Dr. Lucinda Bateman: Fighting the Fight Against Pain and Fatigue



As a young woman, Lucinda Bateman, MD, loved science, particularly zoology, botany, and ecology. Her role models were her favorite high school and college teachers and like her parents, who were also teachers. Her plan was to get a secondary education degree, with the option to pursue a masters or doctoral degree in a scientific field. But after spending two years teaching in Southeast Asian refugee camps and then getting a masters in botany, Bateman decided that she would be most empowered to create positive change as a physician. That decision led her to the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where she was taught to think critically and creatively. She chose an internal medicine residency because it gave her the most flexibility to decide a future career in medicine.

经过the time Bateman moved back to Utah in 1987 to begin her residency in internal medicine, her older sister, a previously healthy young mother of three, had become chronically ill. Doctors initially investigated her symptoms, but when answers were not forthcoming, they gave up and suggested that she was probably just depressed and should "take a night class" to broaden her world. But Bateman knew there was something more going on. To help her sister, she began scouring the medical literature and attending conferences so she could understand the emerging science of纤维肌痛andchronic fatigue syndrome.


"I started practicing general internal medicine in 1991, and because of my interest in纤维肌痛and chronic fatigue syndrome, the clinic quickly became a magnet for patients chronically debilitated by fatigue and pain that no one else seemed to understand," Bateman says. "Almost a decade later, in late 1999, when it seemed little progress had been made in terms of research, medical education for physicians, and general accessibility to health care for these patients, I made a huge decision."

Bateman sent a letter to her 3,000 patients and told them she was closing the practice to start a specialty clinic — the Fatigue Consultation Clinic. The clinic was immediately busy, but it became apparent that seeing patients one by one was a slow way to make progress. In 2001, with a generous donation of $5,000 from the Marion D. and Maxine Hanks Foundation, a mentor from her refugee camp adventure, she recruited a board of directors and started a non-profit organization -- Organization forFatigue and Fibromyalgia教育与研究(优惠) - 致力于提高意识,倡导患者,教育医疗提供者,以及与慢性疲劳和纤维肌痛相关的研究。自从世界各地触动了数千个生命以来。


The rich experience provided to me by patients with these illnesses has put me in a position to teach others. Through a combination of continuing education, volunteer lectures, and paid pharmaceutical talks I have delivered more than 500 face-to-face and group lectures relating to chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia to other medical providers.

Through collaboration with University of Utah scientists, the clinic has provided clinical input and coordinated willing research volunteers for several recent groundbreaking studies, including a large study of 100 chronic fatigue syndrome patients with that found no evidence of a new retrovirus; a study showing familial risk of chronic fatigue syndrome extending to third degree relatives; two scientific papers demonstrating novel biomarkers of fatigue and pain; and a revision of the chronic fatigue syndrome case definition.


In addition to serving as a volunteer board member and executive director of OFFER, I have served on the boards of the International Association of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia/myalgic encephalomyeltitis and the CFIDS Association of America, where others like me come together to prompt change. I had the opportunity to be part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services CFS Advisory Committee for four years. The committee has advised the U.S. Secretary of Health that these disorders need more federal recognition and research funding, centers of excellence, disability reform, access to medical care, and better provider education. The CFSAC initiated efforts that culminated in an National Institutes of Health sponsored CFS State of the Knowledge Conference in 2011.

Every accomplishment listed above has been the result of hard work by many, including the patients who suffer from these disorders and yet willingly volunteer to help others; my staff; many clinical and research colleagues; and amazing volunteers.

My future health projects:Current projects revolve around finding reliable diagnostic tests for myalgic encephalomyeltitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia that will return these conditions to mainstream medicine and science. It is within our grasp to understand the causes of these conditions, to develop tests that demonstrate the presence and severity of illness, and to develop effective treatments. Of course, prevention is the ultimate goal.

My favorite healthy habit:力量培训. I’ve always enjoyedaerobicactivity such as walking, hiking, or cross country skiing, but in my forties I discovered that consistent strength training helped me control my weight and maintain the fun of intermittent vigorous activities such as skiing, practicing basketball with my son, or shoveling a new snowfall. Maintaining muscular strength reduces "weekend warrior" injuries and helps me have a higher energy level overall.

My health hero:我的伟大的姨妈Beulah出生于1897年。在1920年,她在宅基地和牧场上提出的八个孩子之一,她是一名教师,作为一名护士,把她的兄弟和自己穿过学校,终于成为了20世纪30年代的医生。正如我以后叫她数十年的那样,阿姨Bea,向我保证,成为医生将未来打开令人兴奋的门。在她的医学职业早期,她指导了菲律宾的妇女和儿童医院。在她结婚并开始一个家庭后,Beulah的热带梦想被第二次世界大战的升级所破坏。她的丈夫是美国陆军官员,在Bataan死亡3月份死亡,而她和她的两个儿子在Pow Camp被实习了三年。她后来获得了一般麦克阿瑟勋章荣誉勋章,以便在1941年拯救爆炸珠宝珠宝日爆炸甘蔗袭击的士兵的生活。战争后,Beulah博士与女性合作精神科医生并在帕洛阿托开设了一个思维身体医学诊所,治愈了战争的伤口。在我自己的医疗训练开始之前,她是我唯一看到医疗保健的医生。

我对我的讲道:我试着得到8到9个小时的年代leep every night, balance work with family and personal time, and stay physically fit. I could do a better job of practicing what I preach about diet. I love tasty food!

My best health tip:Be the tortoise not the hare! Slow and steady wins the race. Developing steady habits is much more valuable than pursuing crazy tangents, such asfad diets, drug treatments, or exercise extremes. The two most important turtle-like habits for maintaining quality of life with aging are maintaining a normal body weight, staying as physically strong and active as possible, in spite of impediments that arise.

My three top musts for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome management:

  • Learn everything you can about the condition from trusted sources, and don’t be overly concerned about what well-intended but uninformed people think or say.
  • Be as healthy as possible in other aspects of your life, such as maintaining a positive attitude, eating right, and avoiding unhealthy habits.
  • 学会节奏活动以最大限度地减少症状燃烧,但这与终身迈进的需要达到这一点。乌龟是我们的吉祥物。