6 Skin Conditions Associated With Ulcerative Colitis

溃疡性结肠炎可能影响不仅仅是您的胃肠道 - 它也可以影响您的皮肤。

erythema nodosum.
当您在控制下溃疡性结肠炎时,皮肤问题可能会变得更糟。 Adobe Stock

If you haveulcerative colitis,在肠道中触发的相同炎症可能会对身体的其他部位产生影响 - 包括您的皮肤。

“肠耀斑伴随着肠道表现的肠道斑点非常常见skin rashesand mouth sores,” says劳拉·拉菲尔斯,MD那a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

According to theCrohn's & Colitis Foundation,高达20%的炎症肠病的人也经历了皮肤病。在许多情况下,当您在炎症消退时,当您有爆发并改善时,会出现这些皮肤问题。

您对皮肤问题的第一行防御是为了获得溃疡性colitisunder control, saysMatilda Hagan, MD那co-director of The Center for Inflammatory Bowel and Colorectal Diseases at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore.


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Skin Disorders Associated With Ulcerative Colitis


红斑乳清瘤最常见的皮肤状况相关ulcerative colitis,红斑诺科尤姆是一个rash由疼痛,凸起的凸起,通常在腿上发现。

溃疡性结肠炎有效时,它往往会发展,注意博士。你也可能发烧,有joint pain那and generally feel ill, according toMedline Plus

Treatment options include pain-relieving medication, steroids (taken either by mouth or injection), and apotassium iodidesolution to clear up the bumps.

“凉爽的压缩还可以帮助缓解不适,减少炎症,”Kally Papantoniou, MD,纽约梅尔维尔的私人实践中的皮肤科医生。她还建议提升你的腿,帮助减轻肿胀和温柔。

Compression stockings can also be helpful, but have your doctor evaluate you for vascular disease before using them, cautions Dr. Papantoniou.

结节性红斑通常withi消失的症状n three to six weeks, but the residual bruises may last for months. In about 20 percent of cases, the rash comes back.

2. Pyoderma Gangrenosum这是一种严重和衰弱的条件,它开始作为红色或紫色凸块或水疱制成的皮疹,然后迅速蔓延。这些水泡最终加入并形成深度开放疮(ulcers), according to theCrohn's& Colitis Foundation.

ulcersare most often found on the shins or ankles but can occur almost anywhere. “People can have them on their feet, making it difficult to walk,” Hagan says. Sometimes the rash develops around the site of an injury or surgical wound.

除了疮,病症还可以引起发烧和关节疼痛,以及普通萎靡不振。与许多其他溃疡性结肠炎相关的皮肤状况不同,Pyoderma Gangrenosum经常出现在肠疾病安静时,注意到Hagan。

治疗可包括靶向皮肤的药物,例如抗炎乳膏,steroid ointments那and steroids injected into the ulcers, as well as whole-body therapies, such as steroid pills and immune-suppressing medication.

3. Aphthous Stomatitis更了解canker sores那these are small mouth ulcers (typically white with a red base). They are most often found between the gums and lower lip or along the sides or base of the tongue.

In患有溃疡性结肠炎的人canker sores说,通常大于厘米,悬挂在长度超过两周的厘米Joaquin Brieva, MD,芝加哥西北纪念医院的皮肤科医生。

这y are usually seen during severe flare-ups of ulcerative colitis and generally subside as the bowel disease is brought under control.

Canker sores that are large, painful, or don’t heal before new ones appear may be treated with a prescription antibacterial mouth rinse, a皮质类固醇ointment, or a prescription or nonprescription solution to reduce the pain and irritation, says Dr. Brieva.

4. Pyoderma Vegetans这是一种罕见的病症,与炎症性肠疾病相关,炎症性肠道疾病是腹股沟,斑块或围绕腹股沟和臂下方的斑块。它往往会影响男性比女性更多。


This skin disorder usually runs in a parallel track to the ulcerative colitis flare. Treatment typically involvestreating the ulcerative colitis itself。In some cases, a topical steroid may be recommended.

5. Sweet's Syndrome这是另一个罕见的皮肤并发症,可与溃疡性结肠炎相关。根据A的情况,这个问题比男性更频繁地发生在女性身上,而且主要是在30岁和50岁之间。review published in the January 2021 issue of theJournal of Clinical Medicine

Sweet’s syndrome typically comes with a sudden fever, along with a rash made up of many tender red or bluish-red bumps or spots. The bumps or spots usually develop on the arms, legs, torso, face, or neck.

You may also get joint pain, fatigue, headaches, muscle pain, eye problems, or a general feeling of not being well.



6. Finger Clubbing在这种情况下,指甲下方的皮肤变厚,指尖变得圆润,脂肪,如鼓锐绰号,布里维亚说。你的指甲也可能向下倾斜。

Patients with ulcerative colitis who smoke or have chronic pulmonary disease are at highest risk for developing finger clubbing, according to astudy published in June 2021 in the欧洲胃肠病学与肝脏学杂志



Coping With Ulcerative Colitis Skin Problems


Papantoniou说,减少能够触发耀斑的压力也有助于减轻压力,这也可以触发耀斑。“冥想或深呼吸可能会非常有帮助reducing stress,“她补充道。

为了最大限度地减少皮肤问题的外观,如果可以的话,尝试用衣服覆盖问题区域 - 在某些情况下可以使用衣服。

“As long as the skin barrier isn’t broken, it’s safe to cover up过度沉着or red patches with a concealer,” says Papantoniou. Ask your healthcare provider which products are safe for you to use.

附加报告Jordan M. Davidson
