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这个炎症causes the airways to become sensitive to environmental triggers, such as dust, smoke, pet dander, or cold air.

为了回应这些触发因素asthma attackcan occur. The muscles around the bronchial tubes tighten, the lining of the airways becomes inflamed, and the airways overproducemucus, making it difficult to breathe.


Common Questions & Answers

What are some of the main causes of asthma?
The exact cause of asthma is unknown, although it tends to run in families, suggesting a genetic component. Exposure to allergens also triggers symptoms of asthma. The main asthma triggers include pollen, air pollutants, smoke, foods, respiratory infections, and medications.
Can you die from having an asthma attack?
哮喘is common in children, but you can develop it at any point in your life. People who develop asthma as adults have what's known as adult onset asthma. Adults generally have persistent symptoms and require daily medication to manage the condition.
How do you treat asthma?
Are there any good home remedies to treat asthma?
You should always take medications as prescribed by your doctor, but there are some remedies you can check out at home. Try a hot steam bath, which can clear up nasal congestion and airway irritation. Talk to your doctor about using herbs with anti-inflammatory properties such as garlic, ginger, licorice root, turmeric, and honey.


哮喘is a disease that affects your airways, which carry air in and out of your lungs. The type of asthma you have depends on your specific triggers.

Thanks to advances in asthma research, doctors have been able to identify the differenttypes of asthma。五种最常见的哮喘类型是:运动诱导的支气管痉挛(EIB),allergic asthma,cough- 变体哮喘,职业哮喘和nocturnal or nighttime asthma。EIB发生在身体劳累之后。确定您拥有哪种类型的哮喘并不总是那么容易。适当的诊断和与医生的定期沟通可以帮助您确定最佳的行动方案。

哮喘is a chronic lung disease, so it’s important to receive treatment as soon as possible to ensure that your condition doesn’t worsen.


How to Tell if Your Asthma Is Severe

Doctors differentiate severe asthma from other, milder forms of asthma according to the frequency and intensity of a person’s symptoms.

For starters, severe asthma is persistent, which doctors define as asthma that causes symptoms more than twice a week, explainsPatricia Takach, MD, an associate professor of clinical medicine in the section of allergy and immunology at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine in Philadelphia. For many severe asthma sufferers, symptoms occur daily.

Also, people with severe asthma require a mixture of medications that includes a high-dose inhaled corticosteroid or a systemic (oral) corticosteroid.


Also, and somewhat confusingly, severe asthma is not the same as a “severe acute asthma” attack or episode. This term refers to an asthma attack that is so severe that it requires immediate medical attention.

Learn More About Severe Asthma and How to Manage It

Signs and Symptoms of Asthma


When something triggers your asthma symptoms, the membrane lining your airways swells, the muscles around the tubes constrict, and the airways fill with mucus. As these tubes narrow it becomes more difficult to breathe, causing symptoms such as wheezing and coughing, congestion,shortness of breath, and chest tightness or pain. If you have asthma, performing normal daily activities can be strenuous, and it may take longer to recover from a respiratory infection, such as a冷或流感


But not everyone experiences asthma in the same way. Symptoms vary from person to person, can change with age, differ between attacks and may intensify during锻炼, with a cold, or under periods of elevated stress.

Learn More About Signs and Symptoms of Asthma

Causes and Risk Factors of Asthma and Asthma Attacks

It's unknown what exactly causes asthma, but scientists believe that both genetic and environmental factors play a role in the development of the disease.

Why Do You Have Asthma?

哮喘tends to run in families, suggesting there's an inherited component to the disease.

You're more likely to have asthma if your parents have it.
You're also more likely to have asthma if you have atopic syndrome, or atopy — a predisposition toward certain allergic hypersensitivity reactions, such as特应性湿疹和花粉症(过敏性鼻炎)。

normal, asthmatic, and asthma attack airways
哮喘会导致气道中的膜衬里膨胀。在哮喘发作中,肿胀增加,气道周围的肌肉收缩,粘液充满了气道,呼吸变得更加困难。 Shutterstock


Similarly, research suggests that early contact with airborne allergens, irritants, and certain viral infections — in infancy or early childhood, before the immune system is fully developed — raises your risk of developing asthma.

What Triggers an Asthma Attack?

Numerous triggers can cause哮喘发作, 包含:


Secondhand smoke can also trigger an asthma attack. Avoid situations in which people around you smoke. Also don't let people smoke in a place where you spend a lot of time, such as your home or car — even if you're not present when they smoke.



室外空气污染Emissions from factories, cars, buses, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and snow blowers can all trigger an asthma attack. Try to avoid exposure to these sources whenever possible.

It’s also a good idea to check air quality measurements related to pollution in your area, such as ozone and small particles, and to stay inside as much as possible when they’re elevated.

某些食物和食物添加剂While almost any food can cause anallergic reaction, a few additives (like sulfites and other preservatives) are widely believed to cause adverse reactions in some people.

