6 Food Trends That Were Everywhere in 2021 — and How They Fit Into a Crohn’s Diet

Here’s how to enjoy these dietary trends without triggering a flare.

vegan hamburger
Ina Peters/Stocksy

New food fads spring up every year. But if you have Crohn’s disease, it may seem like many of them are off limits. Certain foods, including dairy products and high-fiber fruits and vegetables, can trigger symptoms in people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), especially during a flare.

The good news: Just because you have Crohn’s doesn’t mean you’re stuck with a mundane diet that never changes. You do have the option of trying some new foods, albeit carefully, saysLauren Cornell, RDLauren康奈尔营养的创始人兼首席执行官。



Cauliflower rice is a low-carb vegetable substitute for rice made by grating or shredding fresh cauliflower, according to the伊利诺伊大学延伸。您可以在许多超市中找到它,甚至可以在Chipotle墨西哥格栅在2021年的有限时间内提供。

问题:It’s easy to see why this trend took off: Replacing grains with vegetables helps cut calories, which can be good for people who are trying to lose weight. But many people with IBD aren’t looking to lose weight. What’s more, you may also be hesitant to include cauliflower rice in your diet, because it’s rich in fiber — something that may aggravate your symptoms.

修复:Try eating a small portion of cauliflower rice to see if you can tolerate it. You may be surprised to find that it doesn’t trigger your symptoms after all.

“It’s a common misconception that people with IBD have to avoid fiber or eat a low-fiber diet,” Cornell says. “Research has shown that a high-fiber diet can actually help to reduce the flares in Crohn’s disease.” Astudy published in August 2016 in the journalClinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology发现,在6个月期间,克罗恩没有避免纤维的人没有避免纤维的可能性大约40%的可能性大约40%。

“A person with Crohn’s doesn’t have to avoid grains,” Cornell adds. “It’s all about individual tolerance.” In fact, using a vegetable substitute for grains may help people with Crohn’s eat more vegetables, she says.


根据植物制造的植物肉类是植物制成的产品,但旨在模仿肉的味道,质地和外观,据Stanford Medicine。在想要吃干净,植物的饮食和寻求可持续素食替代品的人中特别受欢迎。但素食主义者和素食主义者不是唯一对植物肉类趋势感兴趣的人;它也激起了肉类爱好者的兴趣。

问题:因为红肉会引起炎症胃肠道(GI) tract for people with Crohn’s, some people substitute it with plant-based meat products. Cutting meat out of your diet can lead to dietary缺乏缺陷但是,根据梅奥诊所



牛奶替代品,如杏仁,椰子,大麻,燕麦,大豆等乳糖选项,在康奈尔说,2021年一直很受欢迎。许多人制造开关,因为它们不能消化乳糖,乳制品中发现的蛋白质,并根据“的替代品University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School


Although some milk alternatives contain as much calcium as dairy milk, not all are created nutritionally equal. For example, almond, oat, and hemp milks usually don’t contain as many nutrients — including protein — as regular dairy, Cornell says.

修复:There’s nothing wrong with opting for a plant-based milk alternative in your cereal, smoothie, or morning coffee, as long as you aren’t falling short nutritionally. For more protein, try soy milk or pea milk, says Cornell. You can also opt for lactose-free dairy, which contains all the same nutrients found in regular milk, minus the lactose.

4. Fermented foods

As more and more people have become aware of the importance of gut health, fermented foods, such as kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, and sourdough bread, have only increased in popularity — and show no signs of slowing down.

问题:None! Fermented foods can be good choices for people with Crohn’s disease. According to2018年8月在2018年8月发表的一项研究Frontiers in Microbiology, many fermented foods contain active益生菌和其他可能改善消化和整体GI健康的好细菌。


修复:Try including fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, and miso, in your diet, according to the克罗恩和结肠炎基金会。康奈尔说,或制作与酵母面包的三明治,也包含活跃的,活跃的文化,康奈尔说。

5. Sauces

Hot and sweet spices continued to be popular in 2021, according to食品干预员是一家领先的食品行业新闻服务。和什么更好的方法来提升和增加食物的味道,而不是在美味的酱汁中使用香料 - 很多人在此期间做过的东西COVID-19lockdowns, when home cooking became a common pastime.

问题:Some sauces, including those with “too much salt, pepper, and sugar or any other ingredient that a person with Crohn’s may not tolerate well, may stimulate the bowels,” says Cornell.

修复:拒绝热量,但加速味道 - 例如,Pesto而不是辣椒酱。康奈尔说,康奈尔说,不仅可以促进膳食的热量和营养含量,而且对于可能在吃恐惧的人来说,酱汁可能有助于重新享受食物的享受。

酱汁的成分还可以帮助改变eal to add variety and make it different, Cornell says.


Upcycled foods are made from leftover stems, pulp, or other food waste that would have ended up in a landfill or incinerator if they weren’t repurposed for other foods. Experts are hopeful that the movement will even help slow climate change — about 8 percent of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are attributed to food waste, according to the升级食品协会

问题:许多upcycled食物被转化为加工产品,例如蔬菜芯片(其中一些比常规薯片更健康)。Processed foods可以比新鲜含量更少营养,并可含有添加的成分或化学品。

