
Symptoms and Diagnosis of COPD


胸部X射线用于寻找肺部扩大,支气管疤痕,以及肺部肺部充满空气腔的形成。 iStock


That’s because symptoms of慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD) can be very insidious, according to诺曼爱德尔曼,MD那a core member of the program for public health at Stony Brook Medicine in Stony Brook, New York. “People may not know that they have a problem with breathing until they’ve lost a significant amount of their lung function,” says Dr. Edelman.

There are two main types of COPD:气肿慢性支气管炎。Most people with COPD suffer from both, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).

cop那which causes airflow obstruction and difficulty breathing, is associated with several common symptoms, such as a咳嗽喘息那和chest tightness.


What Causes COPD Symptoms?



  • 气道和肺泡的弹性丧失,可以捕获肺部的空气
  • 肺泡壁的破坏,减少了可用于气体交换的整体表面积
  • 由于炎症引起的气道增厚
  • The overproduction of粘液那which clogs the airways

These contributing factors can lead to various symptoms. Recognizing COPD symptoms is critical to early detection of the disease and successful treatment.



气促那also called dyspnea, is the main complaint that patients bring to us,” says Edelman.


如果个人仍然吸烟或者他们有慢性支气管炎as an important part of their COPD, they may have a chronic cough (also known as smoker's cough) as well, adds Edelman.


  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness
  • 持续疲劳,这通常是由于长期无法运动而导致的肌肉力量降低而导致
  • Frequent respiratory infections, includingacute bronchitis(在气肿患者)和肺炎
  • Cyanosis, a blueness of the lips and fingernail beds, which develops from tissues not getting an adequate amount of oxygen
  • 来自肺部的桶胸部慢慢地用空气过掺杂(在肺气肿)
  • 减少食欲和减肥,由呼吸所需的能量增加
  • Insomnia
  • 斜脚踝,脚或腿,可以发出更严重的COPD


“一种n exacerbation is when a chronic disease gets worse for some reason. With COPD, this is usually because of infection,” saysRichard Castriotta, MD,洛杉矶南部北部南部医学院的临床医学教授。他补充说,当环境空气污染增加时,也会发生恶化。




  • Smoking迄今为止是COPD的最大风险因素。爱德尔曼说,大约80%到85%的Copd的人烟熏卷烟烟熏卷烟。吸烟是最常见的COPD的原因那accounting for as many as 8 out of 10 COPD-related deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

  • 肺刺激性such as air pollution, airborne toxins, or chemical fumes can increase the risk for COPD, says Edelman. Certain occupations that involve long-term exposure to inhaling dust may be aCOPD的原因也是。
  • 家史COPD和Alpha-1抗酸性蛋白(AAT)缺乏,遗传障碍,可以增加COPD和其他疾病的风险。如果你的身体没有足够的蛋白质AAT,可以从吸烟和环境污染中更容易地损坏肺部,注意到NHLBI。

    一种lthough there isn’t a cure, augmentation therapy may help slow lung damage. Augmentation therapy uses the plasma of healthy donors to increase alpha-1 levels in people with the deficiency, according to the Alpha-1 Foundation.

  • 持续的哮喘和过敏爱德尔曼说,是COPD的一个重要风险因素。“即使是没有吸烟的人,如果他们长期拥有哮喘,那么它可能会从哮喘变为COPD,”他说。




copis almost always associated with smoking; asthma can occur in both smokers and nonsmokers.


What Tests Are There for Lung Function?


  • Spirometry这涉及到吹成管连接到一个年代pirometer, a machine that measures the airflow into and out of the lungs. This is the standard respiratory function test used for the detection of COPD, and it is frequently the only test needed to diagnose the condition, per past research.

  • 支气管扩张剂测试This is a method for measuring the changes in lung capacity after inhaling a short-acting β-agonist that dilates the airway. When an obstructive defect is detected, this test helps to diagnose and evaluate asthma and COPD by measuring reversibility with the use of an inhaled bronchodilator, according to an article published in April 2017 in结核病和呼吸系统疾病

  • 肺卷测试这种过程类似于肺活量测量,是衡量你的龙头可以持有多少空气可以持有的最准确的方法。

  • 肺扩散能力该试验用于评估肺部交换气体的程度,这是肺部的主要功能的重要性是让氧气从肺部进入血液并允许二氧化碳从血液中扩散到肺部中,这是到medlineplus。

  • 脉搏血氧仪This test can measure the oxygen level or saturation of the blood. It’s performed with a device that clips on a body part such as your finger or your ear. It can be used to check the blood oxygen level of people with COPD, says Johns Hopkins Medicine.


Your doctor might also order血液测试和成像扫描,如:

  • 动脉血气测试This evaluates your lungs' gas exchange capabilities by measuring the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your blood.

  • 一种一种T Deficiency确定有人是否具有AAT缺乏的方法是通过blood test,每个NHLBI。

  • 胸部X射线X-raysare used to look for lung enlargement, bronchial scarring, and the formation of air-filled cavities in the lungs called bullae, according to

  • 计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描该测试提供胸部内部结构的图片,例如您的心脏,肺和血管。一种CT扫描也可以指示是否另一种条件,例如心脏衰竭NHLBI指出,正在引起症状。

  • 其他诊断测试也可能是必要的,例如被称为心电图(EKG)的心脏测试,支气管镜检查(其中用相机插入透气管以检查肺部),以及肺或支气管活检根据国家犹太健康的说法。

一旦你有适当的诊断,就可以开始治疗to slow the progression of COPD and relieve symptoms.


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