When Is a Sore Throat Considered Chronic?

Sure, a sore throat can be annoying. But when your throat pain won't let up, it could be a sign of a serious problem — one you should have checked out.

Medically Reviewed
woman with sore throat
Don't overlook the possibility that a recurring sore throat might need more treatment than just cough drops. Teeramet Thanomkiat/Getty Images

When you wake up in the morning and notice that asore throathas come back — again — don't just grab the lozenges and ignore it. If you have persistent throat pain, your body could be trying to tell you that something is wrong, and it's a good idea to see your doctor for a diagnosis.

"It's likely a viral or bacterial infection," saysToribio Flores, MD, ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist for the Cleveland Clinic's Head and Neck Institute at Independence Health Center in Ohio.

A sore throat can take many forms — it can be scratchy or itchy, burn, or cause painful swallowing. Many times a sore throat is accompanied by a peskycoughwhich can irritate the tender throat even more. Manycommon coldsand viruses can cause a sore throat that typically subsides within a few days. But when a sore throat persists and you can't find relief, it's something to take seriously.

Some possible causes of a chronic sore throat include:

其中的一些条件,比如流感,可能是固定资产投资rly minor and not require treatment, while strep throat and tonsillitis can turn into serious health problems if left untreated.

RELATED:Quiz: Is It a Sore Throat or Strep?

"The 'run of the mill' strep throat and tonsillitis are more often seen by primary care physicians," says Dr. Flores. "ENTs see the more complicated cases that don't respond to standard treatment. Many of these people haveinfectious mononucleosis, or eventually need tonsillectomies."

In addition, Flores notes that persistent throat pain on one side — or that feels worse on one side — may indicate a bacterial infection that usually begins as a complication of tonsillitis or untreated strep throat (peritonsillar abscess). In some cases, the pain may indicate an advanced tumor. "A sore throat accompanied by a swollen neck gland should be seen by a physician soon," says Flores.

Other causes of a chronic sore throat, like smoking, are problems that you can control to alleviate your throat pain.

The Best Ways to Treat a Sore Throat

To successfully treat a sore throat, you have to know what's causing it. Bacterial infections like strep throat need treatment with antibiotics. It's crucial that you receive treatment for strep and don't let it continue. This bacterial infection can lead torheumaticfever, which can cause permanent heart damage. A simple course of antibiotics (remember to take them all) can keep strep throat from becoming a serious problem.

Viral infections, like influenza, may be treated with antiviral medication, but most do not require any treatment at all.

If you have allergies that are causing a chronic sore throat (through postnasal drip), your doctor may prescribe a medication to controlallergy symptoms, such as nasalcorticosteroidslikeFlonase (fluticasone). You can also find ways to avoid thoseallergens(often things like mold, pet dander, or pollen) to alleviate your throat pain and other symptoms.

RELATED:How Long Does a Cold or the Flu Last?

Finding Relief From Throat Pain

No matter what's causing a sore throat, you can take steps at home to soothe an itchy, scratchy, painful throat. Try these tips to relieve throat pain at home:

  • Suck on something soothing, like a piece of hard candy, a throat lozenge, or a Popsicle.
  • Stay hydrated and moisten the throat by drinking plenty of water and other fluids. Try adding honey to a warm drink or sip on a mug of warm tea.
  • Try an over-the-counter pain reliever, such asAleve (naproxen),Tylenol (acetaminophen), andAdvil or Motrin (ibuprofen). Use in moderation and only for a short period of time.
  • Run a humidifier in your home to prevent dry air from irritating your throat.
  • Create a mixture of warm water and 1 teaspoon of salt per cup and gargle it a couple of times per day.

It can be hard to pinpoint the cause of a sore throat, but if it doesn't get any better, you can be sure there's some reason for it. "If the sore throat is accompanied by very severe pain on swallowing along with a high fever, it's best to see a healthcare provider right away," says Flores. See your doctor, figure out the cause, and decide on treatments and remedies that best fit your diagnosis.
