8 Highly Successful CEOs and Celebrities Who Practice Meditation

Some of the most influential CEOs, executives, and celebrities credit meditation for their success. Find out more.

katy perry, paul mccartney, and oprah winfrey who are celebrities who meditate

Katy Perry, Paul McCartney, and Oprah Winfrey are just a few celebrities who regularly meditate.

冥想是使您脑海中的思想沉默以实现意识或另一种意识状态的实践。冥想可以帮助减轻压力,提高免疫力,增加浓度并提高睡眠质量 - 所有这些都对非常成功的人有益。

“I taught Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Jerry Seinfeld, Hugh Jackman, and Lena Dunham how to useTranscendental Meditation (TM)because of its ability to increase clarity, focus, andresilience,” saysBob Roth, executive director of the David Lynch Foundation. “Transcendental Meditationhelps successful people remain at a high level of functioning and think innovatively.”

In the workplace, Roth recommends Transcendental Meditation, a form of meditation that uses a mantra to settle the thoughts in the mind and direct your attention to a restful state, because of the effect it has on brain functioning.

“Of all types of meditation, Transcendental Meditation has the most research showing that it strengthens the connections of the executive or prefrontal cortex of the brain, calms the amygdala reactivity center, which lead to overreacting and hysteria, and activates the imagination and default mode network,” he says.

Here are eight highly influential CEOs and celebrities who practice various forms of meditation to help them be successful in the workplace:


Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn

Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn

After launching the professional social networkLinkedInin 2009, CEO Jeff Weiner has since grown the company to include over 450 million members. Weiner has acknowledged his daily use of guided meditations on the app Headspace in几篇文章, and regularlytweets about the scientific benefits of meditation。在interview published in February 2012 inThe Wall Street Journal,韦纳说,暂停反思情况有助于他实现长期目标的战略和积极努力。韦纳说:“时间管理的一部分是要花时间思考,而不是不断做出反应。”


William Clay Ford Jr., Executive Chairman of Ford Motor Company

William Clay Ford Jr., Executive Chairman of Ford Motor Company

The executive chairman ofFord Motor Company, Bill Ford relied on meditation to get him through several years of bankruptcy. “The练习正念让我在最黑暗的日子里前进。”文章于2013年2月发表Harvard Business Review。Ford also incorporates mindfulness meditation sessions and yoga classes into his company’s work culture so his employees can remain calm, alert, and productive, he said in anarticle published in October 2017 in the Detroit Free Press


Marc Benioff, Chairman and CEO of SalesForce

Marc Benioff, Chairman and CEO of SalesForce

Marc Benioff is the billionaire tech entrepreneur responsible for the software companySalesForce, which is worth roughly $97 billion,according to Forbes。Benioff has a very spiritual nature; He spent time in Hawaii and India with spiritual gurus and returned with a vision of his future company. Benioff has meditation rooms all throughout the various SalesForce offices, according to aninterview published in June 2018 inThe New York Times

当被问及冥想如何影响他的领导力时,贝尼奥夫说:“有一个初学者的思想会介绍我的管理风格。”Zen佛教的概念是“ Shoshin”的一个概念,其中涉及在主题上像初学者一样开放和渴望的是 - 即使在高级学习时也是如此。

“I’m trying to listen deeply, and the beginner’s mind is informing me to step back, so that I can create what wants to be, not what was,” Benioff toldThe New York Times。“I know that the future does not equal the past. I know that I have to be here in the moment.”


Arianna Huffington, Cofounder of Huffington Post and Thrive Global

Arianna Huffington, cofounder of Huffington Post and Thrive Global

Arianna Huffington, cofounder of赫芬顿邮报以及创始人兼首席执行官Thrive Global, incorporates meditation into her morning routine every day. “Once I’m awake, I take a minute to breathe deeply, be grateful, and set my intention for the day,” Huffingtontold High Existence。“Then I do 20 to 30 minutes of meditation and 30 minutes on my stationary bike, on days when I’m home. I also practice yoga most mornings.”

Huffington relies on a regular routine of self-care that includes daily meditation to help her avoid burnout. When asked by High Existence what she wished she had known growing up, Huffington said, “I wish I had avoided falling victim to the collective delusion that burning out is the necessary price for accomplishment and success,” and “I wish I’d appreciated just how powerful it can be to introduce just five minutes of meditation to your day.” You should not compromise balance and self-care for high performance; renewal is part of the process, Huffington said.


奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey),媒体所有人,女演员和慈善家

奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey),媒体所有人,女演员和慈善家

奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)的使命是她的脱口秀节目将健康,健康和思维体平衡的信息传播给所有人O: The Oprah Magazine,她的电视频道,奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)网络。奥普拉(OprahEckhart TolleDeepak Chopra对于冥想播客,务虚会和讨论,并以改善自己的生活来归功于冥想。在article published in Oprah.com,奥普拉解释说,“冥想是玩乐g still enough to know the difference between the voice and you. It's a heightened state of being that lets whatever you're doing be your best life, from moment to astonishing moment.”


Katy Perry, Singer and TV Personality

Katy Perry, Singer and Actress

Singer Katy Perry has released more than nine No 1. songs in the last 10 years, positioning herself as one of the top pop stars in the world. But living on the road can be stressful, so Perry learned how to practice Transcendental Meditation — and even taught it to her road crew. “I’m on a plane more than I am on ground, and this tool helps me find moments of peace — because I don’t have a whole lot of time — that extend my day so I can live my fullest capacity,” Perry said in aninterview in 2016 with the David Lynch Foundation。“It gives me two days in one day!”


Madonna, Singer and Actress

Madonna, Actress and Singer

Along with her concert performances and high intensity workouts to stay in top shape, Madonna tries to find moments of Zen. According to anYahoo Health发表的文章, Madonna practices mind-body workouts like Pilates and Ashtanga yoga and follows an Ayurvedic diet, which is an an ancient approach that targets the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and our environment. In addition to the Ayurvedic diet, Madonna has been reported practicing Transcendental Meditation to balance her mind-body connection. "Meditation showed me how much energy silence has," Madonna said in an interview published in August 1998 in NY Rock.


Sir, Paul McCartney, Singer-Songwriter

sir paul mccartney

前甲壳虫保罗·麦卡特尼爵士(Sir Paul McCartney)爵士在50年前与TM的创始人Maharishi Yogi参加演讲后,在50年前开始了他的旅程。“它很有意思。这很平静,似乎值得尝试。”麦卡特尼在一个interview published in 2010 in the TM Blog。McCartney was in search of something to provide him with stability during the '60s, and he's maintained the practice ever since. “I think it’s always very good to get a sort of still moment in your day. Whenever I have a chance in a busy schedule, I’ll do it, if I’m not rushing out the door with some crazy stuff to do,” McCartney said in aninterview published in July 2014 at TMHome.com。“In moments of madness, meditation has helped me find moments of serenity — and I would like to think that it would help provide young people a quiet haven in a not-so-quiet world."
