Everything You Need to Know About Headaches

Aches and pain in the head can be symptoms of underlying health issues, emotional stress, and hormones.

Medically Reviewed


The most common cause of headaches is muscle tension. Other common causes of headaches include fever, head injury, viral infections, sinusitis, and migraines. Headaches can be the body’s reaction to emotional stress, grief, too much or too little sleep, or depression. Some people get a headache after physical exertion, crying, eye strain, or sex.

What Does Headache Pain Feel Like?

Headaches can range from annoying to extremely painful. People may experience throbbing, squeezing, or constant or intermittent pain in the back of the head and upper neck or behind the eyes. Some people feel tightness or pressure at the temples.


A headache commonly occurs alone but may coexist with other symptoms. Associated symptoms can be important clues for identifying the underlying cause of a headache. (3)

可能出现头痛症状包括视力模糊, confusion, difficulty walking or speaking, excessive sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, fever,颈部疼痛, neck stiffness, and increased sensitivity to light or noise.

Types of Headaches

There are several distinct types of headaches.

Tension Headaches

金属氧化物半导体t people experience the occasional tension headache. Some people, however, have tension headaches just about every day, and these are considered to be chronic. Symptoms for tension headaches usually include pressure or muscle tension on both sides of the head or the back of the neck. The pain is usually constant, not sharp or throbbing. Many people describe tension headaches as having a band squeezed around their head.

Hormone Headaches

Hormones play a role in the pain response to headaches in both men and women. However, women can suffer from hormone headaches, also known as menstrual migraines. These migraines may start before a woman’s period or during menstruation. Symptoms include sharp, throbbing pain on one side of the head, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, and even touch.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headachesaffect men more often than women. They are extremely intense, very severe headaches that last between 30 and 45 minutes; a person can have several in one day. They usually come on with no warning, catching people by surprise. The pain is piercing and usually located on one side of the head, often around the eye. People also report teary eyes on the affected side andsinus congestion。The headaches will recur over a period of time, almost always on the same side, and are followed by a headache-free period of varying length.


Migraines are a type of headache often put in a class by themselves because of the intensity of the pain and the overall effect they have on the body. (4)

For some people,migraine symptomsinclude auras, which are symptoms that occur before the pain hits. The auras can be visual (seeing lines or spots), or they can cause motor or verbal disturbances. It’s estimated that 36 million people in the United States have migraines. However, most do not have migraines with auras.

Migraine pain, usually throbbing and piercing, is generally one-sided, but it can affect both sides. People often report sensitivity to light and loud noises as well as nausea duringmigraine attacks


Learn More About Migraines

Primary vs. Secondary Headaches

Headaches may be primary or secondary.


A secondary headache originates outside the head, such as a headache related to nausea from the flu or as a side effect of hormonal fluctuations in the body.


  1. Primary tension headaches that are episodic
  2. Primary tension headaches that are chronic
  3. Primary muscle contraction headaches
  4. Primary migraine headaches with aura
  5. Primary migraine headaches without aura
  6. 主要集群头痛
  7. 一级阵发性半肿瘤(一种类型的簇头痛)
  8. Primarycough头痛
  9. 主要刺伤头痛
  10. 与性交有关的主要头痛
  11. 初级雷霆帽头痛
  12. Hypnic headaches (headaches that awaken a person from sleep)
  13. Hemicranias continua (headaches that are persistently on one side only, right or left)
  14. New daily-persistent headaches (a type of chronic headache)
  15. Headaches from exertion
  16. 三叉神经痛和其他颅神经炎症(导致面部疼痛)
  17. Secondary headaches due to trauma; disorders; infection; structural problems with the bones of the face, teeth, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses,or other structures; substance abuse or withdrawal; or systemic poisoning (toxic headache)

How Are Headaches Treated and Prevented?


头痛可能是由于围绕大脑或影响其功能的结构的炎症或刺激引起的。它们也可能是由感冒或头部或颈部区域的流感,发烧,肌肉僵硬,牙齿或下颌疼痛,头部或颈部创伤的引起的,sinus infections, bleeding in the brain, or infections like encephalitis or脑膜炎

Headaches can also be brought on by toxins, such as too much alcohol, smoking, or the consumption of allergenic or spoiled foods. Headaches can be the first sign of carbon monoxide or other environmental poisons, and they may be triggered by substance abuse or withdrawal.

