Pregnant Women Using Marijuana Are Probably Self-Treating Morning Sickness Symptoms, Study Suggests

New research shows a link between early pregnancy symptoms of nausea and vomiting with prenatal marijuana use.

illustration of a pregnant woman with marijuana leaves
Research suggests morning sickness may be behind the rise in the use of marijuana during pregnancy. Shutterstock(2)

经历轻度和严重恶心或呕吐的孕妇显着使用marijuana在怀孕期间比没有那些症状的女性。这是一个从中的外带Kaiser Permanente study published online today, August 20, 2018, in the journalJAMA Internal Medicine

Pregnant Women May Be Using Marijuana to Ease Morning Sickness Symptoms

我们以前的研究发现普遍存在marijuana use在孕妇中升起,“Kelly Young-Wolff, PhD,心理学家和研究科学家在北加州北加州北加州研究,以及该研究的主要作者。“媒体报道和几项小型研究最近表明孕妇可能正在使用大麻治疗孕吐,但缺乏关于这一主题的流行病学数据,“Young-Wolff博士说明。“我们假设妊娠第一个三个月的大麻使用患病率将在患有恶心和怀孕呕吐的女性中升高,结果与我们预期的结果一致。”


Findings Suggest a Link Between Pregnancy Nausea Symptoms and Marijuana Use

该研究在加州北部观察到220,000多个怀孕,揭示了经历严重恶心和呕吐的孕妇具有比没有经历这些症状的孕妇的产前大麻使用的近4倍。在怀孕期间声称轻度恶心的人表现出产前大麻使用的几率。该研究中的妇女在北加州的Kaiser Permanente成员,他在其上三个月期间完成了物质使用的调查问卷并患有尿毒学检测。



这项研究没有检查使用大麻的情况;研究人员没有生成数据smoking marijuana versus eating或以其他方式消耗药物。

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“The elevated prevalence of prenatal marijuana use among women with nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is concerning given the potential for adverse health effects,” said Young-Wolff. “There are no approved indications for marijuana use in pregnancy, and national guidelines strongly recommend that pregnant women not use marijuana. While there is some uncertainty about the risks of using marijuana during pregnancy, research to date suggests that marijuana use in pregnancy is associated with lower offspring birth weight and neurocognitive impairments.”

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What Is the Link Between Prenatal Nausea and Vomiting and Marijuana Use?

According to Young-Wolff, the potentially adverse effects of marijuana use may depend on the potency of the marijuana used, though this would require more research. “It is also possible that marijuana use increases risk for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, or that clinicians are more likely to diagnose nausea and vomiting in pregnancy when women report using marijuana to treat it,” she said. ”Studies are needed to better understand the causal relation between nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and prenatal marijuana use.”

有一个误解,认为大麻是什么Safe in Pregnancy?

The study’s authors hope that this new research will educate women about the potential effects of using marijuana during pregnancy, contrary to information they may be receiving through other means. “There are many concerns about prenatal marijuana use and the potential for adverse effects on the fetus,” says Young-Wolff. “However, recent studies suggest that online media and marijuana dispensaries may be giving messages that perpetuate the perception that marijuana is a safe and effective治疗恶心怀孕呕吐。她说,我们的研究结果可用于教育临床医生关于怀孕妇女的孕妇中大麻使用的普遍率升高,怀孕呕吐。“

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Doctors Need to Offer Pregnant Women Safe, Effective Morning Sickness Treatment

据年轻德夫(Young-Wolff)表示,对大麻使用的健康效果的研究得到了巨大的要求,但赋予潜在的风险,临床医生将患有恶心的女性与怀孕的妇女联系起来,安全有效,医学推荐的治疗方法,并建议他们不要在怀孕中使用大麻。“我们建议在怀孕中经历恶心和呕吐的女性要求他们的医生建议医学上批准的方法来减少对宝宝安全的症状,”她说,“Areview published in January 2018 in the journal妇产科怀孕治疗恶心和呕吐的最佳证据是美国产科医院和妇产科学院进行的妇科医生[产科实践委员会],建议存在安全有效的治疗,以管理严重恶心和温和恶心常常延续生活方式和饮食变化。”


According to the review, some of the lifestyle-based recommendations to reduce morning sickness and nausea symptoms include:


More Research Needed to Understand Why, How Pregnant Women Are Using Marijuana

While the study’s results were consistent with the authors’ hypothesis of increasing prenatal marijuana use, the authors believe more research is required to get a much clearer picture of the affects of marijuana use during pregnancy. “Although this is the largest study to date of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and prenatal marijuana use, more research on this important topic is critically needed,” Young-Wolff says. “Additional studies that directly assess women’s reasons for using marijuana in pregnancy, and test the causal relation between nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and marijuana use, are needed. Large, well-designed longitudinal studies in representative samples of pregnant women that include validated measures of marijuana use and account for co-occurring substance use and mode of marijuana administration are needed to understand the true risks associated with prenatal marijuana use.”
