slightly more likely to get insufficient sleep than women. Also, people who are obese, as well as those who smoke or who do not exercise, are much more likely to sleep less than seven hours compared with people who do not check those boxes, according to the CDC. (23

一些the latest research on insomnia has looked at its connections with other diseases or disorders, and especially diseases of the nervous system and brain. For example, there’s evidence that insomnia is both an early warning sign and a possible contributor to brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, notes the National Sleep Foundation. (24



Sleep is so important to overall health that a lack of it is linked, directly or indirectly, to almost every health condition. In some cases, insomnia is thought to be a cause or contributing factor to a condition — or makes others symptoms worse. And for many conditions, other symptoms (like pain, anxiety, itching, and胃灼热,除其他许多)使入睡和导致失眠更加困难。


  • 心理健康障碍,包括抑郁和焦虑
  • 高血压和心脏病
  • Cancer
  • Chronic pain
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • 阿尔茨海默氏病
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Obesity

失眠Can Affect Anyone — Even the Rich and Famous

每个人都容易受到影响stressors以及可能引发失眠的生活方式习惯。RenéeZellweger说,作为演员的即时行程和旅行给她带来了睡眠问题。金·卡特尔(Kim Cattrall)由于与失眠症的斗争而不得不取消表演。



Resources We Love

Favorite Orgs for Essential Insomnia Info

American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)

The mission of the AASM is to promote health by promoting better sleep. The organization carries out this mission through advocacy, education, and research, and by publishing practice standards. The AASM website includes information for sleep medicine providers and insomnia patients about cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, as well as information on advocacy efforts.

American Sleep Association

The American Sleep Association is a nonprofit dedicated to improving public health by promoting awareness about the importance of sleep and facts about sleep disorders. You’ll find information on sleep health in general along with insomnia.






Favorite Insomnia Telemedicine Resources

aasm sleeptm

AASM’s SleepTM is a telemedicine system designed to connect sleep medicine professionals, accredited sleep centers, and medical equipment providers with patients who would otherwise not have access to these types of specialists. Appointments take place via video conferencing. There’s an option to incorporate your personal sleep data from SleepTM’s unique sleep tracking app.

Favorite Insomnia Blogs and Podcasts


睡眠医生博客由临床心理学家迈克尔·J·布鲁斯(Michael J.查找Breus博士的博客文章有关新的失眠研究,管理睡眠障碍的技巧以及睡眠卫生建议,以帮助防止问题开始。Breus还发布了他推荐的睡眠设备和产品列表。

Favorite Products and Tech for People Who Have Trouble Sleeping


The Better Sleep Council is the consumer-education arm of the国际睡眠产品协会((the organization of mattress and bedding manufacturers that represents the sleep products industry). BSC’s purpose is to provide education for consumers about sleep, health, and the products that are involved (like mattresses, bedding, and more). BSC is run by bedding and sleep experts across the mattress and bedding industry. Find resources on the site about how to pick out a mattress, mattress upkeep, what else in your bedroom promotes a good night’s sleep, and more.


Pzizz is a noise machine app that personalizes a mix of music optimized for sleep, voice narrations, and sound effects for each user. Your unique “playlist” is developed according to clinical sleep interventions and psychoacoustics research. The audio sequence you hear is intended to help quiet your mind and help you sleep.

Relax & Sleep Well

这个催眠和冥想应用程序是由自助音频作者格伦·哈罗德(Glenn Harrold)创建的。该应用程序具有催眠疗法和冥想录音,旨在减轻压力和焦虑,并帮助您入睡。该应用程序被评为顶级睡眠应用程序之一American Sleep Association

以及其他报告马克汉姆·海德(Markham Heid)

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  1. 失眠。国家心脏,肺和血液研究所
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  5. 半夜?如何重新入睡。Johns Hopkins Medicine
  6. 我需要多少睡眠?疾病预防与控制中心。2017年3月2日。
  7. 是什么导致失眠?国家睡眠基金会。2020年8月6日。
  8. Buysse DJ, Germaine A, Hall M, et al. A Neurobiological Model of Insomnia.Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models2011
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    7. 睡眠障碍。美国焦虑与抑郁协会
    8. 失眠:症状和原因。Mayo Clinic。2016年10月15日。
    9. Chikahisa S,SéiH。神经病学领域。December 27, 2011.
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    13. 1in 4 Americans Develop Insomnia Each Year.University of Pennsylvania。2018年6月5日。
    14. 失眠。国家睡眠基金会。September 4, 2020.
    15. 睡眠和睡眠障碍:数据和统计。疾病预防与控制中心。2017年5月2日。
    16. Sleep Loss Precedes Alzheimer’s Symptoms.国家睡眠基金会。July 28, 2020.
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