
IBS and chronic fatigue syndrome often go together, and it's unclear why. Researchers are working to unravel the mystery to help you manage both conditions.

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Chronic fatigue syndrome makes you feel exhausted all the time, whereas IBS is a digestive disorder that affects the large intestine. Shutterstock;iStock.


研究表明,许多事情可能导致肠易激综合征(IBS)和慢性疲劳综合征(CFS)的发育。看待因素的研究人员份额份额 - 包括疲劳,痛苦和许多情况,肠道功能障碍 - 已经基于科学证据提出了几种理论,可以解释为什么他们经常共存:其中是感染,免疫问题,并提高疼痛感知。但科学家尚未确定一个共同的分母。

“These are complex conditions — that’s why it’s so hard to say that there is one blood [test] or other type of medical test that’s going to diagnose these syndromes," says林昌,MD,董事digestive health在洛杉矶大卫·佩芬医学院的营养诊所和医学院医学院。“他们都是多因素。”

Symptoms and Diagnosis of the 2 Conditions

用IBS,你的肠子停止致力于他们应该造成的方式腹痛和a change in bowel habits — like diarrhea,便秘, or both. To get a diagnosis, you must experience abdominal pain at least three times a month for three months. IBS is called a functional bowel disorder, meaning there's no known anatomical problem in the intestines, as with cancer or结肠炎

With chronic fatigue syndrome, you're more than just tired. You have an unexplained, persistent fatigue that lasts for at least six months and isn’t helped by rest. Since there’s no test to diagnose it, doctors rely on symptoms to make a determination. Aside from fatigue, you also need to exhibit at least four of the following symptoms to be diagnosed with chronic fatigue:

  • 体育活动后感觉不适超过一天
  • Muscle pain
  • head
  • 记忆问题
  • 关节痛
  • 睡眠障碍
  • 咽喉痛
  • Tender lymph nodes

这些symptoms can resemble those of other diseases or conditions, so first your doctor will need to rule out other causes before making a definitive diagnosis of CFS. Some people with chronic fatigue can carry on life with some limitations, but about 25 percent are fully disabled by the condition, according to theNational Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association



So, what’s the connection between the two conditions? Dr. Chang says that many factors may contribute to the development of both conditions. Here are some possible scenarios.

1. Post-infectious syndromes张某说,IBS有时会在胃臭虫或食物中毒后发展。同样,在细菌,病毒或寄生虫感染后,人们已经看到慢性疲劳综合征。“事实上,在慢性疲劳中,最大的理论之一是某种感染导致症状,”她说。

来自挪威的研究已联系在一起Giardia感染或者Giardiasis,IBS和CFS的发展。这最近的一项研究,于2018年在2018年Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology,追踪寄生虫在挪威卑尔根的供水后发生了什么,2004年总计,超过1,200名暴露患者已经证实了贾奈多,导致腹泻,胃痛和其他肠问题,被追溯到爆发。长期研究遵循近600名从感染中恢复的个体,并与没有被感染的人进行了与健康的健康。在10年的标志,43%的暴露个人已开发出IBS,而仅有14%并没有受到影响。CFS报告了26%的感染群体,而其他11%的人。

2. Overactive immune response在IBS中,科学家理解肠道中的免疫反应可以触发分泌物的变化或肠道移动或感应疼痛的方式,导致症状。在CFS中,她说,免疫系统中的问题可能导致产生与疲劳有关的炎症物质。

3. An imbalance in gut bacteria研究表明,CFS的人可能具有某些肠道细菌的异常水平。一种study published in 2017 in the journal微生物组发现慢性疲劳综合征的人具有较高水平的特异性肠道细菌和其他其他细菌的较低水平,而没有细菌的肠道。然后检查研究人员是否通过IB的患者共享这些不平衡。结果表明,参与者确实具有不同的肠道细菌异常模式,这取决于它们是否具有单独的条件或慢性疲劳综合征。虽然肠道细菌水平与慢性疲劳综合征之间的关系尚不清楚,但一些研究人员假设这些扰动可能在导致条件下发挥作用。


4. Enhanced pain perceptionPeople with IBS and possibly those with chronic fatigue syndrome tend to process pain differently from people without the conditions. Chang explains it this way: “Say I have IBS or another chronic pain condition and you don’t, and someone applies intense pressure to our thumbnails. At the same [applied] pressure, I’ll feel it as a much more intense pain. I will rate it as 8 out of 10, and you’ll rate it as 2 out of 10. The pressure threshold that I feel pain will be lower than yours.” In IBS, the increased sensitivity occurs mainly in the bowels.




  • Cognitive behavioral therapy谈话治疗可以为您提供管理您的状况的工具,为您提供某种控制感,并帮助您感到不知所措。
  • Medications that reduce pain与您的医生讨论哪些药物可能有助于降低两种情况的疼痛。
  • 生活方式改变Having routine activities and daily structure and not overexerting yourself can help ease symptoms of both IBS and chronic fatigue.

