
The low-FODMAP diet can play a crucial role in your irritable bowel syndrome management, but not if you fall victim to these mistakes.

Medically Reviewed
vegetables on bread with hummus fork and knife eating
你能有太多好事吗?是的 - 即使是低点食品也可以触发IBS的过多部分。 斯托克斯

如果你有肠易激综合症(IBS), chances are you’ve heard of the low-FODMAP diet. But how does the diet work, and can it really help you manage the hallmark symptoms of IBS, like gas,bloating,便秘和腹泻?

由研究人员创建莫纳什大学在澳大利亚墨尔本,低点饮食是一种科学支持的方式gastrointestinalconditions like IBS to figure out which foods trigger their symptoms so they can limit or eliminate them from their diet. FODMAPs (the acronym stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) are short-chain carbohydrates, or sugars, found in foods like apples, asparagus, and dairy products, that people with IBS and other gastrointestinal disorders sometimes have difficulty digesting properly — leading to腹痛和other common IBS symptoms.

The diet consists of three phases, according to莫纳什大学:

  1. Elimination phase避免了两到六周的五周期,其中较高的食物。
  2. 再引入阶段一旦IBS症状得到改善,在8至12周的过程中,含FODMAP的食物将逐渐逐渐纳入您的饮食中。建议一次引入FODMAP组,例如果糖和乳糖,其中一项是一份,就像保留食物期刊以跟踪您所吃的食物和症状。
  3. 维护阶段恶化IBS症状的食物受到限制或避免,并且FODMAP foods不刺激胃肠道。


Sounds promising, right? While the low-FODMAPdiet for IBS可以是症状管理工具箱的关键部分,饮食很复杂,通常会因误解和错误而敞开大门。

“Unfortunately, often the first time people hear about the FODMAP diet is from simply being given a handout with an extensive list of foods [to avoid] by the doctor,” says朱莉·史蒂芬斯基(Julie Stefanski),RDN,CDCES,营养与饮食学院发言人。“患有IBS的人通常会因为盯着一个复杂的食物清单而感到不知所措或简单地困惑,通常含有他们甚至从未听说过的食物。”



Because of its complexity, it’s vital for anyone with IBS who wants to try the low-FODMAP diet to truly understand the requirements of the diet before starting, says安吉拉·莱蒙德(Angela Lemond),RDN,德克萨斯州拉伯克市Lemond Nutrition的首席执行官兼共同所有人,也是营养与饮食学院的发言人。


该怎么办:Both Stefanski and Lemond recommend connecting with a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) who can help you understand each phase of the diet and answer any questions you have before you start. “An RDN acts as a tour guide to help someone navigate through the FODMAP diet, choosing the right path that will help them feel better,” says Stefanski.



Stefanski回应了这个建议。“并非Fodmap饮食中的每种食物都会使某人生病。重要的是要清除实际引起问题的食物。” Stefanski说。

从饮食中消除太多食物会导致营养deficiencies, Lemond explains. And if a patient does need to stay away from certain foods, a dietitian will aim to replace those lost nutrients with another source, whether it's other foods or nutritional supplements, she notes.

Not to mention — swearing off multiple foods can cause you unnecessary stress in social situations like dining out, Lemond adds.

该怎么办:According to Monash University, the elimination phase of the low-FODMAP diet should last only two to six weeks. After you complete the elimination phase, be sure to work with your dietitian to reincorporate high-FODMAP foods into your diet and determine which ones are the culprits and which ones don’t worsen your symptoms, say Stefanski and Lemond.


Lemond说,尽管有些食物的Fodmaps比其他食物要低,但如果您吃了很多食物,那么低点食品很容易成为一种高产的食物。“ fodmaps加起来。即使某种东西是低点食品,如果您吃了五杯这类食物,它也可能不再是低粉料。因此,这就是它可能会变得棘手的地方。”她解释说。

该怎么办:Lemond recommends莫纳什大学’s FODMAP Diet app($7.99), which uses visual aids to show the FODMAP levels found in different foods. “The app puts each food as a red light, green light, or yellow light, and you can search specific foods to see exactly what FODMAP the food is high in,” she explains.


Stefanski and Lemond agree: The low-FODMAP diet should be just one part of a multipronged approach to managing IBS symptoms. They recommend finding strategies to manage stress and anxiety as well, which can be major symptom triggers.


“Sometimes people have to realize that it’s not just the actual food you’re eating. It’s that you have a sensitive stomach, and during times of high anxiety, your stomach is going to hurt regardless of what’s in it,” Lemond says.

该怎么办:与您一起制定压力管理计划IBS treatmentteam. Regular engagement in stress-busting activities like正念冥想莱蒙德说,可以提供帮助。Stefanski建议咨询有执照的治疗师,以帮助保持压力和焦虑。
