Natural Ways to Ease Carpal Tunnel Pain

Need wrist pain relief? Learn how to relieve carpal tunnel pain and discomfort with 7 simple tips.

伸展手腕可能有助于减轻腕管综合症的疼痛。 Phanie/Alamy

腕管综合征是一种常见的神经疾病,可能与其他医学疾病有关,例如类风湿关节炎,糖尿病,hypothyroidism, andgout。Occupational tasks, including using vibrating hand tools, assembling small parts, and scrubbing, increase your risk for developing the disorder. With so many common risk factors, it’s no wonder carpal tunnel syndrome impacts 1 in 20 Americans.

Symptoms include tingling, numbness, and疼痛spreading from your palm to your fingers. When the median nerve, which lies inside the narrow passageways that span the palm side of the wrist, gets compressed, these symptoms can occur.

Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Thankfully, carpal tunnel syndrome is very treatable. It's important to see a doctor for an exam, torule out other issues并了解您可以做些遵守治疗的方法。医生可以开处方止痛药,但要管理cortisone镜头,甚至建议手术,有许多complementary steps that you can take to help ease discomfort as you heal. Whether the root cause is rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, or something else, there's a lot you can do to help relieve the腕管综合症的症状


Wearing a wrist brace at night might help ease the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, according toa study published in the January–March 2015 issue of theJournal of Hand Therapy。It’s common to sleep with the wrist flexed, which irritates the nerve and puts pressure on the carpal tunnel area, says Lenore Frost, PhD, chief clinical director at Hand Therapy Associates in Woodbridge, Connecticut, and clinical associate professor at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut. Braces sell online for about $50, but Dr. Frost suggests that people ask their doctors for a recommendation. You can wear it during the day, too, notes Paul Sueno, MD, a physiatrist in Tacoma, Washington. If you do decide to use it in the daytime, just limit it to six hours. There are also custom-made braces that can be worn during the day, including at work.


Taking short stretch breaks during the day may open up the irritated nerve pathways that lead to the hand, says Frost. One of her favorite moves for people who work desk jobs is the “corner stretch,” which soothes the nerves in the shoulder and neck area before eventually calming the nerves near the wrists.


3. Try Hand Exercises

某些动作,称为“肌腱运动” exercises, which require tendons to extend to their maximum potential, may reduce the swelling around the median nerve, according to experts. Astudy published in August 2012 in the骨科研究杂志found that这些练习可以减轻一个人的症状,而那些刚保持活跃并且没有这样做的人看不到任何人减轻疼痛

4. Pay Attention to Your Workstation

如果你work at a desk jobSueno博士说,重要的是要保持双手处于“中性”位置,手指与前臂保持一致。“如果您的手腕处于中立位置,那确实使腕管综合症的风险,” he says.


5. Cool It


试点研究于2015年2月发表在《杂志》上医学监测仪建议与低水平的热包裹相比,Thermacare冷包在治疗心皮综合征症状上可能更有效。(这项研究得到了Thermacare Products制造商Pfizer的合同。)在研究中,人们将冷包在手的手掌侧持续了20分钟。如果这太长了 - 您开始看到发红或刺激 - 专家警告脱下冰或其他冷包。


Experts disagree about whether维生素B6supplements can help people who are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. One研究于2013年8月发表在高级药品公告发现在实验结束时服用了120毫克(MG)剂量的人比服用安慰剂的人更容易缓解疼痛。

Sueno says, “B vitamins are important for nerve functioning,” but you should only try takingB6如果您已经缺乏维生素 - 在这种情况下,只有在医生批准的情况下。B6人应获得的最大数量是每天100毫克,因此您只能在医生的监督下超过该金额。另外,补充剂可能会与其他药物互动,因此请确保您的医生了解有关药物治疗方案的所有知识。


即使是短期针灸治疗,也可能会减轻长期的疼痛。一个研究于2011年2月发表在The Journal of Painfound that people who underwent eight sessions of acupuncture a month reported an improvement in their symptoms even about a year later. The research also found that this treatment worked even better than a course of oral steroids. The study authors suspect that acupuncture may increase the blood flow in the arteries that supply blood to the nerves.

其他报告谢丽尔·阿尔肯(Cheryl Alkon)
