

applying psoriasis medication cream
Ternavskaia Olga Alibec / Shutterstock

银屑病is more than just an outbreak of itchyskin rashes。根据Anthony Fernandez, MD, PhD克利夫兰诊所的医疗和住院病学主主任。超过800万美国人有这种情况,据National Psoriasis Foundation


“When exposed to the appropriate outside trigger — a viral or bacterial infection, a significant life stressor, or environmental exposure — it sparks the initiation of that chronic inflammation,” says Fernandez. “Unfortunately, once it begins, we don’t have a permanent way to turn it off.”

What’s Going on With Your Skin When You Have Psoriasis

虽然厚重的鳞片 - 结合有时 - 无法控制的瘙痒 - 使得刮擦和挑选非常诱人,费尔南德斯警告这不是一个好主意。要了解原因,你需要仔细看看你的皮肤发生的事情。


In all people, as skin cells reproduce and move up toward the surface, they flatten out and form a thin layer of dead cells called the stratum corneum — the outermost layer of the skin — which has a protective function. For example, when bacteria and other organisms land on your skin and try to get inside your body, where they can cause infections, your skin sloughs off both the dead cells and foreign organisms as a defense mechanism.

牛皮癣的人比t细胞繁殖得更快吗hey should, so the outer layer of skin becomes especially thick, eventually forming a scale: a bunch of dead skin cells that formed so rapidly that they don’t slough off.

形成规模,结合瘙痒,可以让你挑选皮肤。反过来,可以造成更多的牛皮癣 - 一种叫做Koebner现象



“I see patients with psoriasis who are frustrated, because all of their clothes and bedsheets have blood on them,” says Fernandez.

What’s more, the relief is short lived, he says. “That scale will re-form in a very short time.”

Using a pumice stone as an exfoliant doesn’t work well, either. “Think of the skin as a simple organ whose job is to protect all of the organs that are living inside of the body,” Fernandez explains. “When you use things like a pumice stone to rub the skin, it thinks that something is trying to get underneath and do damage to the organs within, so it will respond to that trauma by getting thicker. Using a pumice stone causes far more damage than good.”

Ways to Treat Psoriasis

The best way to prevent scales from forming is by treating the psoriasis itself, he says. Here are a few treatments to try.



Fernandez recommends putting on all topical medications after showering and lightly toweling off, because they tend to penetrate moist skin better. (Steroids have to penetrate that top layer of skin to reach the inflammation they’re targeting.) He also recommends reapplying in the evening before bed, when you’re no longer active. “If you put it on first thing in the morning, the medicine tends to rub off before it can penetrate,” he says. “When you have downtime, the medicine can stay on the skin much longer.”


Oral medicationPeople with more widespread psoriasis may have systemic inflammation, says Fernandez. In this case, systemic medications, which come in the form of traditional medicines or newer biologic medications, may be able to help tamp down the inflammation.

Avoiding triggersLifestyle habits can trigger or aggravate psoriasis. Smoking; drinking alcohol; eating a high-calorie, high-fat diet; leading an inactive lifestyle; lacking sleep; and notmanaging stress他说,所有人都被发现触发牛皮癣耀斑。
