What Is a Skin Lump? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Medically Reviewed

“皮肤肿块”一词可能是模糊的 - 症状可能源于许多不同的原因 - 但是通过解码其感觉和外观,您可以清楚地了解正在发生的事情。“当患者抱怨肿块时,通常是指皮肤上感觉到的东西,或者是皮肤下方的东西,”Lucia Seminario-Vidal, MD, PhD, a board-certified dermatologist in the department of cutaneous oncology at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida. (A dermatologist wouldn’t call it a “skin lump,” and would more likely use a term like “elevated lesion,” she says.)

“Skin lumps” can be divided into three different categories, says Dr. Seminario-Vidal:

  • Benign: Noncancerous and may require no treatment
  • Inflammatory or infectious: Requires treatment but is not life-threatening
  • Malignant: These are cancerous and would require treatment in the short-term (rather than a wait-and-see approach)

Signs and Symptoms of Skin Lumps

皮肤团块可能会有许多不同的原因,这会影响它们的外观或感觉。但是,以下是定义皮肤凹凸的一些体征和症状。Rebecca Hartman, MD, MPH, a cutaneousoncologistat Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. (Keep in mind that a single lump can’t possibly match all of the descriptions on this wide-ranging list):

  • 一块柔软的触感,糊状或粘糊糊的
  • 一个感觉移动的肿块
  • A lump that’s fixed
  • A lump that’s firm
  • 一个感觉很难的肿块
  • 红色和发炎的肿块
  • A lump that’s painful
  • A lump that has a central pore
  • 肿块,在皮肤下定义明确
  • 一个有不规则轮廓的肿块
  • A lump that is growing

此外,根据原因,您可能会遇到皮肤肿块的症状。例如,一个sign of lymphoma, or cancer of the lymphatic system, is enlarged lymph nodes in your armpits, neck, or groin, along with fever and night sweats, according to the Mayo Clinic. (1

Common Questions & Answers

What causes lumps on the skin?
A cancerous lump may feel firm or hard and will be in a fixed spot. (In other words, if you press on it, you will not be able to move it around.) A skin cancer appears as a shiny bump or nodule that’s clear, pink, red, white, tan, black, or brown. It may also be a spot that changes, is growing, or has irregular borders or contains multiple colors.
What does a skin nodule look like?
A skin nodule is defined as a raised bump in the skin that’s between 1 and 2 centimeters (cm).
Talk to your doctor if you have a new lump, a preexisting lump that has changed (for example, it has a different texture than before), is growing, hard, or painful, or if it affects your activity in the area that it’s located.

Causes and Risk Factors of Skin Lumps

A “skin lump” is a specific symptom of a medical condition, so the cause behind it depends on exactly what the skin lump is.

Skin Tag

skin tag

These are skin-colored growths on the surface the skin, per Harvard Health Publishing. (2)This bump is still worth mentioning here. These often appear in areas of irritation or where skin rubs together, like the neck or armpit, says Seminario-Vidal. These are benign. They’re more common after age 40, and can happen to anyone but are more likely to appear on people who are obese, have diabetes, or have a family history, according to information from StatPearls in August 2020. (3



This is one of the most common causes of a skin lump, says Dr. Hartman, and often appear on the face or back. “These are smooth and mobile, are oval with a defined border, and they aren’t entirely squishy, but they’re not firm and hard either,” she explains. The dead giveaway of a cyst is a lump that has a central pore in it. This happens when skin does not mature properly and folds into itself, forming the pore. (That said, not all cysts will have a visible pore, she says.)


wart on finger
Dmitry Epov/Alamy

These are skin growths that are caused by the papillomavirus, points out Johns Hopkins Medicine. (4)There are many different types of warts, and are often located on hands and feet.



Dermnet NZ指出,这些是在小腿上可能发现的良性结节。((5)They look like a small, red raised bump and are firm and “rock-like.” They do not have a known cause, notes Harvard. (6)Rarely, a dermatofibroma may be a dermatofibrosarcoma, which is a type ofskin cancer看起来像是皮肤上的一团块。





enlarged lymph node


If you had an infection, lymph nodes shrink to their normal size after you get better. They should still feel smooth and mobile. However, a lymphoma, or cancer in the lymph node, may become firm or hard and fixed. There may also be othersymptoms of cancer,例如食欲减少,体重减轻,发烧和发冷。


Your dermatologist can do a physical exam to diagnose your skin lump. If there’s something concerning (for example, a skin lump or bump is growing), then abiopsySeminario-Vidal说,可能会建议使用。根据肿块的位置或皮肤下的深度,皮肤科医生可以进行活检。她说,在皮肤特别厚的区域,像背部一样,整形外科医生可能必须在局部麻醉下打开皮肤。(如果非常深,可以使用全身麻醉。)

Deeper lesions or potentially cancerous lumps may be evaluated with imaging first. This can be done with scans like computerized tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)scan, orultrasound, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). (7


“When patients notice a lump, they’re often understandably concerned, but most of them are benign,” says Hartman.

Benign (noncancerous):

  • 皮肤标签(3)
  • 囊肿(8
  • 脂肪瘤(9
  • Wart (4)
  • 皮肤纤维瘤((6)
  • 淋巴结肿大,如果由病毒感染引起,例如普通感冒


  • An enlarged lymph node, if caused by lymphoma, or cancer of the lymph system (1)
  • New, changing, itching, or bleeding spot, lesion, or bump on skin, which could point to a nonmelanoma or黑色素瘤皮肤癌,美国皮肤科学院(10


  • Dermatofibrosarcoma(6)

Duration of Skin Lumps


Treatment for Skin Lumps


Skin TagSkin tags are benign, and they do not need to be removed. However, if a skin tag is removed, it may be taken off using one of three methods: snip excision, cautery, or cryosurgery. (3) (Cryosurgery is when your doctor will use a cold liquid, like liquid nitrogen, to freeze the skin tag, says the National Cancer Institute.) (11)It’s important to know that you should not try to remove a skin tag on your own, as they can bleed when taken off.



