What Is Overactive Bladder? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

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Rather than a disease in its own right, overactive bladder is a category of urinary symptoms. It can result from a number of different diseases and health conditions.


You may need to get up and urinate many times during the day or night if you have this condition. (1)

Overactive bladder falls under the larger umbrella of bladder control problems, and it overlaps with urgency incontinence, or尿失禁由于紧迫性。但是,并非所有患有膀胱过度活跃的人都会遭受尿失禁。((2)

Common Questions & Answers

Involuntary muscle contraction in the bladder wall is the most common cause of overactive bladder (OAB). The condition can also develop as a result of certain neurological conditions, nerve damage, stimulants like alcohol and caffeine, and medication.
Can you treat overactive bladder on your own?
Several herbs can help manage urinary symptoms, such as lingzhi mushroom, corn silk, and other Chinese herbs, yet research is limited和variable in quality. Extra weight puts pressure on the bladder, so exercising may help your symptoms, too. Bladder training with Kegel exercises can strengthen the bladder muscles.
What is the best medicine for overactive bladder?
How long does OAB last?
Overactive bladder is very treatable. Behavioral approaches, like Kegel exercises, can take six to eight weeks before showing results. Doctors typically prescribe medication for six months to a year, though it depends on the person.


Symptoms of overactive bladder vary from person to person, and may include:

  • Sudden, urgent need to urinate
  • Difficulty holding in urine
  • 尿频((often eight times or more within 24 hours)
  • 迫切需要小便的尿液损失(紧迫性尿失禁)
  • 晚上醒来一次或两次小便(夜尿)

The defining symptom of overactive bladder is sudden, strong urges to urinate. You may fear that you’ll leak urine on the way to the bathroom.

Even if you don’t actually leak urine,OAB can disrupt your life和may cause significant distress. (1,3)

Causes and Risk Factors of Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder happens when your bladder muscles contract (squeeze) too readily, giving you a stronger or more frequent urge to urinate.



You’re more likely to experience overactive bladder as you age, but this doesn’t mean it’s an inevitable or normal part of aging.


Learn More About Causes of Overactive Bladder


Your doctor will base a diagnosis of overactive bladder on your history of symptoms and other health conditions, a physical exam, and possibly certain screening tests.


  • Your specific symptoms
  • How long you’ve had your symptoms
  • Your history of other health problems
  • Prescription and over-the-counter drugs you take
  • Your diet and fluid intake

You may be asked to keep a bladder diary for a few days, which tracks your urination habits as well as your beverage intake and activities throughout the day.

Your doctor will examine you to see if any physical problems in your pelvic region are putting extra pressure on your bladder.

测试还可以帮助揭示你是否有一个正ection or a structural problem with your bladder, as well as show how your bladder responds to pressure and whether it fails to empty completely.


  • How much urine is left in your bladder after urination
  • Volume and speed of your urination (urine flow rate)
  • Your bladder pressure

Taking these measurements may involve a variety of equipment and techniques, including an超声扫描膀胱,将细管(导管)插入膀胱中,将小管插入测量装置(Uroflowmeter)或将压力传感器插入您的阴道或直肠。(1,3)


Overactive bladder is a set of symptoms, not a disease in its own right. How long your OAB lasts, and whether it gets better or worse, will depend on the underlying causes.

You may be able to reduce the burden of OAB through lifestyle changes, drug treatments, or certain nonsurgical or surgical procedures. (1)


Duration of Overactive Bladder


How long your OAB lasts will depend on its specific causes, as well as how effective your treatments are for both underlying conditions and OAB.

Even if your OAB doesn’t go away completely with treatment, you may be able to reduce its severity or impact on your life. Doing so may include both lifestyle changes to reduce your symptoms and adaptive measures to prepare for symptoms. (1)

Treatment and Medication Options for Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder may be treated with lifestyle changes, drugs, office procedures, implantable devices, or surgery.

Guidelines from the American Urologic Association to treat non-neurogenic OAB, updated in 2019, recommend asfirst line treatment behavioral therapies such as

  • bladder training
  • bladder control strategies
  • pelvic floor muscle training
  • fluid management (4)


如果药物没有提供您需要的救济,您的医生可能会给您Botox (botulinum toxin) injections帮助放松膀胱肌肉。

Both office-based procedures and implantable devices can deliver electrical impulses to the nerves that communicate with your bladder, helping it relax.

In rare cases, your doctor may recommend surgery to increase your bladder’s capacity or to remove it completely.

Medication Options

Your doctor may prescribe drugs to help your bladder muscle relax, including the following categories:

  • 反毒品
  • Beta3-agonists




注射肉毒杆菌素你的膀胱,your doctor will give you a local anesthetic and inject the treatment directly into your bladder muscle. Doing this requires passing a tiny tube with a camera, knowns as a cystoscope, into your bladder.




Nerve stimulation, also known as neuromodulation therapy, sends electrical impulses to nerves that connect the bladder and the brain to help them communicate more effectively.


In very rare and serious cases, surgery may be considered to enlarge the bladder or change the flow of urine. (1)

Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Therapies and Practices

There may be steps you can take on your own to improve your bladder control, either with or without medical therapies.

Keeping a bladder diary — tracking your urination as well as food and beverage intake, and other activities — can help you figure out what foods or behaviors might contribute to OAB.


