

Simone Golob/Corbis



There are a number of programs that advertise the benefits of an "extreme洁净" for good health, but the truth is that you don’t need one. While it may not be as exciting, eating a healthy diet of lean protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats is the healthiest way to lose weight (and maintain it). The truth is that yourand kidneys take care of all of your body’s detoxification needs, so there’s no need to follow any special diet in January or the rest of the year.

2. It May Sound Boring, but Small Changes Really Make a Big Difference

无论是跳过额外的饼干还是每日咖啡中的糖,看似small changes每天都可以加起来的重量变化。由于每周五百卡路里赤字导致大约1磅的损失,即使是几种变化也会产生瘦身效果。您将在2个甜甜圈等物品中找到五百卡路里,百吉饼,奶油芝士,2.5盎司的薯片,或巧克力Mocha拿铁。相当简单,对吧?

3. What You're Drinking Can Pack on the Pounds



我们都听过这样的说法,看到图片啊f people who've gone from a size 12 to a 2 in just six weeks. While it’s natural to want these quick results, the fact is that the best type of weight loss is gradual. According to the Centers for Disease Control, a健康的减肥率为1-2磅per week. So, keep this in mind when setting your weight loss goal. Setting a realistic goal can keep you from feeling frustrated along the way. “Keeping it real” is important when choosing food, too, so opt for whole, unprocessed foods as often as you can.

5. Some Gimmicks Just Might Work

如果你完全掀起了碳水化合物,只吃了空腹的果实,或整天在体重减轻的名字上全天候葡萄柚,你一直在一个FAD饮食。许多diet plansare based on gimmicks, or little tricks that are supposed to help you be successful, but often don’t work. But the truth is that some of these gimmicks can work for some people. So if eating vegan for most of the day or not eating after 8 o'clock has worked for you in the past, then go with it! You don’t have to follow every aspect of a diet plan in order to be successful. A word of caution though: Some gimmicks go too far. If a diet plan permanently eliminates a whole food group or has you living on a diet of celery sticks and grapefruit, then look for a plan that is more well-rounded.
