7 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight After You Quit Smoking

The last thing you want is to quit smoking only to pack on a few extra pounds.

Medically Reviewed
ways to avoid gaining weight when you quit smoking

It’s true that some people gain weight after they stop smoking, but here’s what you usually don’t hear: The weight gain is often only temporary.

“About four out of five people who quit smoking will gain some weight,” says Maureen O’Brien, CNS, a master-certified tobacco treatment specialist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. “The average ex-smoker will gain about 4 to 10 pounds.” On the bright side, she adds, most people will lose the extra weight about six months after quitting. More good news: After a year, nearly 20 percent of former smokers may weigh less than they didbeforethey stopped smoking, according to a 2012 meta-analysis of studies published in theBMJ.

Unfortunately, “the effects of weight gain are far more immediately apparent than the long-term effects of smoking,” saysRichard Wender, MD, the chief cancer control officer of the American Cancer Society.

But there are ways to avoid even a short-term weight gain. Here’s what to know — and do — to ward off those annoying extra pounds.

Why People Gain Weight When They Quit Smoking

There are a number of reasons that people gain weight when they stop smoking. A big one is thatnicotinespeeds up your metabolism. When you stop using it, your metabolism slows to normal. According to theNational Institutes of Health, cigarettes are also an appetite suppressant, so you may feel hungrier afterquitting smoking. Additionally, smoking can become an oral fixation, and people will try to replace the hand-to-mouth motion with another oral activity, like eating. Instead of smoking at the end of a meal, for example, you may eat a little more, which can contribute to weight gain.

Smoking also dulls your taste buds and makes them less effective, saysBill Blatt, MPH, the national director of tobacco control programs for the American Lung Association. “People tell us all the time after they quit that food tastes so much better and is more enjoyable. I think because they’re tasting food more and enjoying it more, they may also be eating more of it.”

Minimizing and Managing Weight Gain

Dr. Wender says it’s important to warn smokers that a little weight gain is common. “Being aware that this is a risk,” he says, “and having a plan to help mitigate it prepares people for the really important task of quitting smoking.” Even if you were to gain some weight, he adds, the healthbenefits of quitting smokingfar outweigh the health impact of the extra weight. “It cannot be emphasized enough,” Wender says, “that quitting smoking is the single most important thing you can do for your health.”

Here are seven expert tips you can use to minimize and manage weight gain when giving up smoking:

1. Plan ahead.Start working on your weight concerns before yourquit date. Begin a nutrition, fitness, or weight-loss program before or at the same time as your quit program. Many tobacco treatment specialists are trained, says Wender, to “counsel you through all the problems you might face as you’re quitting, including weight gain.”

2. Use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).NRT products like gum, lozenges, inhalers, and patches help you managewithdrawal symptomsby providing a clean, FDA-approved form of nicotine that is safer than smoking cigarettes, explains O’Brien. “They don’t make you quit smoking,” she says. “They make you feel better.” When you feel better, it’s easier to change behaviors, including those that involve smoking, diet, and exercise. Your doctor may also recommend a nonnicotine prescription medication, likebupropionorvarenicline. “The evidence is very solid that quitting is more effective when you use a proven method,” Wender says. “People who use a pharmacologic aid are also less likely to gain weight than people who don’t.”

3. Learn how tomanage hunger.When nicotine is no longer suppressing your appetite, you may feel hungrier. “Plan to have healthy, low-calorie snacks with you at all times so that you can grab one when you’d usually have a cigarette,” advises Everyday Heath’s nutritionist, Kelly Kennedy, RD. “A healthy snack is a great way to add protein, vitamins, and minerals to your day and keep hunger and cigarette cravings at bay.” She suggests veggie sticks with hummus, a reduced-fat cheese stick with whole-wheat crackers, or an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter.

4. Drink more water.Kennedy recommends starting the day with a glass of water and drinking another glass whenever acravingstrikes. “This will give you something to put in your mouth that isn’t a cigarette,” she says, “while encouraging good hydration, which is key to overall health and maintaining a healthy weight.” Also, drinking water (or plain seltzer with a spritz of lemon or lime juice) instead of sugary soda can help you avoid extra calories.

5. Be prepared to tackle oral fixation urges and other cravings.In addition to having healthy snacks on hand, Kennedy suggests that you chew gum or suck on sugar-free hard candies when a craving strikes. “These are great low-calorie ways to keep your mouth busy and your waistline trim,” she says. To combat cigarette and food cravings, O’Brien recommends salted popcorn or pita chips rather than potato chips, and chocolatesoy milkinstead of chocolate candy. You might also try a nonfood alternative like a toothpick, or distract yourself from a craving by brushing your teeth or taking up a hobby that keeps your hands busy, like knitting.

6. Get moving.Physical activity对每个人都是有益的,当您试图戒烟和控制体重时,这可能特别有用。温德说:“数据表明,在戒烟日期之前锻炼身体以及通过退出时间的人的体重少于那些没有人的体重。”锻炼还可以增强您的感觉良好的荷尔蒙,并帮助您避免吸烟。当您感到渴望打击时,肯尼迪建议您马上散步。她说:“您将获得一些急需的新鲜空气,而且您会燃烧卡路里,从长远来看可以帮助减轻体重。”

7.限制酒精或者干脆弃权。Alcohol can trigger smoking, and it can lead to weight gain because it contains calories with no nutritional value. Some alcoholic drinks contain extra calories because they’re made with sugary or fatty ingredients. In addition, alcohol, because it lowers your inhibitions, may cause you to indulge in the very behaviors you’re trying to avoid — overeating, or eating junk food — and it may make you succumb to the temptation to smoke, especially in social situations.
