Keep It Lean: How to Cook Meat and Fish



购买无皮肤的鸡胸肉以减少脂肪是有道理的。面包屑和油炸不会。幸运的是,您不必油炸 - 很多烹饪技术seal in flavor while keeping out extra fat and calories.

These easy tips will keep unwanted fat and calories out of yourmeat, poultry, and:

  • Always trim any fat you can see.Even lean cuts may be sold with fat on the edges —simply use a sharp knife to remove it. Before cooking chicken or turkey, pull all the skin off.
  • Add fish to your diet.Certain thick cuts of fish like tuna have a steak-like texture meat eaters might enjoy. Most fish are excellent healthy choices. Fatty fish like salmon, trout, and herring are extra good for you because of their omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Let hidden fat drain away from meat.将烤肉和类似的切口放在烹饪锅中的架子上,可以使脂肪在肉烹饪时滴落。
  • 选择健康的烹饪方法。使用不会添加卡路里的烹饪技术,例如烘烤,烧烤和偷猎;避免油炸。
  • Look for健康食谱that add flavor without fat and calories.As an example, use chopped herbs or sesame seeds rather than breadcrumbs for a breading-like crust. Some seeds and nuts, like flaxseeds and walnuts, provide essential fatty acids, while others, like sunflower seeds,almonds, and hazelnuts, are good sources ofvitamin Eand provide some protein. Nuts and seeds can be ground and used instead of a heavy breading.

Related: The Right Way to Grill

Cooking Techniques That Cut Fat and Preserve Taste

看着自己的体重和健康并不意味着您唯一的选择是干鸡胸肉 - 远非如此。这些烹饪技术提供了极大的风味,并将自己提供给使用草药或肉汤碱且无脂肪的简单食谱。

  • 烤。All types of protein can be roasted, or baked, in the oven. This method lends itself to cooking a whole chicken, turkey, or fish, or a beef rib roast or pork shoulder. Dietician Susan Kraus, MS, RD, of Hackensack University Medical Center, in New Jersey, suggests using a cut of meat with a little more fat, because roasting tends to dry out meat. To keep juices or sauces locked in so food stays moist, cover the roasting pan. “Poultry that is cooked without the skin and fish fillets that are very low fat would need to be cooked in a moist medium (like a broth) and covered, while chicken parts that might have skin on them or a more fatty fish, like a salmon or sea bass, could be cooked uncovered, at least for part of the cooking process,” says Kraus. Experiment with herbs and spices to flavor meat — without adding calories. Look for easy recipes for dry rubs, usually herb and spice mixtures, that coat the meat's surface.
  • Grilling.大多数人想到在室外烧烤或吸烟者上烧烤,但是烧烤确实涉及任何使用食物下面的辐射热的方法,从而使其酥脆。(烤面包是另一种使用高温的烹饪技术,通常从烤箱中的上方从上方开始。)“所有食物在烤架上的味道都很好,”克劳斯说。“同样,就像在烤箱中烤一样,厨师需要谨慎行事,以确保食物不会变干并且煮熟,因此不会燃烧。”您可以通过在微波炉中预煮鸡肉或用烤箱覆盖来做到这一点,然后再将肉扔到烤架上以达到烧烤味。克劳斯(Kraus)建议将鱼块放在烤架中,以使其保持嫩,并防止它们崩溃。她补充说,最好的肉是最好的烤肉,因为任何脂肪都会滴落。首先将肉,鸡肉或大鱼牛排或厚的鱼片腌制,然后定期炸成肉以保留味道。另外,请确保监视烤架上的火焰,以控制烹饪速度。目的是在内部均匀地煮肉或鱼,同时防止外面燃烧。
  • Stir-frying and sautéing.When you prepare food in an open cooking pan, the technique is called sautéing; use a wok and it’s stir-frying. Either way, you can cook food in a small amount of oil — be sure to choose one of the healthy unsaturated types, such as olive, canola, peanut, sunflower, or safflower — or just use cooking spray. Because you're using only one pan for both the protein and the veggies, these methods make for easy cleanup. Be sure to slice or a dice all of your ingredients, so the nutrients stay in the veggies. Says Kraus, “What is also nice about this way of cooking is you can use various types of veggies for flavor, and you don’t have to add a ton of sauce to give the food a wonderful taste.”
  • Poaching.这种健康的烹饪技术涉及几乎没有覆盖液体中的食物,而液体被煮沸而不是煮沸 - 160至180度。使用盖有盖的烹饪锅或足够大的锅,以便将食物仅放入一层。您可以使用汤,葡萄酒,香料和汤汤(例如洋葱,芹菜,韭菜和胡萝卜)来增强液体的味道。克劳斯说,尽管偷猎可能是最不受欢迎的烹饪方法,但它可以使您煮的任何蛋白质保持湿润。鲑鱼或其他厚的鱼非常适合偷猎 - 偷猎鸡肉肉排使它们保持湿润。克劳斯说:“以这种方式烹饪实际上是无脂肪的,因为使用了液体培养基,例如肉汤或番茄碱。”请注意,烹饪后,您通常会从偷猎液体中取出可以丢弃的食物。
  • 炖。这种慢煮的方法涉及将所有成分放入液体中,但与偷猎不同,因为液体通常成为成品菜的一部分,或者可以用作淡酱。您可以用大量的蔬菜和蛋白质填充锅。克劳斯(Kraus)建议使用瘦肉,以及鸡肉或海鲜,因为这是潮湿的烹饪,会使食物变软。如果您确实使用了较胖的肉,则可以先煮它,然后在添加其他成分之前排出锅中的所有脂肪。

实验用这些治疗thy cooking techniques, and you’ll soon savor the natural taste of foods, enhanced with fresh herbs and spices rather than butter and other fats.
