Getting a Third Dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine When You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis

Should everyone get it? Is it safe? We have answers.

Doctor's hand holding syringe of Coronavirus vaccine placed inside round hole in pink paper.
Most RA medications are immunosuppressive drugs; a third shot will cover people who take those drugs. Francesco Carta/Getty Images

中度或严重免疫受损的人应获得第三剂辉瑞-biontech或Moderna mRNA疫苗,即Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendedin August 2021.

This group, which includes people on medications commonly used forrheumatic diseasesrheumatoid arthritis (RA)and银屑病关节炎(PSA),仍然容易签约COVID-19该机构说,即使他们有两枪。

The third inoculation does make a difference.Researchers reported at the annual conference of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) in November 2021that people on the common drug利妥昔单抗who did not develop antibodies against COVID-19 after the first two doses were able to do so after the additional shot.

有关的:Rheumatoid Arthritis Research: News You Can Use From ACR 2021

To help people understand what this means for those with these diseases, theACR更新了其临床指南,以描述这种额外剂量的重要性。

患有RA的人have many questions about the COVID-19 vaccine,尤其是关于这种新添加的剂量。为了获得常见问题的答案,我们与之交谈Juan J. Maya-Villamizar, MD,,,,arheumatologistat the Rheumatology Center of Palm Beach, in Lake Worth, Florida, and a medical adviser to the digital arthritis community吱吱作响

bob体育在线日常健康: Does the CDC’s recommendation that people who are immunocompromised get a third shot of their mRNA vaccines apply to everyone with rheumatoid arthritis?

Juan Maya-Villamizar博士:人们并不是人们患有像RA这样的自身免疫性状况,而是问题,而是这些疾病的人通常服用免疫抑制药物。对第三次射击的需求涵盖了我们用于RA的大多数药物的人员,除了药物外hydroxychloroquine

Some medications that trigger the need for a third dose include steroids, tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi), interleukin-6 inhibitors (IL-6), methotrexate,磺胺嗪,,,,leflunomide,,,,硫唑嘌呤,,,,mycophenolate, and Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors. People who are not on immunosuppressive drugs because they have low disease activity or who are only on hydroxychloroquine are not part of this group.



EH: When should a person get the third dose?


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So far there is no official recommendation about another shot for immunocompromised people who initially got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, but we expect that to be coming.

[[The CDC has issued a general recommendation在两个月或更长时间后,每个人都有18岁以上的J&J拍摄的疫苗的助推器。]


JMV:对于免疫功能低下的患者,除了预期的任何疫苗的反应外,没有任何风险:局部化arm pain或反应,或像肌肉酸痛,发烧或发冷一样感冒的症状。如果您对先前的镜头有反应,这并不意味着您将在第三张镜头后有一张,但这是可能的。

患有RA的人也可能会有些关节疼痛。建议是使用您的典型药物,例如对乙酰氨基酚,,,,布洛芬, 或者阿莱夫。如果您觉得自己有严重的关节疼痛反应,请务必与风湿病学家交谈。


EH: The American College of Rheumatology recommends that people briefly改变他们的某些药物的时间when they get the first or second shot if their disease is stable. For example, they suggest that JAK inhibitors should be delayed for a week after each COVID-19 vaccine dose. Do these same recommendations apply for the third shot, too?

JMV:工作组要同意,某些药物d again be held for one to two weeks around the vaccine, such as mycophenolate and JAK inhibitors. But they did not reach consensus about shifting medications around the third shot for many medicines, including steroids and most biologics. I myself am telling my patients whose disease is stable to follow the same recommendations as for the other shots, since this may help improve response to the vaccine. Everyone should talk to their doctor about their own treatment situation.




