


痛苦会给任何人偶尔有糟糕的夜晚,但是强直性脊柱炎的人,由于疼痛而无法入睡或入睡 - 又称“ Painsomnia” - 是一种非常熟悉的现象。

A study published in December 2019 in the journal医学领域发现有强直性脊柱炎were at nearly 3 times greater risk of developing阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停,气流在睡眠期间被阻塞,导致夜间和白天嗜睡。以及发表在国际风湿病杂志found that nearly 60 percent of subjects with强直性脊柱炎经验丰富的睡眠受损。

Chronic pain can increase the amount of time it takes to fall asleep (known as sleep latency), reduce the total amount of time you spend sleeping (sleep duration), and trigger frequent arousals during the night (sleep quality), according to纳撒尼尔·沃森(Nathaniel Watson),医学博士, codirector of the University of Washington Medicine’s Sleep Center in Seattle. “People with ankylosing spondylitis are often struggling with not just one but all three of these sleep issues,” he says.

睡眠不好,不仅会使您感到疲倦和不开心,而且还会使您的恶化强直性脊柱炎疼痛。沃森博士解释说:“我们知道,未经治疗的睡眠障碍导致睡眠破碎和睡眠中断会影响大脑解释疼痛的方式,从而导致耐受性降低并使疼痛变得更糟。”睡眠损失与增加有关, too.

The good news: It is possible for people with ankylosing spondylitis to break the cycle of poor sleep and worsening pain and get the z’s they need. These relatively simple tweaks to your daily and nighttime routines can help you sleep longer and more deeply at night, and减少疼痛和疲劳during the day.

经常锻炼。“体育锻炼,尤其是伸展运动,是打击强直性脊柱炎疼痛的最有用的工具之一。”罗伯特·布拉什(Robert Bolash),医学博士,系助理教授疼痛管理在俄亥俄州的克利夫兰诊所。它还可以帮助您在晚上有疲倦的感觉并促进更好的睡眠。有人发现锻炼too close to bedtime can actually interfere with sleep. If that’s the case for you, try exercising soon after you wake up to help relieve morning pain and stiffness associated with ankylosing spondylitis. It’s all about finding out what works best for you.

Watch the clock.健康的睡眠循环工作;沃森指出,Painsomnia从同步中敲出了这一周期,使睡眠更加不稳定,越来越难以捉摸。重新获得健康睡眠时间表, go to bed and get up at the same time each day, even on weekends. A consistent routine for winding down — such as brushing your teeth, washing your face, and reading or listening to relaxing music — can also help you stay on schedule by signaling the body that it’s time for sleep.

Then turn the clock around.Checking the time in the middle of the night is never productive. “It just gets you thinking about why it’s so early when you thought you slept more or worrying about the fact that you have to get up in two hours and you’ve barely slept,” explains Watson. “This gets the brain activated and perpetuates sleeplessness.”


Check your mattress.太硬或太软的床垫会导致睡眠不佳姿势and worsening pain and stiffness, notes Bolash. A semifirm mattress is ideal for people with ankylosing spondylitis because it helps maintain the natural curvature of the spine. “You want enough support so that when you lie on your side, your spine is straight, and enough give that when you’re on your back, your spine can maintain its natural S-curve,” he explains. If a new mattress isn’t in the budget, consider a mattress topper that will help give you extra support.

将房间保持在68度以下。一些睡眠研究人员认为,理想的睡眠温度在66至70度之间,但许多专家建议将您的卧室放在凉爽的一面,以保持最佳睡眠条件。国家睡眠基金会。“Your body temperature drops when you fall asleep, so approximating the same temperature drop in the room can help shorten the amount of time it takes to fall asleep,” explains Watson.

Relax with an app.Tech会吸引我们的热量,直到所有数小时,但是您的智能手机或平板电脑也可以作为宝贵的睡眠援助。许多免费和低成本的应用程序可以指导您进行渐进式肌肉放松,一系列呼吸运动或平静的冥想。“将其中之一纳入您的晚上例行活动可以帮助您结束,ease your ankylosing spondylitis pain, and help you sleep better,” says Bolash.

不要强迫这个问题。If you find yourself反省,无法睡眠超过10到15分钟, get up and do something nonstimulating in another room, such as reading, a crossword puzzle, or some gentle stretching (especially if you’re in pain), until you feel sleepy. “Remember that sleep is not something that you,”沃森说。“在适当的情况下,这是发生的事情。”

考虑CBT-I。Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia(CBT-I)专注于帮助人们改变干扰睡眠的负面思想和行为。沃森说:“从长远来看,这种类型的疗法被证明是有效的,即使不是更多的疗法。”请您的医生将您推荐给接受CBT-I培训的睡眠专家,或考虑注册在线CBT-I计划。
