
A comprehensive eye exam, including several common tests, can help catch glaucoma early on.

Medically Reviewed
眼科医生定期检查视力,或莎尔pness of vision based on how well the patient can read an eye chart. 盖蒂图像


Although glaucoma usually doesn't cause obvious symptoms at first, some early warning signs may indicate its onset. (1)


If glaucoma continues without treatment, your vision — even when looking straight ahead — can worsen until you become totally blind. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness, along with年龄相关性黄斑变性andcataracts。((3)




  • 难以将您的视力调整到黑暗的房间
  • Trouble focusing on near or far objects
  • 对光或眩光的异常敏感
  • Squinting or blinking at a bright light or a glare
  • 改变虹膜的颜色(眼睛的彩色部分)
  • Red-rimmed, encrusted, or swollen eyelids
  • Persistent pain in or around your eyes
  • Double vision
  • Dark spot at the center of your vision
  • Seeing lines and edges that seem wavy or distorted
  • Excess tearing orwatery eyes
  • 干眼睛痒或燃烧
  • 查看景点或类似鬼的图像

Seek emergency medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Severe headache and eye pain
  • Sudden loss of vision in one eye
  • 突然的朦胧或模糊视力
  • Flashes of light or black spots in your vision
  • Halos or rainbows around light in your vision

Symptoms may come and go at first, or worsen over time. (4)


Regular eye exams by an eye doctor are the best way to detect glaucoma.


During an eye exam, the doctor will collect a patient’s medical history and check several factors, including visual acuity (sharpness of vision based on how well the patient can read an eye chart). Following on a comprehensive eye exam, the doctor can advise you on how often to have your eyes checked.

The AAO recommends glaucoma screening:

  • 每四年在40岁时开始,如果你不have any risk factors
  • 如果您超过65岁或高风险,则每两年一次(6)

What Test Are Done for Glaucoma?



Your doctor will use special eye drops to widen your pupils, which allows more light to enter the eye and makes it easier for the doctor to examine the back of your eye.


In addition to detecting glaucoma, dilation makes it easier for your doctor to diagnose other diseases — including retinopathy due to diabetes or high blood pressure, a detached retina, or macular degeneration — at their earliest stages.

The National Eye Institute (NEI) recommends that people age 60 and older get an annual dilated eye exam. (7)


Other tests used to detect glaucoma include:

"One of the tests to diagnose glaucoma is tonometry, which measures the pressure inside your eye."




First, your doctor will use eye drops to numb the surface of your eye and apply an orange dye to temporarily stain the eye.


A blue light on the lamp makes the orange dye glow green. Your doctor will look though an eyepiece on the lamp, and adjust a dial on the device to read your eye pressure.

Doctors can instead use a hand-held, pencil-shaped device that touches your eye and instantly records the pressure.

Another way to measure eye pressure is with a device that shoots a puff of air into your eye. As you stare into the machine, the doctor shines a light into your eye, and then you'll feel a quick puff of air.





This procedure lets your doctor examine the back of your eye (known as the fundus), including the retina, optic disc, and blood vessels. (10)


A probe called a pachymeter is used to measure the thickness of the cornea. Corneal thickness is important because it can affect the reading of intraocular eye pressure (IOP). High eye pressure is a risk factor for glaucoma. People with thin corneas may have inaccurately low IOP readings, while people with thick corneas may show a higher-than-actual IOP. (11)


Also known as a visual field test, this procedure measures the scope of central and peripheral vision and detects blind spots. (12)

Additional reporting byGeorge Vernadakis


  1. Facts About Glaucoma.National Eye Institute。September 2015.
  2. Tunnel Vision.American Academy of Ophthalmology。December 9, 2015.
  3. Malihi M,Filho ERM,Hodge DO等。明尼苏达州奥尔姆斯特郡的青光眼相关失明的长期趋势。眼科。January 2014.
  4. Glaucoma.MedlinePlus。April 30, 2018.
  5. Eye Exams 101.American Academy of Ophthalmology。2012年5月25日。
  6. Glaucoma.梅奥诊所。Sept. 15, 2015
  7. What Is a Comprehensive Dilated Eye Exam?National Eye Institute
  8. Tonometry.Medline Plus。April 30, 2018.
  9. Goniioscopicy:它是什么,为什么需要它?青光眼研究基金会。2017年10月29日。
  10. Ophthalmoscopy.Medline Plus。April 30, 2018.
  11. The Importance of Corneal Thickness.青光眼研究基金会。2017年10月29日。
  12. 五个常见的青光眼测试。青光眼研究基金会。2017年10月29日。
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