Psoriatic Arthritis: 11 Tips for Your Next Doctor’s Visit

想让你的下一个约会更有效率?Experts share their tips for getting the most out of your next psoriatic arthritis checkup.

Medically Reviewed
下次约会时,您可能只有20分钟的医生。 盖蒂图像

如果你有psoriatic arthritis,您可能会定期看医生,但您可能不会在每次约会上花费很多时间。根据一个典型的访问持续约20分钟研究于2014年10月发表在美国托管杂志.

对于诸如银屑病关节炎等复杂状况,重要的是要与您的医生在一起。但这并不总是发生。“总的来说,人们不知道如何充分利用医生的探访。”Stuart Kaplan, MD,纽约市挪威南部拿骚社区医院风湿病学负责人。但是有了良好的计划,您将更好地准备与您的医生交谈,并为您的银屑病关节炎提供最佳护理.

Making the Most of Your Psoriatic Arthritis Checkup



1. Prioritize the discussion.

现在不是时候向您的医生询问他或她的最后一个假期或赶上家人的时候了。卡普兰说,当您的医生进入房间时,准备开始谈论业务 - 自上次访问以来,您的感受以及症状可能发生了变化。


You know your doctor is going to ask what medications you’re taking, so have a list in hand and be sure it’s updated. “Many people bring lists of medications they no longer take,” saysLynn Ludmer,医学博士, 一种风湿病学家在巴尔的摩的Mercy医疗中心。更好的是,随身携带处方和非处方药。卢德默博士说,尤其是补充剂的标签很有帮助,因为您的医生可以看到成分。




Your doctor has a specific way of assessing your psoriatic arthritis and will ask you questions in a particular order to get an idea of how you’re doing. It’s best to follow your doctor’s lead and answer questions as honestly as possible, Kaplan says. This is usually more effective than bringing your own log of symptoms unless your doctor has requested it.


Once your doctor has done an assessment, it’s time to bring up any issues that haven’t already been discussed. For example, tell your doctor if something that wasn’t swollen before is swollen now or if you have new pain, Kaplan says. It’s especially important to point out affected areas of your body that aren’t easily seen, such as swollen toes or银屑病on your scalp.

6. Show photos if necessary.

银屑病关节炎症状like swollen joints or皮疹may come and go, so Ludmer tells people to take photos with their cellphones to show their doctor in the office. “The best way to photograph psoriatic arthritis flares is to take several photos, including both normal and abnormal spots,” such as swollen fingers on your left hand and unaffected fingers on your right, she says.


If you’re missing medication doses or having concerns about side effects, be sure to tell your doctor. “Often there isn’t one correct way to do things,” Ludmer says. “The more information you share, the better your doctor can tailor your treatment.”

8. Be precise.

说药物“不好”无济于事。确切地告诉您的医生发生了什么。您是否看到症状没有变化?药物开始工作但随后磨损了吗?你有一个吗allergic reaction?这让你生病了吗?卡普兰说,回答这些问题将有助于您的医生理解问题。



10. If needed, bring a family member.


11. Show up informed.

It’s always a good idea to research and understand your condition and treatment options. If you read something that concerns you, Ludmer suggests bringing the article with you to your appointment. “Some sources of information aren’t reliable, and other times people misinterpret what they’ve read,” she says.

The most important step for your next checkup: developing an open and trusting relationship with your doctor. This is how you’ll be able to work together to get the best care for your psoriatic arthritis.