酸回流can also trigger an asthma attack in some people, so any food that aggravates this condition may also be responsible for symptoms.

呼吸道感染These include流感(流感),普通感冒,呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)和sinus infections

Strong emotional states压力,焦虑,抑郁或恐惧等负面情绪通常会引起过度换气(重,快速呼吸)。

某些药物While different people have different triggers, common culprits includeaspirin和其他非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS) such asibuprofen(Advil, Motrin) and萘普生(Aleve)。


How Is Asthma Diagnosed?


Diagnosing asthmatypically involves your doctor taking your personal and medical history (asking you questions about your symptoms, asking you about your health history, and asking you about your family history); a physical exam (during which the doctor will listen to you breathe); and a pulmonary function test (a type of breathing test to evaluate your lung function).

Your doctor may run additional tests to help determine the type of asthma you have and to determine the severity of it. The type of asthma and its severity will help the doctor come up with an appropriate treatment plan for you.

In rarer cases, your doctor may also use a breath test called a fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) test to assess the level of inflammation in your lungs if it’s not clear whether you have asthma based on the results of other tests.

In younger children, doctors may diagnose asthma based on only symptoms, a family history, and a physical exam. Though in children 5 years old and older, the steps taken to diagnose asthma tend to be the same as in adults.

Learn More About Diagnosing Asthma: Tests and Screenings, Early Diagnosis, and Your Doctors

Duration of Asthma

For adults with asthma, the condition is usually chronic — meaning they will have it for the rest of their life. A study published in 2015 in the欧洲呼吸杂志在12年的随访期间,患有哮喘的成年人中只有3%的成年人缓解了症状。


Some kids who develop asthma “lose” it as they grow older.

While asthma may return later in life for some of them, many never have an asthma recurrence.


由于所有这些原因,患有哮喘患者的长期预后差异很大。随着时间的流逝,有些人会变得更好 - 尽管他们的症状永远不会完全消失 - 而另一些人则变得更糟。艾米丽·彭宁顿(Emily Pennington),医学博士,俄亥俄州克利夫兰诊所的肺科医生和哮喘专家。

Fortunately, by working closely with a doctor to manage symptoms — with medication, and also by avoiding asthma triggers — most people with asthma can live a normal, healthy life free of asthma-related complications.


There is no cure for asthma, but you can alleviate and prevent your symptoms through quick-relief and long-term control medication. Long-term control medication works to reduce inflammation to make your airways less sensitive to asthma triggers. It’s usually taken daily through an inhaler or as an oral pill. Quick-relief medicines help to relieve symptoms when they happen, relaxing the tight muscles around your airways and easing the flow of air.

更新的NAEPP哮喘管理指南建议使用一种含有哮喘药物的吸入器,该药物结合了减轻炎症的皮质类固醇加上药物Formoterol为12岁及12岁以上儿童开放呼吸道 - 青少年和成年人的中度至严重持续性哮喘无法很好地控制其目前的药物。这种组合疗法称为单一维护和缓解疗法(SMART)。

最新的指南还建议一种称为长效毒蕈碱拮抗剂的药物,以改善这些年龄段的症状。对于只有在呼吸道感染(无论是否被诊断出患有哮喘)的幼儿(最高4岁)的幼儿(最高4岁)皮质类固醇plus a rescue inhaler as needed. This can prevent worsening of breathing problems and forestall the need for corticosteroid pills.


There are few evidence-backednatural remedies for asthma, particularly if your case is severe. But lifestyle changes, like controlling stress, and some complementary therapies, like acupuncture, may help manage symptoms.

If your asthma is triggered by allergies, doing all you can to reduce your exposure to your trigger allergen — such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, or cockroaches and rodents — may help.Allergy shots也可能会有所帮助。



Doctors aren’t sure why asthma develops in the first place. The condition seems to stem from a mixture of genetic and environmental factors. That said, there are established risk factors for asthma. Avoiding them may lower your risk for developing the disease.


It’s possible that avoiding airborne pollens, mold, chemicals, and traffic-related pollution may lower your risk of developing asthma in the future.

Obesity is also a major risk factor for asthma. Again, doctors aren’t sure exactly how obesity contributes to the development of asthma. Research发表在November 2014 in the journal实验生物学和医学has found that obesity promotes systemic inflammation, which could contribute to asthma.

If you already have asthma and you’re hoping to prevent symptoms or flare-ups, there are a number of effective ways to go about this:

  • 遵循您的医生的指示在服用药物并避免哮喘触发时。

  • Get vaccinated.Viruses and infections can trigger flare-ups. You can lower your odds of developing one of these triggers by getting your seasonalflu shotand other scheduled vaccinations.
  • Monitor your asthma.使用峰值气流计,可以在您的病情上保持标签,这可以帮助您发现并前往即将来临的爆发。
  • 请留意警告信号。咳嗽或频繁的吸入器使用是两个迹象,表明卡片中有不良的爆发。认识到这些危险信号可以帮助您采取步骤防止攻击不良。

Complications of Asthma

对于大多数患有哮喘的人,使用药物(例如吸入皮质类固醇)并改变生活方式(例如quitting smokingand maintaining a healthy weight) will allow them to manage their symptoms and avoid most short- and long-term complications.

