

man standing on scale in doctor's office
携带重量的地方可能比秤上的数字更重要。 Patrick Heagney/Getty Images

Although it sounds mysterious, Syndrome X is very common. It's better known as metabolic syndrome, which is a term for a group of risk factors that can raise your chance of developing heart disease and other health problems like diabetes.

In general, excess weight and lack of activity can lead to metabolic syndrome, but there are five specific factors that can put you at risk for it. You need to have at least three factors present in order to be officially diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. The five factors are:

  • 有大腰围(女性的35英寸以上,男性40多个)
  • Low levels ofHDL("good") cholesterol
  • Hightriglyceride levels
  • 高水平的血糖
  • 高血压

好消息是,改变饮食和exercise, you can prevent, control, or even reverse metabolic syndrome. If you don’t, you could develop significant health risks related to the diabetes, heart disease, and stroke as part of the condition. Your risk for metabolic syndrome increases with age, so it’s important to start adjusting your health habits early on.

Here are 10 things you should know about metabolic syndrome.


your family members about their medical histories. Your family’s medical history is yours, too. If one of your close relatives has diabetes or heart disease, you could be a candidate for metabolic syndrome.

According to the National Institutes of Health, a complete family health record includes information from three generations of relatives, including children, brothers and sisters, parents, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, grandparents, and cousins.


2. It Matters Where You Wear Your Fat When It Comes to Metabolic Syndrome Risk

If you look more like an apple than a pear, your risk of developing metabolic syndrome is greater. In discussing your health plan, your doctor may not mention how fat that settles in your belly boosts health risks more than weight that sits in your butt.

"Reducing your waist circumference could have more of an impact on preventing and managing disease than medication,” saysErin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, author of腹部脂肪饮食。Palinski-Wade在中间的体重附近增加了体重,“是过量内脏脂肪的迹象,这是代谢综合征,2型糖尿病,心脏病,甚至某些癌症的关键危险因素。”她建议,专注于减少腰围的尺寸超过尺度上的数字。


最新一组dietary guidelines for Americansencourages a diet that is plant-focused. Julie Upton, RD, of San Francisco, the cofounder of Appetite for Health, encourages a Mediterranean style of eating.地中海饮食展示水果,蔬菜,全谷物,豆类和海鲜,但肉,奶酪,糖和糖果较少。厄普顿说:“这个计划不仅对您的心脏有帮助,而且还降低了代谢综合征的风险。”

4. Dietary Fiber Will Help Lower Your Risk of Metabolic Syndrome by Lowering Your Cholesterol

Your doctor may have handed you an info sheet on the foods you should be avoiding, but you might make more progress by adding certain foods to your diet. Focus on incorporating foods rich in solublefiber, like oats and beans, into your meals. Insoluble fibers like whole grains can provide a "moving experience" by transporting foods through your胃肠道段落的同时让您感到满意。至少将一半的盘子用蔬菜和水果填充,然后选择全麦碳水化合物,以减少盘子(和胃中)的空间,以获取较少的选择。


Your doctor may ask you about your diet, provide you with some guidance, and refer you to a registered dietitian or nutritionist who can tailor a plan to your particular needs. But your doc may not ask youwhat you’re drinking

Fruit juices and sugary beverages can make your blood sugar and triglyceride levels soar. Alcoholic beverages may causehypoglycemia最初的血糖下降,但是这些数字将攀升 - 特别是如果您要食用混合鸡尾酒。水是健康水合的最佳饮料。很高兴知道茶,咖啡,脱脂或低脂牛奶,水果和蔬菜也提供了没有额外卡路里的水。


“Too often, doctors don’t set reasonable expectations,” saysLauren Harris-Pincus, RDN, of New York City. A blanket statement like "'Lose weight and go exercise' is not as motivating as 'If you lose a modest 5 percent of your body weight, you can make a significant impact on the important numbers like blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol/triglycerides,'” Harris-Pincus says.


7. Exercise Is Just as Important as a Balanced Diet in Combating Metabolic Syndrome

“Your doctor is probably not trained about the types of exercises and their related recommended intensities for improving specific parameters of this syndrome,” says Joey Gochnour, RDN, an exercise physiologist in Austin, Texas. Gochnour points out that even moderateaerobic exercisecan improvecholesterol levels。他建议定期锻炼,最好每周五天至少每天30分钟,以帮助抵御代谢综合征。

According to Gochnour, “Strength training强烈的有氧运动可以提高您的血糖敏感性并降低胰岛素水平升高。”运动是增强新陈代谢和燃烧卡路里的关键组成部分,这两者都可以帮助您减轻体重。

8. Sitting Too Much Puts You at Risk for Metabolic Syndrome

“It may sound odd,” saysJo-Ann Heslin, RD, the author ofDiabetes Counter, “but sitting or sedentary activities such as watching TV, using the computer, sitting at work or sitting while commuting have been identified as risks for metabolic syndrome even when you incorporate modest amounts of regular activity into your day.” Astudy published in June 2015 inDiabetologia将坐姿与糖尿病的积极风险相关联,报告说,每天的电视观看每小时,一个人患糖尿病的风险增加了3.4%。

9.You Should Get Your Fasting Insulin Level Tested to Assess Your Risk for Metabolic Syndrome

在实验室价值方面,血糖和A1C levelsare commonly checked. Less often, doctors order a test for your fasting insulin level; yet this test can help predict your risk of developingprediabetes和代谢综合征。胰岛素在代谢中起关键作用,高胰岛素水平可以促进肥胖,刺激饥饿并增加脂肪的储存。

“当您吃含糖食品时,您的血糖水平上升了pancreasreleases insulin to move the sugar from your blood into your cells to be used or stored,” explainsChere Bork, RDN在明尼阿波利斯,营养师和生活教练–St. Paul area. But if your body is continuously exposed to high levels of insulin, Bork says, “the receptor cells become inefficient and resistant to the effects of insulin,” and this leaves blood glucose levels elevated. It isinsulin resistancethat promotes the high cholesterol, high glucose, and high blood pressure of metabolic syndrome — also known asinsulin resistance syndrome


Your current healthcare provider may not end up being your future provider, but your current body is yours forever. If you undergo anyblood tests或考试,请求结果的副本,以便您可以将其归档在家中。重要的是要了解基线数字,并跟踪一生中健康的发展。
