
宠物对很多人来说都是好的 - 而且对于那些毛茸茸的朋友可以提供一些独特的好处。

Pets can offer loyal companionship, boost your mood, and help people with RA stay active. r a kearton / getty图片;帆布

Covid Pandemic发生了许多生活方面,包括人们在家里度过了多少时间。在家里有更多的时间,许多人都转向采用陪伴陪伴。

While some people with类风湿性关节炎(RA)might feel that their condition keeps them from being a good candidate to adopt a pet, that’s not necessarily the case. There are many benefits to having a pet, and if you have RA, it may just come down to finding the right kind of pet for you.


获得宠物的一个主要原因是它可以帮助你留下更活跃,这是ra的好事。“RA的非药房干预的一些最佳证据是锻炼,“ saysCarole Dodge,OT, an occupational therapist and certified hand therapist at Michigan Medicine Health at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. According to the关节炎基础,运动可以改善日常运作和缓解RA symptoms像疲劳和关节僵硬。



  1. 宠物鼓励你早上起床。关节肿胀和僵硬因不活动而变得更糟,特别是过夜,这通常会导致早晨僵硬。“很多人[用ra]有困难起床并开始他们的早晨,”道奇说。但是当你有宠物来喂食并取出自己,它会让你起来,比你可能更快地搬家。
  2. 他们以不同的方式保持活跃和社交。There are many activities you can enjoy with a canine companion, including playing Frisbee, throwing a ball, or playing fetch. When you walk a dog or go to the dog park, you’re also more likely to interact with other people. With cats, playing with feathers, strings, or cat toys can help you both move around more.
  3. Pets can help boost your mood.Ra有时会导致感情与他人断绝。“ra的人可能不那么从事家庭,朋友和活动,他们可能会在之前完成,这可能导致抑郁症,”闪避说。“但宠物正在积极参与他们的主人。”
  4. 他们可以帮助改善整体健康状况。根据这一点国家卫生研究中心,宠物可能会改善主人的心脏健康降低血压and heart rate, and they may help a person feel more relaxed and decrease stress.
  5. 宠物可以分散你免受痛苦和担忧的注意力。与ra一起生活可能是艰难的,所以宠物也可以是一个欢迎的分心。“宠物让你专注于以一种非常建设性的方式专注于自己以外的东西,”道奇说。

Pet Considerations for RA

Although pets can be great for people with RA, Dodge says it’s important to keep some precautions in mind:

  • 考虑一个较小的狗更大的品种。如果您喜欢宠物的狗,那么获得一个更容易走路和每天处理的好主意。“较小的狗通常更容易控制,”躲闪指出。
  • Get a retractable leash for your dog.“Many leashes with straps are very painful for those with RA,“ says Dodge. Opt for a molded leash, which is a retractable leash with a wide plastic handle. This is easier to grip, and the leash won’t strain your hand like a strap leash can.
  • 使用适当的皮​​带表格。道奇说最好让狗保持一只矮子而不是长丝袜,因为这使得更容易控制。此外,如果您有多个狗,请单独步行,以便牵引牵引不会纠结。“否则,ra的人可以被拉下来。即使你的形状良好,如果你有一个坏的臀部或膝盖,手弱点,或者其他挑战你的东西,你可能会受伤,“她说。
  • 如果可能的话,有一个围栏的院子。如果有些日子在你不用散步的时候,你可以让他们在后院里救出自己,如果它被围起来,请跑去跑去。
  • Consider a cat if mobility is an issue.虽然你可能没有那么活跃的祖父母d, you’ll still get companionship from a cat — and they may be a better option for some people with RA. “Many times a cat is better for somebody who is more challenged in terms of their strength and ability to walk without assistance,“ Dodge says.
  • Automate to make things eaiser, if needed.如果宠物护理对您痛苦,请利用自动馈线,宠物喷泉和自清洁猫的自动清洁垃圾箱等物品。

在一天结束时,宠物可以是您生活的美妙补充 - 甚至可以帮助您使用RA更好地生活。
