Fibromyalgia Treatment

A range of drug and nondrug therapies are available to help relieve fibromyalgia symptoms.

Medically Reviewed

A range of drug and nondrug therapies are available to help relieve fibromyalgia symptoms.

medication, a woman swimming, and a woman getting acupuncture, which can all potentially help treat fibromyalgia pain
药物,生活方式方法和替代疗法的结合可以缓解纤维肌痛症状。 Thinkstock;; Thinkstock


It’s believed to be caused byoversensitivity to painsignals in your brain. The areas in which you feel pain may vary in fibromyalgia, and nothing is physically wrong with these areas.


Lifestyle Behaviors That May Help Fibromyalgia

While medication is available to treat fibromyalgia, these treatments aren’t effective for everyone.

“事实是,我们没有很好的药物。”Don L. Goldenberg, MD, arheumatologist和professor emeritus of medicine and nursing at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland.

This means that lifestyle measures are especially important to treat and manage fibromyalgia. They also don’t carry any drug side effects, Dr. Goldenberg notes.

Beneficial behaviors for fibromyalgia include:


Physical exercise — especially regularaerobic exercise— is the single most effective treatment for fibromyalgia, according to the American College of Rheumatology.

At first, exercise may be painful or difficult, butregular physical activitycan help improve your symptoms and make exercising easier.

You may want to try walking, biking, swimming, or water aerobics as aerobic activities.

Many doctors also recommend stretching andstrength training, Goldenberg says.


Your doctor can help you develop an exercise routine, or refer you to someone else who can help.

Good Sleep Habits

Getting enough sleep can help you combat the fatigue that often accompanies fibromyalgia.

Try to go to bed and get up at about the same time each day. Also limit daytime napping, since this can interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night.

If scheduling your sleep and practicing good sleep hygiene — making sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool, for example — aren’t enough to help you get adequate sleep, you may need to see abob ios下载 specialist to evaluate your need for other treatments.

RELATED:12 Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

Reducing Stress

Take time to learn coping techniques for dealing with inevitable life stresses, and try to limit stress in your daily routine.

To help your mind and body relax, it can be helpful to practice yoga, tai chi, qigong, or other forms of exercise that focus on gentle, controlled movement.

Practicing mindfulness — in which you direct your thoughts toward certain feelings or thoughts in the present moment — may also be helpful for some people.

Massage Therapy

Certain types of massage may help relieve pain和address other symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

在2017年11月发表在《期刊》上的一项小型研究中Rheumatology International,研究人员发现,在患有纤维肌痛的女性中,与单独运动相比,结缔组织按摩与运动结合的疼痛,疲劳和睡眠破坏会减少疼痛,疲劳和睡眠破坏。((1)

Losing Excess Weight

Although it’s unclear exactly why, people with a higher body-mass index (BMI) are more likely to have fibromyalgia.

In a December 2017 study published in the痛苦杂志,researchers found that a weight-loss program helped obesepeople with fibromyalgiareduce markers of pain, fatigue, and poor sleep — with the greatest benefits seen in those who lost at least 10 percent of their body weight. (2)

Not Smoking

Research indicates that people with fibromyalgia who smoke experience more pain than those who don’t.

在2015年7月发表在《期刊》上的一项研究中Pain Medicine,researchers found that people with fibromyalgia who smoked rated their pain as more severe than those who didn’t — but that this difference could mostly be explained by a higher rate of depression in the smokers. (3)

吸烟 - 然后nicotineaddiction — are also associated with poorer sleep, according to theAmerican Sleep Association.


When you have fibromyalgia, it’s important to eat healthy, whole foods. Talk to your doctor about creating a healthy meal plan.

Some people with fibromyalgia report improved symptoms when they make certaindietary changes.

It may be helpful to limit your consumption of caffeine, refined sugars, fried foods, red meat,加工食品, 和alcohol.

Instead of eating these types of foods, many experts suggest consuming more whole grains, leanprotein sources, low-fat dairy products, and fruits and vegetables. You should also drink plenty of water.

Pay attention to how you feel after eating different foods. Avoid any food that seems to worsen your symptoms.

Medication for Fibromyalgia



Other fibromyalgia drugs are currently in development and may receive FDA approval soon.

Off-Label Drugs That May Help

Doctors can also prescribe drugs off-label (for uses other than what they’re approved for) to treat fibromyalgia.

Antidepressants和anti-seizure medicines are often used this way.

Many people with fibromyalgia take over-the-counter (OTC) pain medicines to ease their discomfort, includingacetaminophen (Tylenol),ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), 和萘普生(Aleve).

Injections of利多卡因into a person's tender points (spots that are painful when pressed) may also help relieve pain.

Drugs That Are Not Beneficial

It’s important to note, Goldenberg says, that阿片类药物drugs have shown very little benefit for fibromyalgia, and they carry significant risks and side effects.

Cannabis (marijuana) has also not been shown to be effective in limited studies, he adds.

Nondrug and Alternative Therapies

Some people use complementary therapies to help managefibromyalgia symptoms. These may include:

  • 针刺
  • Meditation
  • 脊骨治疗
  • Dietary supplements

While many people claim that these approaches help them personally, more studies are needed to confirm their effectiveness.


Cognitive behavioral therapy— a form of psychotherapy that focuses on how thoughts and behaviors can affect symptoms — may also be helpful for many people with fibromyalgia.

奎因·菲利普斯(Quinn Phillips)的其他报告。



  1. Celenay ST,Kulunkoglu BA,yasa我,et al. A Comparison of the Effects of Exercises Plus Connective Tissue Massage to Exercises Alone in Women With Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Rheumatology International. November 2017.
  2. Schrepf A, Hart SE, Miller N, et al. Improvement in the Spatial Distribution of Pain, Somatic Symptoms, and Depression After a Weight Loss Intervention.痛苦杂志. December 2017.
  3. Goesling J, Brummett CM, Meraj TS, et al. Associations Between Pain, Current Tobacco Smoking, Depression, and Fibromyalgia Status Among Treatment-Seeking Chronic Pain Patients.Pain Medicine. July 2015.


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