Jackhammer vs. Jet Plane: What's Your Snore Sound?

Would you try a new app that records and shares the sounds of you or your partner's snoring?

The SnoreOMeter app compares snoring volume to vacuum cleaners, and other items.

Kristy Walker has a problem lots of women can relate to: her husband snores so loudly she has to kick him awake so she can get some shut eye. “I probably wake him up three times during the night by kicking him, then one of us sleeps on the couch," admits the 35-year-old registered nurse in Tampa, Fla. Her spouse's response—an eye roll and a shrug—may force Walker to consider extreme measures: posting a clip of her husband's nocturnal buzzsawing sound on Facebook.

而有些人会同情一个睡眠不足的woman’s quest at revenge, Walker’s plans aren't motivated by cruelty. She’s just following the advice of a new app, the SnoreOMeter, aimed at helping snorers (and their partners) sleep more soundly.

Launched last January, SnoreOMeter is a free app available on iOS and Android that promises to give sleep-deprived spouses the tool they need to convince their partners to solve with their snoring problems. Here’s how it works: The offended partner uses the app to record a short snoring clip. The app compares the snoring to a hairdryer, a vacuum, a jackhammer, an airplane or a spaceship. Once the recording is complete, the partner can save it to play back to the snorer in the morning, or the partner can share it on Facebook. The idea is that feedback from social media will force the offending snorer to take steps to resolve the issue.

RELATED:Overcoming Sleep Apnea

Snoring: A Sign of Serious Health Problems?

When Todd Kieffer struggled with symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, he hadn't had a decent night's sleep in years. Not only does obstructive sleep apnea deprive you of sound sleep, it can also lead to serious health issues.
Snoring: A Sign of Serious Health Problems?

SnoreOMeter was created by theSleep Apnea TreatmentCenters of America, which encourages users to share the recording with a sleep expert. While there aremany reasons why a person might snore, Scott Anderson, MD, a sleep doctor at theSleep ApneaTreatment Center in Tampa, claims he can diagnose a snoring problem just by listening to a recording.

Snoring is annoying. Sleep apnea, characterized by chronic loud and intrusive snoring, can be serious. Sleep apnea sufferers experience interrupted breathing throughout the night, either because of an obstruction in the nose, mouth or throat’s airway, or less commonly, due to a disruption in signals to the brain. If breathing does stop, low oxygen levels jolt the person out of deep sleep just enough to restart normal breathing, but not so much that (s)he remembers waking. The condition, which is often overlooked but is easily managed once recognized, leaves sufferers chronically tired, and brings asmall risk of dying from the interrupted breathing.

当然,这可能会觉得有点幼稚的文章to social media to convince a spouse to follow up on a potential health problem. But if it helps address a serious health problem — andresults in getting better rest— perhaps in this case, the ends justify the means.

"I think it brought awareness and opened up the conversation," Walker said. She may still have to be the one who bites the bullet and makes the doctor's appointment, but at least now he'll go. Hopefully a good night's sleep is in both the Walker's future.
