On the Job With Chronic Fatigue

Having chronic fatigue syndrome doesn't necessarily mean you need to say goodbye to your paycheck. If your employer is willing to be flexible, you may be able to keep working.

Medically Reviewed

People with慢性疲劳综合征often have problems accomplishing everyday tasks. Chronic fatigue can also affect people with conditions likeankylosing spondylitis, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

“[慢性疲劳患者]有problems with short-term memory并且无法满足截止日期,并犯错误,因为他们不记得有人在前几分钟告诉他们的内容,“美国卫生和人类服务综合征咨询委员会担任咨询委员会担任咨询委员会的成员。“他们也有显着的痛苦。”


Many chronic fatigue patients who work are reluctant to discuss their illness with their employers for fear they will be discriminated against and fired, Papernik says, but it is very important for people with chronic fatigue syndrome to educate their employers about the illness and what they can and cannot do.

“Education is the best way to communicate to people who are naïve or who are somewhat cynical or non-believing about the disease,” Dr. Papernik says. Because some people believe that those with chronic fatigue syndrome should just be able to pick themselves and move on with their lives, they need to know what this condition is all about.

Papernik建议将此信息从您的医生中收集,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,而且CFIDS Web site.

Americans With Disabilities Act Protections


Accommodations might be:

  • Part-time or reduced hours.您可能无法每天工作八小时,但也许您可以管理五个 - 或者您每周可能不到五天,但也许您仍然可以在两天或三天内完成您的工作。“我们已经患有慢性疲劳综合征患者,其老板允许他们在上午10点到上午10点。”Papernik说。工作时间也在高峰时期的呼吁中工作。
  • 工作日额外休息。“白天有很多休息会让你躺下,然后拿一个力量睡午觉,”Papernik说。“它可能只有15分钟,但你可能会发现自己更加富有成效。”
  • Working from home.如果您是一个有价值的员工和技术允许,您可以在家中完成您的工作。许多会议由电话会议或通过互联网持有。

Should you tell your co-workers about your illness? It depends on your situation and how friendly you are at your workplace, Papernik says. If co-workers feel you receive special treatment or aren’t carrying your load but don’t know why, telling them may ease tensions. It will help if you educate your co-workers as well about chronic fatigue syndrome; show them the materials you gathered for your employer, Papernik says.

When to Consider Disability or Social Security Benefits


Papernik recommends that CFS patients ask for a short-term disability if they can. “See how you do with medication adjustments,” he says, “and, if necessary, then go to long-term disability. It’s much better to do that than to wait to get fired.”

While a controversial诊断, chronic fatigue syndrome has been recognized by Social Security as a “medically determinable impairment.” It might require persistence and a lawyer, but you can qualify for Social Security benefits. Expect to have to prove your claim with documentation.

Think about your chronic fatigue symptoms and then decide what’s best for everyone involved — you,your family,和你的雇主。
