
Among the long list of CFS symptoms is brain fog. Medications may help, but you can also combat confusion and forgetfulness by putting a few non-drug solutions into place.

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感觉好像你一直在雾中是一个常见的症状之一慢性疲劳综合征(CFS)。Chronic fatigue syndrome patients often report that they are forgetful, feel confused, have difficulty concentrating, and can’t speak clearly or remember words, says Morris Papernik, MD, internist with ProHealth Physicians in Glastonbury, Conn., and a member of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee.


这些记忆问题或“脑雾,”可能是由于许多原因,包括慢性疲劳的人们不断耗尽的事实。“当你疲惫时,很难警惕,”Papernik博士说。此外,慢性疲劳综合征患者通常sleep poorly并重受到压力,可以加剧他们的记忆问题。一些用于慢性疲劳综合征的药物也可能导致内存问题。

Patients shouldn’t focus on preventing brain fog, Papernik says. If it’s true that chronic fatigue syndrome is caused by a type of virus, which is one of the latest theories about the condition, “then prevention isn’t the issue anymore,” explains Papernik. “Once you get, it you have to treat it — prevention after the fact is not going to be very helpful.” Instead, people with chronic fatigue can learn how to manage their memory problems.

Coping Strategies for Memory Problems



  • Be more organized.Make a to-do list each day. Leave yourself reminders of doctor’s and other appointments, for instance. If you have a specific errand to run or task to do during the day, write it down on a slip of paper the night before and leave the paper where you are sure to see it in the morning, maybe next to your toothbrush or on top of the shoes you will be wearing.
  • 不要太过分。Multi-tasking can be difficult for people with chronic fatigue syndrome memory problems. Focus on one activity at a time. For example, don’t try to carry on a conversation while you are cooking dinner. Concentrate on preparing the meal — you can talk once you sit down to eat.
  • Put everything in its place.If you always leave your house keys on the hook by the door, then you will know where they are when you go out. Be sure to put them back when you return. Do the same with other objects, such as your cell phone or the TV remote.
  • Just say no.如果您有一个特别糟糕的一天,请不要尝试任何对您挑战的任务。跳过苦事,直到你感觉好些或让别人为你做.
  • 积极点。Exercise或身体活动可以帮助您清除主意。如果可以,去外面散步。有些患者发现即使笑声也有助于他们感觉更好,因为它释放紧张并清除他们的大脑。“不要只是坐着,”Papernik说。“确保你的大脑保持一定程度的活动。”
  • Eat small meals.有时你需要得到你的肾上腺素up, and eating can help get your juices flowing. Chronic fatigue syndrome patients should eat smaller, nutritious meals throughout the day.
  • Get good sleep.A common chronic fatigue symptom is the inability to sleep soundly. Try to get some restorative sleep to improve your ability to think.
  • Talk to your doctor about your medication.If you think your prescription drugs may be causing memory problems, see if your doctor can adjust the dosage or try another medication.

大多数患有慢性疲劳综合症的人发现它需要一些策略来应对脑雾并打击记忆问题。虽然“药物是治疗的主要支柱cognitive dysfunction,” Papernik says, many CFS patients find that these non-drug strategies help them as well.
