
Medically Reviewed


手臂疼痛通常是由于受伤,刺激或炎症会影响手臂的结构,或者可能是颈部或上脊柱。日常活动 - 包括打字,写作,使用工具,玩运动,举起重物或运动 - 可能会导致手臂疼痛。

手臂疼痛通常在左侧,伴有胸部紧绷,恶心和呼吸困难可能是symptom of coronary artery diseaseor even aheart attack,,,,according to the Mayo Clinic.


Arm pain can be mild to severe and exists in many different forms, from a shooting or stabbing pain to one that’s more of a dull ache. It can develop suddenly or gradually and may be accompanied by other symptoms, depending on the underlying condition.

Symptoms that may occur with arm pain include:

  • 发红或瘀伤
  • Tingling
  • 麻木
  • 弱点
  • Stiffness
  • 肿胀
  • Tenderness
  • Limited range of motion
  • 手臂下肿胀的淋巴腺
根据梅奥诊所的说法,腕管综合征是由手,手腕或手指重复运动引起的一种常见状况 - 可能导致刺痛,麻木或手臂,手掌和手指的疲倦,麻木或虚弱。

网球肘(lateral epicondylitis) — a common condition caused by repetitive movements in the arms, elbows, and especially the wrists — can lead to pain and weakness in the elbow joint and forearm, along with tenderness on the outside of the elbow, per the Mayo Clinic.

据克利夫兰诊所称,当肩部炎症(粘附胶囊炎) - 往往会影响40至60岁的成年人的一种较不常见的疾病 - 当肩关节周围的结缔组织变稠和发炎时会导致疼痛和有限的运动范围。

Deep vein thrombosisof the upper extremity, or when a blood clot forms in a deep vein of the arm, can cause swelling, extreme pain, and arm fatigue, per the American College of Cardiology (ACC).

Causes and Risk Factors of Arm Pain

Arm pain can develop due to numerous health conditions, including the following:

  • Angina
  • Brachial plexus injury
  • 断臂
  • Broken wrist or broken hand
  • Bursitis
  • 腕管综合症
  • Cervical (neck) disk herniation
  • De Quervain's tenosynovitis
  • Deep vein thrombosis of upper extremity
  • Dislocated elbow
  • Pinched nerve (nerve compression)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Rotator cuff injury
  • Sprains and strains
  • 肌腱炎
  • 网球肘
  • 胸腔出口综合征


Being a WomanWomen have smaller carpal tunnels, and are therefore at a higher risk for developing carpal tunnel syndrome.

Thyroid ProblemsThyroid disordersalso increase the腕管综合症的风险,原因尚不完全清楚。

糖尿病Nerve damage related to diabetes may raise the risk of nerve compression.


怀孕Weight gain associated with pregnancy can also put extra pressure on nerves.



Since arm pain can be a symptom of many different disorders, it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis if your pain is persistent or causes you distress.

To diagnose a condition that causes arm pain, your doctor will ask detailed questions about your symptoms and activities and perform a physical exam. If needed, your doctor will order imaging tests that may include the following:



Nerve Conduction Study当应用少量电流时,该过程测量神经冲动,以检测神经受损。

Electromyography (EMG)This test involves inserting a needle electrode into muscles to measure their electrical activity, which can help detect damage to nerves leading to muscles.





Duration of Arm Pain



Treatment and Medication Options for Arm Pain

For many forms of arm pain, self-care and over-the-counter treatments are enough to effectively resolve the pain.

If you have arm pain from overexertion or a compressed nerve, avoid repetitive movements and take frequent breaks from activities that stress the area.



Place an ice pack or bag of frozen peas on the sore area for 15 to 20 minutes, three times a day.

CompressionUse a compression bandage to reduce swelling.

海拔提升你的手臂高于心脏水平提供帮助reduce swelling.


Seek emergency treatment if your arm, shoulder, elbow, or wrist pain is the result of severe trauma or comes on suddenly. If you have trouble moving your arm or see protruding bones, see your doctor right away, or go to the nearest emergency room.

Sudden arm, shoulder, chest, or背疼,,,,accompanied by pressure in your chest, may signal a heart attack, and you should call 911 and seek emergency treatment immediately. Do not drive yourself to the hospital if you think you are having a heart attack.


  • Pain that occurs with exertion and is relieved by rest (this may indicate reduced blood flow to your heart)
  • 突然受伤
  • Severe pain and swelling
  • 难以移动或旋转手臂
Schedule a regular office visit with your doctor if you have arm pain that isn’t getting better with self-care, or if you have an injury and notice an increase in redness, swelling, or pain.

Medication Options

常见的非处方药以缓解手臂疼痛包括acetaminophenand非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS), 如阿司匹林or布洛芬

Depending on the source of your arm pain, your doctor may administer drug treatments to help relieve inflammation, such as an injection ofcorticosteroids



Some conditions that cause arm pain, including many chronic tendon conditions, may benefit from physical therapy.

A physical therapist can work with you to identify activities or other factors that may be contributing to your condition, and develop specific exercises to help you strengthen and stretch the affected muscles and tendons.

