A Guide to Asthma Treatment and How to Use an Inhaler

a woman with asthma using an inhaler
Asthma medication can provide quick relief from symptoms and help control the disease in the long term. positephotos.com

There's no cure for asthma, a chronic lung disease marked by inflammation of the bronchial tubes (airways) of the lungs.

But a number of treatments for asthma are available — both to help prevent symptoms and to treat them when they do occur.

Without proper treatment, asthma may get worse as you get older, with asthma attacks increasing in their frequency and severity.

Treatment for asthma aims to do the following:

  • Quickly improve symptoms when they occur
  • Prevent symptoms and attacks
  • Improve your sleep and activity level

The treatment your doctor prescribes for your asthma will likely depend on your age,type of asthma,,,,severity of your condition, and how your body responds to various treatment options. Finding the right treatment to control yourasthma symptomsmay require trying various methods, and what works for you can change over time.

Asthma Inhalers Help Deliver Medicine to the Airways


Today, inhalers are synonymous with asthma treatment.

There Are 2 Main Types of Inhalers

Inhalers can deliver medicines to the airways that help prevent asthma attacks, relieve symptoms during anasthma attack,,,,or do both. There are two main types of inhaler devices.

Metered-dose inhaler (MDI)这是最常用的吸入器。它具有靴子形的烟嘴,插入了加压的,含药的罐。自1956年以来,这种设计一直在使用。


Your MDI may have a counter that tells you how many doses are left in the canister.

It may be difficult to coordinate your inhalation with the release of medicine from your inhaler. But this step is essential to ensuring that the medicine reaches your lungs (the main goal of inhaled therapy).

To decrease the chance that the medicine stays in your mouth, you can attach a holding chamber called a spacer to your MDI. (Some MDIs have built-in spacers.)

Spacers temporarily hold the released medicine, allowing you to inhale slowly, deeply, and at your own pace to get the full dose into your lungs.



While MDIs originally used chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as their propellant, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) phased out all CFC-basedalbuterolinhalers in 2008 owing to the environmental damage caused by CFCs.

Dry-powder inhalerThis type of device doesn’t use a chemical propellant to launch medicine into your lungs. Instead, it contains a powdered formula that you draw into your lungs with a deep, fast inhalation.


Anyone Having Difficulty Using an Inhaler Can Try a Nebulizer

While not technically an inhaler, there’s yet another option for inhaling medicine.

NebulizerIf you have严重的哮喘and are unable to use a regular inhaler, a nebulizer may be a better option.

This machine turns liquid medicine into a fine mist that you inhale through a mouthpiece, a mask that fits over your nose and mouth, or into your mouth alone.

Nebulizers let you take your medicine while breathing normally, but they're more time-consuming to set up and use than inhalers.

Here’s How to Use an Inhaler

Proper technique is essential when using an inhaler to make sure the medicine reaches your lungs as intended.

Follow your doctor’s instructions and use your inhaler either directly in your mouth, or one to two inches away from your mouth, or with a spacer attachment.

Here are the steps for proper inhaler use:

  1. Remove the cap from the mouthpiece and inspect it for residue or blockages.
  2. Shake the inhaler vigorously for a few seconds.
  3. Take a deep breath and then exhale completely.
  4. While standing or sitting upright, begin to breathe in slowly with the inhaler in place and press the button. Continue breathing in after pressing it.
  5. 保持呼吸5到10秒,然后通过嘴缓慢呼吸。
If you’ve successfully inhaled the medicine, you shouldn’t notice a strong chemical taste in your mouth — although a slight aftertaste is normal.

有关的:6 Tips for Jazzing Up Your Asthma Inhaler


Asthma medication falls into two general categories: drugs for quick relief and those for long-term control.

Quick-Relief Medication for Asthma

Quick-relief medication, which includes short-acting beta-agonists and anticholinergics, is inhaled (with the devices describe above) to relieve flare-ups of asthma symptoms.

短效Beta激动剂药物,例如albuterol,,,,levalbuterol,,,,andterbutalineare the first choice for quick relief of attacks. These drugs relax the smooth muscles around the airways and reduce swelling in the lining of the airways.

Anticholinergics药物,例如tiotropiumalso relax the smooth muscles around the airways and reducemucusproduction, but they work more slowly than short-acting beta-agonists.

In some cases, usually for severe asthma,corticosteroids(which reduce inflammation) are needed. These drugs are taken either orally at home or intravenously at a hospital.


