What Is Low Dose CT Screening for Lung Cancer?

This noninvasive, quick, and often free test can spot lung cancer in its early, curable, stages.

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CT scan of normal lungs
Low dose CT scanning for lung cancer can detect lung cancer at an earlier, more treatable, stage, or rule out the presence of cancer entirely, as in the images above. iStock

Computed tomography, commonly known as a CT scan, is a test that creates detailed pictures of structures inside your body.

A chestCT scanlets doctors look at your lungs to detect any unusual nodules, or lesions, within your lungs. These nodules can be either benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

Studies show that when doctors are able to detectlung cancerearly, via CT screenings, they are more curable than if caught later, when they become larger, spread, and are more symptomatic. This is important becauselung canceris the number one cause of cancer-related death in the United States. According toCedars Sinai, experts estimate that more than 80 percent of lung cancers can be cured if they are detected at a very early stage.

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How Does a Lung CT Scan Work?

A CT scan uses low-doseX-raybeams that circle around your body to capture pictures from different angles.

A special computer takes this information and creates cross-sectional “slices” of the inside of your body. These slices can be digitally stacked together to form detailed images that allow radiologists to view and analyze different areas of the lungs.

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Guidelines: Who Should Have a Lung CT Scan?

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s (USPSTF) guidelines for yearly CT lung scans are based on a person’s age and smoking habits.

The current recommendations say adults ages 50 to 80 who have a 20 pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years should receive annual screening.

A “pack year” means you smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for a year, or an equivalent amount.

Your doctor may recommend CT screening, regardless of your age or smoking history. For example, if you have a strong family history of lung cancer, experience unusual symptoms, or if your physician suspects you have lung cancer, your doctor may suggest a scan.

RELATED:Updated Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines: More Americans Should Be Screened at a Younger Age, Say Experts

How to Prepare for a Lung CT Scan

Getting ready for a lung CT scan is relatively simple.

You should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes and remove any metal objects, such as jewelry or belt buckles.

Let your doctor know about all the medicines you take and any medical conditions you have before undergoing a CT scan.

Before having the test, women should let their physician know if there’s a chance they could be pregnant.

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What Happens During the Scan?

During the scan, you’ll lie on your back with your arms above your head as a scanner moves around your body. A technician will tell you to hold your breath briefly when the pictures are being taken.

The technician will be able to see and hear you via an intercom.

The procedure is painless and typically takes about five minutes.

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Are There Downsides to Having a CT Scan?

CT扫描曝光你少量的辐射. To date, the low doses of radiation used in CT scans have not been shown to cause any long-term harmful effects, according to theMayo Clinic.

At much higher doses, radiation exposure can increase the risk for cancer. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns.

One potential drawback of many screening tests is that they might identify abnormalities that turn out not to be cancerous. This means that you may end up having unnecessary procedures, such as abiopsy, in the process of determining the lesion’s status.

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Results: What Happens After a Lung CT Scan?

After your scan, you can return to your normal routine.

A radiologist will interpret the results of the images and send a report to your doctor. Your results should be ready within a few days, according to theAmerican Lung Association.

If your scan revealed a suspicious lesion, you may need to have the spot biopsied to determine if it’s cancer.

PerEmory Healthcare, most lung nodules are caused by scar tissue from a previous infection and arenotcancerous. If your doctor detects a benign lesion, you may need to have a follow-up test yearly for one or two years to make sure it doesn’t grow.

RELATED:Tracking Lung Cancer’s Path

How Much Does It Cost?

Your health insurance company should cover the cost of the scan if you meet the requirements for lungcancer screening.

According to the nonprofit initiativeChoosing Wisely, a CT scan without insurance coverage can cost about $300 (or sometimes more).

Talk to your doctor or insurance provider to see if you qualify for a free scan.