One category of exercises that often helps with tendon problems is known as eccentric strengthening. This practice involves contracting (squeezing) a muscle at the same time that it’s lengthening.

物理治疗师还可以帮助您恢复运动范围,并在手术后避免疤痕以修复骨折或治疗腕管综合症,,,,according to the Mayo Clinic.




肌腱炎may benefit from surgical or nonsurgical procedures, including minimally invasive ones designed to stimulate healing or remove scar tissue, as well as direct surgical repair of a tendon injury.


Alternative and Complementary Therapies

如果您的手臂疼痛与关节炎或相关的关节疾病有关,则可能会有姜黄(姜黄素)补充剂会有所帮助。实际上,一些研究表明,正确剂量的姜黄补充剂在有效性上相似nsaiddrugs for this purpose, according to Harvard Health.

According to Medline Plus, other alternative therapies that may help with arm pain include:

  • Acupuncture
  • 催眠
  • 生物反馈
  • Relaxation training

Prevention of Arm Pain

Not all forms of arm pain can be prevented, but some of the most common conditions that cause arm pain are related to straining or overuse.


Reduce your force.If you’re typing or operating a cash register, don’t hit the keys too hard.


Take breaks.甚至短暂休息从重复性的任务可以帮助you avoid injury, especially if you use these moments to stretch and bend your hands and wrists.

Watch your form and posture.不要朝任何方向弯曲手腕,也不要在执行任务时弯腰向前。

优化计算机鼠标。Make sure your hand reaches your mouse at an angle that is comfortable — you might need to experiment with different positions and products to achieve this.

Stay warm.Keep your hands warm when doing tasks, and wear gloves if needed.

混合运动。Don’t do the same kind of exercise over and over, day after day. A varied exercise routine is less likely to cause injury.

Stretch after exercise.一旦肌肉变暖,就可以增加运动范围。


Aches and pains in your arm, shoulder, or wrist can make it difficult to write, type, talk on the phone, or go about your daily activities.


To reduce the risk of serious damage, take a break from any activities that cause arm pain, and administer any treatments or self-care as recommended by your doctor.


Since arm pain can have so many different causes, there isn’t much data available on how common it is overall. But there are some indicators that it’s quite common.

In a study published in the journalBMC Musculoskeletal Disorders ,,,,participants at a university in the Netherlands reported nontraumatic pain symptoms over a yearlong period.

In another study, published in the journalSpine研究人员发现,在瑞典斯德哥尔摩县的一般人口21至64岁的一项调查中,据报道,1990年至2006年之间的颈部,肩膀和手臂疼痛率从22.8%上升到25.0%,从12.8%上升到12.8%。男性中至15.4%。

It’s estimated that carpal tunnel syndrome affects between 2.7 percent and 5.8 percent of the general adult population, according to an article published in the journal美国家庭医生

有关的Conditions of Arm Pain

Some of the most common conditions associated with arm pain include the following:


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome这种情况是由中位神经的压缩引起的,该神经穿过手腕和手臂。症状可能包括这些区域的无力,麻木和刺痛。

肌腱炎Tendons around your shoulders, elbows, or wrists can become irritated or inflamed due to repetitive movements.

Rheumatoid ArthritisThis inflammatory joint disease tends to affect smaller joints first, such as those in your fingers, before larger ones like in your wrists, elbows, or shoulders, according to the Mayo Clinic.


The following organizations provide information and support for people experiencing arm pain and related disorders:



American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons





This leading arthritis research and advocacy organization provides information on joint conditions affecting the hands and arms, and also has详细资源on managing pain.

其他报告奎因·菲利普斯(Quinn Phillips)

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  • Arm Pain.Mayo Clinic。February 9, 2019.
  • 肌腱炎。Mayo Clinic。2020年11月3日。
  • 断臂。Mayo Clinic。July 28, 2020.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.Mayo Clinic。February 1, 2020.
  • 网球肘。Mayo Clinic。2019年2月14日。
  • 网球肘。Michigan Medicine。2019年6月26日。
  • 肩周炎。Cleveland Clinic。2019年1月19日。
  • Pinched nerve.Mayo Clinic。September 26, 2019.
  • 腕管运动:它们可以缓解症状吗?Mayo Clinic。2020年6月19日。
  • 姜黄素治疗关节炎:它真的有效吗?哈佛健康出版。November 12, 2019.
  • Alternative Medicine — Pain Relief.Medlineplus。2019年9月16日。
  • Bruls VEJ, Bastiaenen CHG, de Bie RA. Non-Traumatic Arm, Neck and Shoulder Complaints: Prevalence, Course and Prognosis in a Dutch University Population.BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders。2013年1月4日。
  • Leijon O, Wahlström J, Mulder M. Prevalence of Self-Reported Neck-Shoulder-Arm Pain and Concurrent Low Back Pain or Psychological Distress: Time-Trends in a General Population, 1990–2006.Spine。2009年8月1日。
  • Leblanc Ke,Cestia W.腕管综合症。美国家庭医生。2011年4月15日。
  • Bursitis.Mayo Clinic。2020年7月31日。
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis.Mayo Clinic。2019年3月1日。
  • Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis.American College of Cardiology。December 15, 2020.
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