
Becoming a cancer caregiver will change your life in many ways, and your loss could be profound. Learning how to cope with the grieving process will help.

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Becoming a cancer caregiver for a loved one changes your life. Along with the caregiver stress from new worries and added responsibilities comes the emotional roller coaster of grief. Grief is a natural response that we all have when we lose something precious. For the cancer caregiver, this may include the loss of:

  • 亲人的健康和陪伴
  • 癌症之前的生活
  • 财务安全
  • 对未来的梦想

There is no right or wrong way to cope with grief. How you do so may depend on your own personality, religious beliefs, life experience, and your relationship to the cancer patient. But studies show that not dealing with these emotions and keeping them bottled up inside can make grief last longer and can damage yourbob app官网下载 - 甚至导致身体问题。

Recognizing the Symptoms of Cancer Caregiver Grief


Shock.When you first find out that a loved one has cancer, you may feel numb. This is part of the denial stage and a normal way that people protect themselves from情绪创伤


Blame.During the anger stage you may find yourself targeting your anger at God, the doctors, yourself, or even the cancer patient.


悲伤。这可能是最常见的症状癌症护理人员have to deal with. It can be experienced as periods of crying or intense feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and despair.

身体症状。Physical symptoms of grief and caregiver stress may include frequent illness, physical exhaustion, trouble sleeping, headaches, and other aches and pains.

Renewed energy and hope.In the final stage of acceptance, many cancer caregivers find a new hope for the future, peace, renewed energy, and a sense of purpose and strength.


最重要的是要了解癌症治疗giver grief is that it is normal. Accepting the stages and emotions of grief is the first step in healing. There is no time limit on grief. Expect the symptoms to come and go, and resist thinking that you have to cope with grief alone.

Here's how to start the healing process:

Let yourself feel.悲伤不应被忽略。未解决的悲伤会影响您的身体和情感健康,并阻止您成为有效的癌症护理人员。在公开场合得到您的感受,您可以在那里与他们打交道。与朋友和亲人交谈或在日记中写作是与您的感受联系的好方法。

Get emotional support.除了与朋友和亲人分享您的感情外,还要考虑加入一个为癌症护理人员的支持小组。如果您仍然遇到困难,则可能需要寻找心理健康专业人员进行咨询。

Take care of your physical needs.你不能将思想与身体分开。如果您感觉更好,您将更好地应对悲伤和其他护理人员压力。获得足够的睡眠和运动,吃均衡且营养丰富的饮食,并避免使用毒品或酒精来掩盖悲伤或relieve stress

预计困难时期。Holidays and anniversaries can be difficult times for caregivers and cancer patients. Anticipate these reactions and seek extra help and support from friends and family members.

Move forward.对自己好。尝试维持您作为癌症照顾者的角色的生活。保持您的社交联系,并留出时间去做自己喜欢的事情。

Be aware that there is a difference between grief and临床抑郁症。悲伤是您逐渐通过的正常过程。您将度过美好的日子和坏日子。另一方面,如果您不知所措,那些永远不会放松,一直感到内gui,正常工作或有自杀或死亡的想法,您需要立即需要心理健康专家的帮助。

Just remember that grieving is a normal process that cancer caregivers should understand and anticipate.