  • Double voiding (trying to urinate again immediately)
  • Delayed voiding (waiting a few minutes to hours when you get the urge to urinate)
  • Timed urination (urinating only at scheduled times)



  • KegelsThis exercise involves squeezing your pelvic muscles tight for a few seconds, then relaxing and repeating this for a set number of repetitions.
  • Quick FlicksWhen you have the urge to urinate, you may be able to help control it by quickly squeezing and relaxing your pelvic muscles over and over. (1,3)

Consult Your Doctor About Herbs, Botanical Medicines

While there are also some herbs and botanical medicines and combination of herbs from traditional Chinese medicine that have been used traditionally or have been explored to help reduce OAB symptoms, research is limited and variable in quality and conclusions. Before starting an herbal remedy, especially if planning to take longer term, its best to speak to your urologist, primary care provider, or anintegrative medicine physician。((5)


Prevention of Overactive Bladder

Following a healthy diet and getting enough physical activity can help improve bladder symptoms by strengthening muscles in your torso, ensuring bowel regularity, and helping you maintain a healthy body weight.

某些食物和成分会刺激您的膀胱, 和you may want to keep a diary to figure out whether any are contributing to your symptoms.

Foods and beverages that may contribute to OAB include:

  • Coffee
  • 含酒精的饮料
  • 碳酸饮料
  • Citrus fruits
  • Tomato-based foods
  • Chocolate
  • Spicy food

By avoiding foods that give you problems, you can potentially reduce your symptoms enough to give other therapies a better chance to work.

In addition, you can do exercises to condition and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These exercises may help you resist the urge to urinate and reduce urine leakage. (1,3)


Complications of Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder can have a significant negative impact on your quality of life. It can interfere with work, sleep, exercise, your social life, and your sex life.

Many people with OAB are nervous about having access to a restroom outside their home and may shy away from certain social activities or even everyday errands. This, in turn, may result in feeling isolated and lonely.

If you need to get up several times during the night to urinate, it may be difficult to get restful sleep. This can leave you tired during the day and contribute to mood disorders, likedepression and anxiety


In addition, urine leakage can lead to skin problems or infections. (1,3)


Do you drink caffeine even though it may intensify OAB symptoms?

Research and Statistics: How Many People Have Overactive Bladder?

Estimates as high as 30 percent of men and 40 percent of women will develop symptoms of overactive bladder at some point in their life, according to the American Urological Association. (1,6)

In addition, almost one-half of all women will leak urine at some point, and as many as one in three older men leaks urine, according to the according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2)

It’s important to note that these numbers may underestimate the extent of overactive bladder, since many people are reluctant to report their symptoms due to embarrassment or lack of knowledge that treatments are available. (1)



One study, published in February 2020 in the journalFemale Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery,looked at the severity of OAB symptoms in women of different races and ethnicities. (7)



另一项研究,于2020年9月发表在泌尿外科杂志,看着OAB和紧迫性尿失禁(泄漏你的ine due to urgency) in men age 60 to 98 through an incontinence self-reported survey. (8)




All of these conditions may be called bladder control problems. Healthcare providers may refer to them as lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).


压力尿失禁This refers to urine leakage due to movement, which puts pressure on your bladder. It can be caused by coughing, sneezing, laughing, or physical activity.

反射尿失禁This refers to urine leakage without any warning or urge. It’s often caused by damaged bladder nerves.

Overflow IncontinenceThis condition can affect people who have difficulty fully emptying their bladder. As a result, the bladder can more easily overflow and leak as a result.

Functional IncontinenceThis happens when an outside barrier, such as a physical or mental disability, prevents someone from reaching a toilet in time to urinate, resulting in urine leakage.

Temporary Incontinence尿液泄漏可能是由于暂时性疾病而发生的,例如不良咳嗽

床润湿Also known as nocturnal enuresis, bed-wetting can affect adults as well as children. It may be worsened by certain medicines or by consuming caffeine or alcohol late in the evening.

Certain health problems may cause both bed-wetting and frequent nighttime urination. These conditions include肾结石, 一个尿路感染((UTI),enlarged prostate, 和阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停。(2)

Interstitial Cystitis and Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder is also one of the mainsymptoms of interstitial cystitis (IC), 一个condition with symptoms including intense pelvic pain, bladder frequency, and bladder urgency.


Learn More About Interstitial Cystitis

Resources We Love

Favorite Organizations for Information Related to Overactive Bladder


This online resource from the American Urological Association gives detailed information on a wide variety of conditions affecting the urinary tract. There’s also a blog on the site called CareBlog, which shares personal stories from patients and nuggets of advice from experts.

MedlinePlus — Overactive Bladder


National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases — Bladder Control Problems


National Association for Continence

This organization provides information and support concerning incontinence — bladder or bowel leakage — to patients, caregivers, and medical professionals.




  1. Overactive Bladder (OAB).泌尿外科护理基金会。September 2020.
  2. Bladder Control Problems (Urinary Incontinence).National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases。2018年6月。
  3. Overactive Bladder.Mayo Clinic。2020年3月20日。
  4. Lightner DJ, Gomelsky A, Souter L, et al. Diagnosis and Treatment of Overactive Bladder (Non-Neurogenic) in Adults: AUA/SUFU Guideline mendment 2019.泌尿外科杂志。2019年4月22日。
  5. Anjum I, Mushtaq MN, Hassan SU. Medicinal Plants Used to Treat Overactive Bladder.卫生和医学的替代疗法。September 2020.
  6. EAPEN RS,RADOMSKI SB。回顾过度活跃膀胱的流行病学。泌尿科研究和报告。2016年6月。
  7. Zuo SW,English K,Agalliu I等。过度活跃膀胱症状的女性尿动力学参数的种族和种族差异。Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery。February 2020.
  8. Akbar A, Liu K, Michos ED, et al. Racial Differences in Urinary Incontinence Prevalence, Overactive Bladder and Associated Bother Among Men: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.泌尿外科杂志2020年9月10日。
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