轻微头痛的一般治疗包括休息,减轻压力,冷压,对寺庙和头部面积的按摩,对乙酰氨基酚((Tylenol), and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs).

Headache prevention includes good habits such as eating healthy foods and avoiding alcohol and cigarettes. Eliminate externalstressors尽可能多地尝试练习定期的睡眠习惯。头痛的其他治疗方法可能包括medications for migraine头痛and narcotic pain medications.

Medications for Headaches

Medications for migraine and headache relief can be divided into two groups: pain-relieving (also known as abortive medications) and preventive (prophylactic medications). (7)

Pain-relieving medications are taken once symptoms begin. Preventive medications are taken regularly, sometimes daily, to stop headaches before they start.Headache relief药物可提供非处方或处方药。


Doctors believe this group of medications works by blocking a chemical in the body that causes inflamed tissue to swell and, in the case of headaches, signaling the brain when there is pain.

NSAID包括布洛芬(Advil,Motrin)andnaproxen (Aleve, Anaprox)Aspirinis another NSAID sometimes used in combination with对乙酰氨基酚and caffeine for strong headache relief, as in Excedrin, and in products designed to treat migraines.

三种抗炎药已被批准为偏头痛药物:Excedrin偏头痛, Advil Migraine, andMotrinMigraine Pain.

The most commonNSAIDS的副作用是恶心,消化不良和胃灼热。确保服用食物的NSAID,以抵消胃部不适。In high doses or when used for a long time, NSAIDs can also damage the kidneys and worsen heart conditions.


Triptans are often the first prescription choice for migraine relief. They constrict, or narrow, the blood vessels and keep chemicals that are thought to cause migraines from being released.

Sumatriptan (Imitrex),zolmitriptan (Zomig),eletriptan (Relpax), andalmotriptan (Axert)经常使用triptans。

If taken often, triptans can cause a boomerang effect known as “rebound headaches.” Other potential side effects include nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness, and abnormal heart rhythms.

If you mainly rely on pain-relieving migraine medications, be sure to follow the directions on the label closely. Speak with your doctor if you find you need them more than occasionally. If that is the case, your doctor may recommend a daily preventive medication in place of pain-relieving medicines.

When Should You See a Doctor?

Head pain can be frightening because people often think that it could be the sign of something serious.

“头痛的人应始终与医生讨论这个问题,”达拉斯贝勒大学医学中心的神经科医学博士Steven P. Herzog说。“反过来,他们的医师可以正确诊断患者患者的头痛类型,以及他们是否应该看到头痛专家。”

Call your doctor if the quality or type of headache symptoms change or if you feel that you are having migraines, which may need prescription-strength treatment.


  • Any changes in the type of headaches you usually get
  • Headaches that don’t go away or that get worse as each day passes
  • Headaches that occur with physical activity (including sex)
  • Headaches that happen after injury or illness
  • Headaches accompanied by a fever, a stiff neck, signs of a stroke (such as difficulty speaking, numbness, or weakness), seizures, or changes in your vision
  • Worsening of your headache if you have to strain, as when having a排便,打喷嚏或咳嗽
  • New headaches if you’re over 40
  • 头痛是你一生中最糟糕的
  • 与非常高血压有关的头痛((if you are checking it at home)

Resources to Help People Who Suffer From Headaches

头痛或偏头痛患者可以祈祷fit from reliable resources offering information and support. Many organizations provide educational materials and can assist in finding doctors specializing in migraine care. There are also online communities that offer support as well as practical advice and tips.


RN的Marijke Vroomen-Durning的其他报道

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking


  1. Headache Disorders.World Health Organization。2016年4月8日。
  2. The Complete Headache Chart.国家头痛基金会
  3. Headache “Red Flags”: When to See Your Doctor.美国偏头痛基金会。2015年7月8日。
  4. 不仅仅是头痛。偏头痛信托
  5. Ahmed F.头痛障碍:区分和管理普通子类型。英国痛苦杂志。August 2012.
  6. Headache Treatment: Overview.Cleveland Clinic。December 29, 2014.
  7. Tension Headache: Diagnosis and Treatment.梅奥诊所。August 19, 2017.

