

如果像肥胖一样待遇,则无法控制的饮食可能不会变得更好。 Shutterstock

You’d think that a person who eats an entire frozen cheesecake, a pint of ice cream, a bag of potato chips, or maybe a sleeve of cookies all within a couple of hours is, like many of us, someone who has no discipline around food and will likely become overweight as a result. You may also think that a person who eats like that should simply exercise a little willpower.


Unfortunately, your doctor might not recognize that people who binge eat regularly are living with a legitimate eating disorder, say patients who’ve gone in for help. So a doctor might advise you to exert more self-control, go on a diet, or exercise more. That’s because some healthcare professionals believe that only underweight people have与食物的混乱关系和他们的身体形象,Chevere Turner,47,创始人,总裁兼首席执行官Binge Eating Disorder Association(beda)。


1. Weight loss strategies alone may not be enough to treat binge eating disorder.建议表明您计算卡路里,碳水化合物或脂肪克;多喝水;运动更有帮助的体重减轻,在某些情况下,有助于减少狂暴进食。但对于许多患者而言,特别是那些挣扎着更严重的狂犬病的人或那些有其他精神疾病的人,减肥计划可能还不够。

2.三思而后行减肥手术Surgery only addresses your weight, and although it may help to temporarily lessen the stress of your body image problems, it will not cure your eating disorder, says车工。如果你的医生建议肥胖症手术, be sure consider it carefully and seek out a second opinion.


4. Effective binge eating disorder treatment can be intensive.“我的康复开始始于两周的部分住院,”克拉姆说,一天最初有12小时的治疗,包括一般医疗保健,精神病,个人和家庭治疗她回忆说,团体治疗,音乐和艺术治疗,以及社区饭菜。两周后,她一周三天,她“走下去”到了一个密集的门诊计划,治疗类似治疗。“这对我的康复是一体化的。20多年来,我的狂暴饮食障碍,没有这个,恢复将是不可能的,“她说她的经历。(虽然Crump的治疗非常沉浸,但大多数狂犬病患者患者可以在门诊设定中成功处理。)

有时候,即使你的治疗师也无法帮助。“I’d discussed my eating patterns with both my psychiatrist and my primary care doctor on several occasions, and neither picked up on the fact that I might have an eating disorder,” says Lizabeth Wesely-Casella, of Washington, DC, director of events and membership for BEDA.

6. Consider behavioral therapy。认知行为治疗和其他形式的心理治疗,就像辩证行为治疗, are widely recommended as first-line treatments for binge eating disorder and can be very effective for people with condition: Therapy can help people both accept and change their difficult thoughts, feelings, and behaviors instead of struggling with them alone. “I engage in dialectical behavior therapy, and it’s been very helpful,” says Wesely-Casella. “My clinician and I discuss coping skills and the role of shame in my eating disorder, and we tease out some of the difficult bits of trauma from my past,” she says. This therapy emphasizes simultaneous acceptance and change.


8. Don’t do it alone.虽然自助,药物和群体治疗可以是恢复的重要步骤,但您需要一个培训的治疗师,训练有素饮食障碍, says Turner. “And not everyone who provides mental health treatment is qualified totreat binge eating disorder,“她补充道。

9. Binge eating disorder may run in the family.Just ask Turner and her mother, Donna Underhill, 67, a retired grandmother from Severna Park, Maryland, who sought intensive treatment for her binge eating on the advice of her daughter — who herself is in recovery from the same disorder. Although Underhill previously suffered from酗酒, she's been sober for 30 years — but she'd dealt with body image and food issues for most of her life.

“研究表明,狂暴饮食障碍以及家族链接似乎存在遗传组成部分,”华盛顿大学医学院的临床实验室主管,Heather Wilkins说Weight Management and Eating Disorders Program在圣路易斯。

10. It’s not your fault.“Nobody wants to have an eating disorder,” says Underhill. And it’s not because you’re lazy. “You’ll need help to recover. For me, that meant using proven binge eating disorder therapies, nutritional therapy, and medication to address my restriction and bingeing, as well as my underlying issues and comorbid disorders, including depression,” says Underhill.
