10 Ways to Boost Your Emotional Health Through Improving Your Self-Esteem


Medically Reviewed
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When you feel good about yourself, it's much easier to cope with life's little ups and downs as well as bigger events, such as divorce or a death, says杰夫·加德雷(Jeff Gardere),博士, a clinical psychologist and an assistant professor of behavioral medicine at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine in New York City.

这里有10种方法你可以练习的赌注ter压力管理和boost your self-esteem. These strategies will help you stay有弹性的通过日常的压力以及出现更大的个人问题。


"It's very important that you have a support group of朋友们和family," Dr. Gardere says. "You need people whom you can talk to about your problems — people who will listen to you when you need to get things off your chest — so that you know you're not alone in whatever it is."

2. Learn More to Lessen the Fear of the Unknown



任何形式锻炼that you enjoy will do. "Regular exercise works as a good partner for people who are on medication," Gardere says. Exercise also works well for people who have mild or moderate depression and don't need to be on medication. Think of it as a great压力管理工具


在坚定关系中的亲密关系有各种各样的情感利益 - 它可以帮助您对自己和boost self-esteem。加德雷说:“找出一个适合您和您值得信赖的合作伙伴的时间表 - 每周一次或每周一次或两次一次。”


Everyone should have at least one hobby, Gardere says, whether it's taking care of plants, collecting antiques, or listening to music. You should do something that brings you some real joy — a passion that's all yours and that no one can take from you. Having a hobby and taking pride in it is a great way to boost self-esteem.


Alcohol can be a good stress reducer, but you must indulge in extreme moderation, Gardere says. The same advice applies to indulging in food. You can eat what you want and enjoy it as long as you eat smaller portions and get regular exercise, he says. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for your physical and your emotional health.

7. Meditate or Practice Yoga to Relieve Stress

These types of activities are effective for stress management. Meditation is a focused form of guided thought.Yoga泰思(Tai Chi)虽然以运动为导向,但也被证明是压力克星。


8. Manage Your Time by Setting Weekly Goals

If you make a schedule and set goals for yourself for the week, "you'll be more on top of your days, and when you're more on top of your days, you're more on top of your life," Gardere says. As you cross off the tasks on your to-do list, you will feel a sense of accomplishment which will help reduce stress, he adds.

9. Get Enough Sleep to Maintain Energy and Increase Productivity


10. Learn to Say No and Refrain From Overextending Yourself

如果您尝试做更多的事情,那么您最终只会感到沮丧bob bet体育 。If someone asks you to do something you absolutely can't do, say no. At the very least, ask for help. And if you can't do it, explain why kindly but firmly.