But poorly managed or poorly treated asthma can result in additional problems. In the short-term those problems can include severe asthma attacks, disruption to normal activities, and increased risk of肺炎and other lung infections. Farther down the line, problems can include permanent airway damage, mental health problems, weight gain, and increased risk of other chronic illnesses.



In 2018, about 25 million people in the United States — or 7.7 percent of the population — had asthma, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

More than 19 million of these people were adults age 18 or older.


In 2017, asthma attacks resulted in about 1.6 million emergency room visits and 3,564 deaths in the United States.


BIPOC Communities and Asthma

虽然哮喘可以影响人们的所有种族和backgrounds, in the United States asthma is more likely to affect racial and ethnic minority groups, and outcomes are worse for these individuals. Children and adults who are Black, Hispanic (particularly people of Puerto Rican descent), and of Indigenous descent develop asthma more often, experience more severe and life-threatening asthma-attack emergencies, and have higher asthma-related death rates than white people and other racial and ethnic groups in America.

The causes driving these disparities are multifactorial.

一项研究于2019年6月发表在Journal of Clinical Asthma and Immunology表明,黑人儿童,青少年和成年人患有哮喘的可能是哮喘的白人的两倍,因为由于社会经济差异使黑人家庭难以获得医疗保健和哮喘治疗,因此参观急诊室的急诊室。

直到最近,黑人,土著和有色人种(BIPOC)群体中哮喘的生物学和遗传学缺乏研究,这导致了所有哮喘治疗的普遍型。例如,一项研究于2018年6月发表在美国呼吸道医学杂志发现albuterol, a widely used asthma drug that opens air passages, is significantly less effective in people of African descent than in people of other racial backgrounds.


"Poverty, exposure to pollution, and limited access to medical care play a big role in racial disparities in asthma," says Kenneth Mendez, AAFA's president and CEO.


AAFA’s report found that while rates of developing and dying from asthma declined in many BIPOC communities in the past decade, enormous disparities persist that need immediate attention from healthcare practitioners, researchers, and the American healthcare system. The AAFA report uses federal health data from several sources, including the National Vital Statistics System, National Health Interview Survey, National Hospital Discharge Survey, and others. The data comes from the CDC and from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The findings include:

  • While the asthma rate among white Americans is about 7.6 percent according to the AAFA report, it’s 10.6 percent among Blacks and 14.9 percent among Puerto Ricans — the highest rate among all racial and ethnic groups.
  • The number of asthma deaths per one million people is highest for Black Americans, at 23.9, followed by Puerto Ricans at 21.8, Hispanic Americans at 8.4 and white Americans at 7.4.
  • Emergency-room visits for asthma — a sign of asthma that’s not well-controlled — were five times higher for Black Americans compared with white Americans in 2017. The rate was 164.3 ER visits per 10,000 people for Black Americans, compared with 33.9 for white Americans. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, Hispanic Americans are twice as likely to visit the ER for asthma compared with non-Hispanic white Americans.

  • There’s little data on asthma’s effects in indigenous communities in the United States, but the AAFA report states that “tribal nations have among the highest rates of asthma prevalence, morbidity, and mortality.”

Conditions Related to Asthma

哮喘can be associated with several other conditions and health problems. In some cases, asthma can increase the likelihood of certain illnesses, like:


Resources We Love

Favorite Orgs for Essential Asthma Info



American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

This association of doctors is committed to helping people with asthma find knowledgeable experts in their area. It also provides helpful resources on managing asthma and its symptoms.



哮喘and Allergy Foundation of America

This nonprofit organization was started to help people with asthma learn about and manage their condition. It helps fund research on asthma, and it provides a wealth of information about the condition and the best ways to manage it.

The Cleveland Clinic

This Ohio-based medical institution offers helpful educational resources that explain哮喘是原因,症状,治疗选择和其他疾病的其他方面。克利夫兰诊所还拥有医生和设施,可以帮助患有哮喘患者的病情。

Mayo Clinic

了解常见的哮喘症状和治疗— and a lot more — from one of the country’s preeminent medical institutions. You can also connect with Mayo Clinic doctors and clinicians for treatment options.

Favorite Blogs About Living With Asthma




斯蒂芬·高迪特(Stephen Gaudet)于60多年前出生于严重的哮喘,并于2004年创立了他的博客。该博客记载了试验和磨难哮喘的疾病以及胜利。迄今为止,高迪特(Gaudet)已经完成了21场比赛和9次马拉松比赛(他走路是因为他没有肺能力跑步)。阅读有关他的衰弱诊断以及如何克服的更多信息。

Additional reporting bySari Harrar


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