Long-term control medication helps prevent asthma symptoms by reducing the inflammation that makes your airways more sensitive to asthma triggers. These drugs are usually prescribed to be taken daily.

Numerous drugs for long-term control are available, including:

吸入皮质类固醇Corticosteroids are the standard treatment, and widely considered the most effective type of medicine to prevent attacks. They work by reducing the body’s inflammatory responses.

Inhaled long-acting beta-agonistsThese drugs prevent the narrowing of the airways by relaxing the smooth muscles there; they should always be taken in combination with inhaled corticosteroids.

Biologics这些药物是由从生物体中提取的细胞制成的,例如细菌或小鼠。然后,它们被设计为靶向人体中的分子,这些分子会触发炎症或其他产生哮喘症状的免疫系统成分。它们被注射一次,每两到四个星期服用一次,以防止您的身体对过敏反差的反应。他们包括:omalizumab,,,,mepolizumab,,,,resulizumab, andBenralizumab。They are most commonly prescribed for cases of severe asthma.

Leukotriene modifiersTaken by mouth, these drugs block either the production or the effect of leukotrienes, chemicals that can lead to asthma attacks.

Cromolyn sodiumCromolyn sodiumis an inhaled nonsteroidal drug that prevents cells from releasing inflammation-causing chemicals. (This medication is rarely used now.)

MethylxanthinesTaken by mouth, these drugs help relax and open the airways.

Oral corticosteroidsTaken in pill or liquid form, these drugs are used when other medicines don’t adequately prevent asthma attacks.

They are also used to treat certain cases of severe asthma.

Combination Single Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (SMART)

如果你有中度到重度持续性哮喘that’s not well-controlled with your current medication, using a single inhaler with a specific medication combination — a corticosteroid plus the long-acting beta-agonistformoterol— may be more effective than increasing the dose of your current controller medication and using a separate rescue medication, according to updated asthma treatment guidelines released in December 2020 by the National Institutes of Health’s National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).

该准则于12月在Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunologyand on the NHLBI website.

组合药物被发现莫re effective for helping you avoid unexpected trips to the emergency room or your doctor’s office, and can also help you avoid larger corticosteroid doses — which with long-term use raise the risk of side effects such asosteoporosis,,,,high blood pressure,白内障,,,,andglaucoma

Knowing Your Asthma Action Plan Is Step One




  • Take your medication properly
  • 避免哮喘触发与体育锻炼无关的allergensand airborne irritants
  • Track your asthma control
  • Respond to worsening symptoms
  • Seek emergency care when needed
  • Quit smoking,如果你这样做

In addition, monitor your symptoms carefully. Keep track of what they are, when they occur, and their severity.

A peak flow meter is an inexpensive, handheld device that can help you monitor your condition. It measures how quickly you can breathe air out of your lungs, an indicator of how well your lungs are functioning.

保持健康的饮食和体重也很重要,因为超重会恶化哮喘症状。根据发表在Journal of Asthma and Allergy,肥胖者的体重减轻与48%至100%的哮喘缓解率有关。


  • In cold, dry air
  • Shortly after you get a cold or have anasthma attack
  • During high pollen conditions
  • In environments with airborne irritants, such as cigarette smoke

Treating Severe Asthma Typically Requires a Combination Approach

The same medication or methods used to control milder forms of asthma are also used to helppeople with severe asthma。In a lot of these cases, a person simply has to use these medicines more often.

But in some people with severe asthma, typical drugs don’t get the job done.

These patients may need a combination of some of the drugs used above — such as inhaled corticosteroids, long-acting beta-agonists, biologics, and long-acting muscarinic antagonists.

Can You Treat Severe Asthma With Natural Remedies? Probably Not, but Things Like Stress Management Can Help

There aren’t many evidence-backednatural remedies for asthma- 尤其是在严重症状的人方面Patricia Takach, MD,,,,an associate professor of clinical medicine in the section of allergy and immunology at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine in Philadelphia. According to the U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, there is “little or no evidence” backing the use of herbs or dietary supplements for asthma.

On the other hand, stress is an established asthma trigger. And some preliminary research (published in theJournal of Asthmain 2018) has found that stress-reduction techniques — namely, meditation — can help reduce asthma symptoms.


其他报告奎因·菲利普斯(Quinn Phillips),,,,Markham Heid,,,,andSari Harrar

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