5 Ways to Manage Psoriatic Arthritis–Related Brain Fog

Fatigue and joint pain may be the most well-known symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, but brain fog can also cause difficulty for people with the condition. Clear your mind with these simple tips.

Medically Reviewed
a woman with psoriatic arthritis experiencing brain fog
脑雾会导致心理清晰度,集中度和记忆的问题。 弗拉基米尔Godnik / Alamy

理查德丹泽尔一直在于psoriatic arthritis超过10年。虽然这位36岁的孩子已经能够管理大多数,但如果不是全部,他的症状,那么有一个人经常困扰他:脑雾。“我肯定会觉得我有时遭受脑雾,”他说。“有时候,我会因小任务而感到沮丧,因为我不能集中注意力。任务可以堆积起来,因为当我感到沮丧时,我会把它们放在下面。“

Also known as brain fatigue, brain fog is an episode of mental confusion, which often results in lack of focus, reduced mental clarity, and poor memory. There are a number of possible reasons people with psoriatic arthritis may experience brain fog.银屑病关节炎症状such as fatigue and pain can make it difficult to think clearly. And people with psoriatic arthritis have a greater risk of depression, which can affect memory, concentration, and cognitive function. Astudy published in March 2021 in the journalMedicinefound that nearly half of patients with psoriatic arthritis experienced mild cognitive impairment.

脑雾的另一个潜在原因:“如果你有自身免疫性疾病,如银屑病关节炎,你更有可能拥有fibromyalgia,“解释说明Anca Askanase, MD, 一种n associate professor of medicine and director of rheumatology clinical trials at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City. “Fibromyalgia is associated with sleep disturbance, sleep fatigue, and brain fog.”

The good news is that there are steps you can take to manage brain fog if you have psoriatic arthritis. Here are five to try:


If brain fog makes it difficult for you to concentrate on a task or to remember where you left your keys, there are several strategies you can try to make things easier. Organize your home and work space so that you can easily find everything you regularly use. Keep a calendar or dry-erase board in a prominent area in your home to keep track of important appointments and events. And write everything down! To-do lists, sticky note reminders, and alerts on your phone can help you remember everything you need to do.


除了身体健康益处之外,锻炼还提供人对人类关节炎,常规体力活动也可能有助于提高认知功能。根据研究发表在2015年2月英国运动医学杂志, 常规的aerobic exercise(与抵抗训练和调色和调色和平衡锻炼)似乎促进了海马的大小,这是言语记忆和学习中涉及的大脑区域。所以搬迁:疾病控制和预防的中心建议每天30分钟,每周至少五天,除了两天之外strength training exercises。步行,游泳和骑自行车是具有银屑病关节炎的人的好氧选择。

3. Get more (and better) sleep

“有适当的睡眠卫生is very important for people with psoriatic arthritis, as well as fibromyalgia,” saysManika Zeri,MD, 一种风湿病学者with Atrium Health in Concord, North Carolina. Lack of sleep can negatively affect the brain’s cognitive function, which can result in an episode of brain fog. In fact, a研究于2017年11月在2018年期刊上发表的研究自然医学发现睡眠剥夺扰乱了我们的脑细胞互相沟通的能力,导致临时的心理失效,这可能会对我们的记忆和视觉感知产生负面影响。“为什么你不能睡着或睡着了很重要。限制咖啡因摄入量,锻炼,没有电视,在卧室里有电视,而且靠近睡前的电子器件都可以减少一个不眠之夜的可能性,“Zeri博士说。

4. Find a hobby

Like your heart and lungs, your brain needs exercise in order to stay sharp and clear. Andresearch published in May 2015 inNeurology发现占用绘画,绗缝,陶器或木工等爱好可能有助于保持你的大脑。该研究报告说,从事创造性的爱好,减少了参与者的发展痴呆症的风险,并帮助保护了记忆。占用爱好的好处是双重的:它不仅有助于精神澄清,而且还增加了社会互动的可能性,这对人对人类关节炎的人来说很重要,这可能因病情而感到孤立或独立。

5. Meditate

Mindfulness can play a significant role in缓解压力,但它也可以帮助精神透明度,那些脑雾的东西经常缺乏。Research showsthat meditation may increase all-important gray matter in the brain. Gray matter includes areas of the brain responsible for muscle control and sensory perception such as hearing, memory, decision-making, and more. There are many冥想的类型你可以试试。如果你是新的冥想,你可以通过坐着或躺在一个安静的房间里,关闭你的眼睛,每天几分钟关注你的呼吸。
