What Are Mouth Lesions? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

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Sometimes it happens when you’re eating and, suddenly, you bite the side of your cheek. Or you notice a stinging and redness on your upper or lower lip and you know what’s coming: a cold sore. Or maybe you have a canker sore — one painful enough that it makes enjoying a meal difficult. You wouldn’t be alone.

Cold sores — also called发热水泡- 由herpessimplex virus 1. You might hear them called oral herpes, and they occur around and in the mouth. They’re contagious.

Unlike cold sores,canker sores, which occur mainly inside the mouth, aren't contagious. They develop on the tissues in the mouth or at the base of the gums, and they can be quite painful.

但whatever their type or origin, most of us have experienced painful sores on the mouth, lips, tongue, and inner cheek. And while they rarely call for a trip to the doctor, they can be embarrassing, especially if they are visible.

Here’s what you need to know and what to do about these mostly harmless lesions.

Signs and Symptoms of Mouth Lesions

A person with a mouth or tongue lesion may have lumps, bumps, littleulcers, or cuts inside or outside of their mouth and lips. The first thing to do is to identify the problem, since there are many different types of sores.


You’ll know you have a canker sore if you see a red ring around a white or yellow center. They tend to be small — less than 1 millimeter — but may be up to 1 inch in diameter. Canker sores form on or under your tongue, inside your cheeks or lips, at the base of your gums, or at the back of the roof of your mouth.

There are three types of canker sores. There are simple or minor canker sores, which may appear several times a year and last about a week. Major or complex canker sores, which are less common, are larger, deeper, and could take months to heal, notes StatPearls.

If you have numerous tiny canker sores with irregular edges, they’re called herpetiform canker sores. (Although the name might suggest it, herpes doesn’t cause them.) These are much less common, and they can usually clear up within a few weeks. According to the Mayo Clinic, these tend to develop later in life.

唇疱疹是充满液体的水泡。在他们出现之前,您通常会感到酸痛。您会感到该地区有些麻烦或燃烧,否则您可能会感到sore throat

Related:How Do I Know if I Have Herpes or Something Else?

Causes and Risk Factors of Mouth Lesions

Sores on the tongue or inside the mouth may also be caused or exacerbated by other infections, inflammation, stress, or, very rarely, cancer. If the sore is deep, or if it gets irritated or infected, it may also bleed.



Biting your tongue or chewing your lips can cause pain, swelling, and even small cuts. Drinking hot liquids, smoking cigarettes and cigars, and consuming alcoholic beverages can also lead to mouth lesions, as can brushing or flossing too vigorously or using a hard toothbrush.

唇疱疹是因为它们是疱疹的一种形式,它是通过口腔到口腔接触和通过唾液传播的,这意味着您可以通过亲吻或与患有冷酸痛的人共享餐具来开发它们。这个type of herpesvirus can also be transmitted to the genitals through oral-genital contact and cause genital herpes. (Herpes simplex virus 1 causes oral herpes and a different form of the virus — herpes simplex virus 2 — causes genital herpes.)

虽然唇疱疹是由病毒引起的,但确切cause of canker soresis unknown. But there are several things than can trigger an outbreak. These includefood allergies,压力,荷尔蒙变化,维生素缺乏,甚至辛辣食物。酸性水果和蔬菜也可能引发溃疡疮。

Often, people with recurrent canker sores have a family history of the disorder. They are also linked to rheumatologic conditions likelupus。(有关其他相关条件,请参见下文。)

How Are Mouth Lesions Diagnosed?




Treatment isn't typically needed for sores, which tend to clear up on their own in a week or two.


As noted above, bothcanker sores and cold sores倾向于自己消失在一到两周。但complex canker sores last longer, may take several weeks to heal, and may cause scarring.

Always check with your doctor or dentist if you have unusually large or painful canker sores or sores that don't seem to heal.

Treatment and Medication Options for Mouth Lesions

You can usually treat most common mouth sores or blisters yourself, at home, by taking a few simple steps or modifying your habits.


非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS), 喜欢aspirin或者ibuprofen, can help alleviate pain. Medicated lip balms, especially those formulated for herpes 1 and canker sores, can also help.

取决于酸痛的类型和大小,或者是否自行愈合,您可能需要抗生素,抗病毒药物,抗菌漱口水或含有类固醇的冲洗地塞米松to ease pain and swelling.Lidocaineis another pain-reducing option.

Occasionally, a procedure known as cautery may be necessary, where the tissues of your mouth are burned and then sealed up by chemicals or another instrument.


Baking sodarinses might help to alleviate pain. Applying ice, cold towels, or cooling ointments to afflicted areas may also soothe discomfort. As can applying small amounts ofmilk of magnesiaon canker sores a few times a day.

Be sure to use a soft brush to brush your teeth. It’s thought that sodium lauryl sulfate, a common ingredient in toothpastes, could also trigger canker sores, so it might be a good idea to find a toothpaste without it if you have recurrent sores, and also discuss with your dentist.

Prevention of Mouth Lesions

If you have cold sores, you should avoid should kissing people when you have an outbreak — indeed, avoiding close contact altogether. Make sure to steer clear of people who have weakened immune systems, like newborns or those undergoingcancer treatment, notes Penn Medicine.

It’s never a good idea to share lip balms, razors, toothbrushes, towels, or beverages, but it’s especially important to avoid doing so if you have a cold sore or feel one coming on. And while it may be tempting, try not to touch them. If you do, wash your hands.

When your lips are free and clear of sores, use a lip balm with sunscreen, as sunburn is another trigger for cold sores, per the Cleveland Clinic.

Complications of Mouth Lesions

Large, persistent, or unusually painful sores often need medical care.

Research and Statistics: Who Has Mouth Lesions?

It’s been estimated that about 27 percent of Americans experience mouth lesions.



In 2016, according to a May 2020 article in theBulletin of the World Health Organization, an estimated 3.7 billion people worldwide had an HSV-1 infection. That’s 66.6 percent of the world’s population of adults ages 0 to 49.

Related:Icky Mouth Mysteries Solved

Related Conditions and Causes of Mouth Lesions

Those with diseases of the immune system may be at risk of developing canker sores. These conditions include:

In Behçet’s disease, a rare chronic inflammatory condition that affects the blood vessels, a person may experience recurrent sores that could be confused for canker sores, notes the Cleveland Clinic.

Deficienciesof the following nutrients may also lead to canker sores:


If you have recurrent oral lesions despite trying home remedies and waiting to see if they go away, it’s best to have a visit with your primary care doctor.

Resources We Love

美国牙科协会的嘴健康websiteis a trustworthy and thorough source of information about dental hygiene.



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