
Certain IBD therapies may increase your risk of melanoma. Follow these key guidelines to help lower your skin cancer risk.

用于IBD的免疫抑制剂可能会增加您的皮肤癌风险。 bob体育在线

皮肤癌是最常见的癌症diagnosed in North America, according to the国家癌症研究所,尽管每个人都处于危险之中,但患有某些慢性病的人可能需要对保护防晒。

Some past research found that people living withinflammatory bowel disease (IBD)正在服用硫嘌呤的人 - 免疫抑制药物,例如硫唑嘌呤ormercaptopurine— were at an increased risk of developing nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSC) and黑色素瘤,这不那么普遍,更威胁生命。

但是是系统的评论于2020年5月在《期刊》上发表JAMA皮肤病学发现免疫疗法治疗与增加的风险之间没有显着联系皮肤癌in patients with inflammatory conditions such as IBD,psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Contrary to过去的研究, which suggested that suppressing the immune system would make the body more vulnerable to getting skin cancer, the 2020 study didn’t find any statistically significant links between the two.

根据Michelle A. Weir, MD, an assistant professor of clinical dermatology at Penn Medicine in Philadelphia, it’s important to distinguish between melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers when considering skin cancer risk for people with IBD.

“许多通常用于治疗克罗恩病患者的免疫抑制疗法已被证明增加了非黑色素瘤皮肤癌的风险,包括基底细胞癌和squamous cell carcinoma威尔博士说。“当您考虑非IBD因素(例如年龄较大,一生中紫外线的数量和强度)和皮肤类型等非IBD因素时,这种风险就会增加。”

The new study looked only at patients’risk of melanoma

While patients with Crohn’s may have an increased risk for certain types of skin cancer, whether that increased risk is due solely to IBD or to immunosuppressive therapy is difficult to distinguish, notes Weir.

Ioannis Economou, MD, a gastroenterologist at Rush Center forCrohn'sandColitis在伊利诺伊州的芝加哥,有证据表明,在身体的区域发生了黑色素瘤,反复晒伤。一些研究人员认为,这可能是由于免疫系统故障造成的,该系统无法拾起并靶向癌性肿瘤,或者体内炎症增加会使皮肤更容易暴露于日晒。

其他人则建议皮肤的发病率就越高cancers in people with IBD may be related to the fact that they visit healthcare facilities more often than the general population, so there's a greater chance skin cancer will be detected. Until more studies with larger patient groups are conducted, notes the 2020 study, we won’t know for sure whether biologic therapies for common inflammatory diseases like Crohn’s can affect your risk of developing skin cancer.

“我们告诉正在接受免疫抑制剂药物的患者,他们需要对防晒​​,并更频繁地看到皮肤科医生。”小埃德·洛夫图斯(Ed Loftus Jr.),医学博士,明尼苏达州罗切斯特的梅奥诊所的胃肠病学家。


“Controlling inflammation within the body is incredibly important in maintaining the overall health of a patient with IBD because it decreases their risk for complications, infections, and other types of cancers,” says Weir. “Skin cancer surveillance with annual skin checks is recommended for all patients on immunosuppressive therapy. Regular visits to a dermatologist can result in early detection of skin cancers, which can typically be managed with straightforward interventions.”


  • Fair skin
  • 非典型痣的趋势
  • 年龄
  • 痛苦或恶劣晒伤的历史
  • 一个n outdoor work environment
  • 一个family history of skin cancer


How to Protect Yourself From the Sun

一个发表在皮肤癌杂志2016年2月发现尽管IBD患者往往对皮肤癌有很好的信息,并意识到皮肤特征,但他们并不总是使用适当的皮肤保护and prevention measures. The study, which found that people over age 40 scored higher on prevention knowledge, and that women scored higher on skin protection than men, encourages health professionals to reinforce预防皮肤癌在IBD患者中。


  • 避免阳光直射,尤其是在上午10点至下午4点之间。
  • Use防晒霜(SPF 30 or higher), even when it’s overcast.
  • 不要晒黑或使用晒黑摊位。
  • 戴防护服和阳光宽的帽子。
  • 经常检查您的皮肤以检查是否有可疑的痣,病变或鳞片状皮肤。
  • Have yearly skin screening examinations, or more frequent ones, depending on your dermatologist’s advice.

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