皮肤纤维瘤根据Statpearls的说法,这些是良性的,但是手术清除是一种选择。((12)据Mayo诊所称,有一种称为皮肤纤维肉瘤的稀有皮肤癌,它在皮肤真皮层中的结缔组织中发展,生长缓慢。((13)Treating this type of skin cancer requires surgery, though radiation or targeted therapy drugs may also be used.



If you are diagnosed with lymphoma, then you will be treated appropriately for cancer, which may include chemotherapy, radiation, targeted drugs, and bone marrow transplant. (1)

Integrative and Complementary Approaches


When it comes to warts, there have been many alternative treatments suggested, some mainstream (duct tape), while others are more radical (distance healers that channel energy into the wart). None of the homeopathic remedies have been proven effective, notes data from InformedHealth.org. (14

Prevention of Skin Lumps

Many skin lumps, like lipomas, may have a genetic cause, says Hartman. That’s one reason why you won’t be able to take steps to actively prevent all skin lumps. In order to prevent skin lumps or bumps that would be a type of skin cancer, everyone should be wearing a broad-spectrumsunscreen根据皮肤癌基金会的说法,每天至少有SPF 15。((15Cedars Sinai说,当涉及囊肿时,您将无法防止它们形成,但请确保您不要尝试自己“弹出”以防止感染和疤痕。((16)不能总是阻止皮肤标签,因为存在遗传原因,但是控制条件使它们更有可能(如糖尿病)阻止其形成。(3)

Complications of Skin Lumps


Research and Statistics: Who Has Skin Lumps and How Common Are They?

“Skin lumps” are a common symptom. Here are some statistics related to various types:

Skin TagFifty to 60 percent of the general population have skin tags, with males and females being equal. (3)


WartOne-third of children and teenagers have warts, while just 3 to 5 percent of adults have warts, according to InformedHealth.org. (18


Lipoma:One every 1,000 people develop a lipoma, according to Cleveland Clinic. (9) You can get them at any age, but are more likely in adults aged 40 to 60.

Lymphoma:Non-Hodgkin lymphoma((NHL) is one of themost common cancersin the US, according to the American Cancer Society. (19)In 2020, about 77,240 people will be diagnosed with NHL. Men account for more diagnoses compared with women.

Resources We Love

Favorite Organizations for Essential Skin Lumps Info

American Academy of Dermatology


Skin Cancer Foundation


Skin of Color Society

Provides education for African Americans, Asians, Hispanics or Latinos, Native Indians and Pacific Islanders on skin diseases and their causes. The organization also seeks to clear up misinformation on treatments for skin conditions.

American Cancer Society

Stay current on the types of cancer, their causes, treatments, and prognosis. Read about the latest in cancer research and breakthrough treatment. The organization also has a 24/7/365 live helpline when you need it.

Favorite App for Skin Lump Info


Upload a photo of your skin concern via your smartphone and enter your symptoms. The app then gives a few possible matches of what it could be. It does not replace a visit with your dermatologist, but it can help make your internet search easier.



这是一个在线门户网站,在那里你可以上传一个越南河粉to of your skin concern, which gets sent to a board-certified dermatologist for review. (The fee starts at $29.95.) Someone will reply within 24 hours, and you’ll either have peace of mind about your lump, bump, or lesion, or you’ll be directed to an in-person dermatologist for more help.

Favorite Videos for Skin Lump Info

Dr. Sandra Lee (aka Dr. Pimple Popper) YouTube

The videos are definitely gross-you-out, but this board-certified dermatologist has nearly seven million subscribers to her YouTube channel. Dr. Pimple Popper extracts all types of cysts, lipomas, and acne lesions. If you can handle watching, it’ll provide insight as to what’s going on with your skin — and how it may be removed.


  1. Lymphoma.Mayo Clinic。2019年10月17日。
  2. 皮肤标签((Acrochordon).Harvard Health Publishing。March 2019.
  3. 皮肤标签。StatPearls。August 8, 2020.
  4. Warts.Johns Hopkins Medicine
  5. 皮肤纤维瘤。DermNet NZ。2016年1月。
  6. 皮肤纤维瘤。Harvard Health Publishing。January 2019.
  7. Tests for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.American Cancer Society。August 1, 2018.
  8. 表皮囊肿。Mayo Clinic。April 7, 2020.
  9. Lipomas.Cleveland Clinic。March 18, 2016.
  10. Do You Know How to Spot Skin Cancer?American Academy of Dermatology
  11. Cryosurgery.National Cancer Institute
  12. 皮肤纤维瘤。StatPearls
  13. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans。Mayo Clinic.
  14. What Are the Treatment Options for Warts?InformedHealth.org。November 7, 2019.
  15. Skin Cancer Prevention.Skin Cancer Foundation
  16. 皮肤表皮囊肿。Cedars Sinai
  17. Epidermoid Cyst (Sebaceous Cyst).StatPearls。August 11, 2020.
  18. 疣:概述。InformedHelath.org。November 7, 2019.
  19. Key Statistics for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.American Cancer Society。January 8, 2020.
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