The 5 Different Types of Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis always involves joint pain and inflammation, but there are subcategories defined by what parts of the body are affected, and treatments may vary.

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Spondylitis: Pain, inflammation, and stiffness in the neck, spine, and sacroiliac joints (which are between the sacrum, the bone connected to your tailbone, and the pelvis) are the telltale signs of this psoriatic arthritis subtype.
脊柱炎,一种银屑病关节炎的形式会导致颈部疼痛和刚度。 盖蒂张照片

Not everyone withpsoriatic arthritis以同样的方式经历这种自身免疫性疾病 - 这不仅仅是严重性问题。

There are five subtypes ofpsoriatic arthritis,影响身体的不同部位。有些人可能有一种银屑病关节炎,然后在路上发展不同的形式。

“这些类别倾向于互相流血,”Anca Askanase, MD, 一种风湿病学家纽约市哥伦比亚欧文医疗中心哥伦比亚大学医学中心副教授。“最终,他们都是关于关节疼痛,僵硬和功能丧失。”

知道您拥有哪种类型的银屑病关节炎可以帮助您提供通知您的治疗,也许是您的预后。系统(全身)和生物学药物治疗are similar for the different forms, but the approach to psoriatic arthritis flare-ups may vary, Dr. Askanase notes.



这是患者倡导群体的患者大约一半的亚型,占所有银屑病关节炎的大约一半CreakyJoints. While it can affect any joint, its defining trait is that it doesn’t impact the same joints on both sides of the body.



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Rheumatoid arthritistends to affect the same general areas on opposite sides of the body, and symmetric psoriatic arthritis can follow a similar pattern, saysKathleen Maksimowicz-Mckinnon, DO,底特律亨利福特卫生系统的风湿病学。

但随着对称的银屑病关节炎,精确的same joints may not be impacted. For instance, while joints in the fingers of the right and left hands may be involved, those closest to the fingertips might be affected on the right hand, while those near the base of the fingers might be affected on the left, or vice versa.

Symmetric psoriatic arthritis, which makes up about 33 percent of all psoriatic arthritis cases, can also strike the knees, wrists, and ankles.




根据a的说法,关节炎症通常与相同手指或脚趾的钉子变化有关研究发表于此皮肤医学与手术杂志in July–August 2015.

Fewer than 20 percent of people with psoriatic arthritis have distal psoriatic arthritis by itself; it frequently occurs alongside other kinds of psoriatic arthritis. NSAIDs and physical therapy can help treat acute flare-ups.

RELATED:How Psoriatic Arthritis Can Damage Your Nails — and What to Do About It


颈部,脊柱和骶髂关节疼痛,炎症和刚度(位于骶骨之间 - 连接到您的尾骨 - 和骨盆之间的骨骼)是该银屑病关节炎亚型的迹象。


TNF inhibitors[a type of biologic therapy that blocks the protein called tumor necrosis factor alpha, or TNF-alpha] have made a huge difference in our ability to control pain and provide continuous functionality in early stages [of spondylitis],” Askanase notes.

RELATED:9 Myths About Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment, Debunked

5.银屑病A.rththis mutilans.

A relatively rare subtype,arthritis mutilans会对手脚中的关节造成严重损坏和畸形。它也可以影响身体的其他部分,例如颈部和背部。


The most common problems include bone loss, “telescoping” of the fingers due to bone loss (because the soft tissue of the fingers can’t hold them up), and finger shortening, according to areview in the August 2015Journal of Rheumatology.

Early treatment is important.Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)可以防止一些永久性损坏,而NSAID可以缓解疼痛。

Additional reporting by朱莉商标.
