10 Tips For Coping With A Hyperactive Child

Step-by-step instructions and lists can help you and your child to stay organized and focused. Shutterstock
应对一个活跃的孩子可以是困难的。一个重peractive child can seem unstable, bouncing from activity to activity with seemingly limitless energy. He or she may appear to have difficulty listening or following directions. He may perform poorly in school, getting less than acceptable grades and demonstrating behavioral problems. While there is no right answer to handling a hyperactive child, following a few tips can make coping with a hyperactive child a bit easier to bear. Establish Order
Many parents prefer to maintain a loose and relaxed household without an overabundance of rules. This laid back parenting style works well for many children. Hyperactive children, however, tend to have trouble in unclear environments. If you are coping with a hyperactive child, keep the household running in a clear and ordered manner. In this way, the child will know what is expected of him from day to day. Choose your Battles
It is important that you decide which issues are worth fighting. A hyperactive child is not a “bad kid.” Hyperactivity is caused by a psychological disorder known asAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is a problem with brain chemistry that affects the brain’s ability to pass information between brain cells. Therefore, it is not simply a matter of getting the child to see reason. Living within the constraints of daily life will be a struggle for him, so focus on the issues that truly matter and let other areas slide. Break Down Complex Instructions
It is difficult for a child with ADHD to follow and remember a long list of instructions. Instead, break the task down into smaller chunks.
Insist that the child look you in the eye when you are explaining things and present the information in small, easy to digest chunks. Have the child repeat back each step.Writing instructions down can also help the child to follow them. A written, step-by-step list allows a hyperactive child to focus on one small step at a time. He or she can refer to the list to help jog his memory of what he was told and cross off steps as he completes them. Minimize Distractions
Things that most people never notice easily distract a child who suffers from ADHD. Therefore, tasks that require concentration, such as homework, should be performed in an area that provides minimal distractions. Seat the child comfortably in a location that is away from windows and doors. Allow her to move around but do not allow her to become distracted by other things.Be sure that the child understands that he is not being punished. Create a warm and inviting workspace. Tell the child that the workspace is to help her concentrate, and encourage her participation in designing a space in which she feels comfortable. Utilize Positive Reinforcement
Task completion is a huge struggle for a hyperactive child. Therefore, it is important that the child realize that the task is worth completing. Give praise and rewards whenever the child successfully completes a task. Also, allow her to reward herself by assigning tasks that lead to a prize, such as baking cookies.
When coping with hyperactive child, do not worry that you may be “bribing” the child to participate. Positive reinforcement is a reward for getting through the struggle of task completion. Help the Child Create a To-Do List
Having a list of responsibilities of his own creation can help the child to build independence. A written list also gives the child a visual reference to use when he becomes distracted or forgets what he is supposed to do. Teach the child to refer to the list whenever he is bored or unsure what to do next.Do not punish the child for failing to complete the to-do list within a set period of time. Use positive reinforcement to reward the child for the tasks he does manage to complete. Allow the child the freedom to complete the tasks in any order rather than starting at the top and working his way down. Don’t Be Too Hasty With Medication
In today’s pill-popping world, coping with a hyperactive child may seem like just a matter of getting her onto medication. It is true that certain medications can help to balance out the brain chemistry of those who truly need them. However, medications carry side effects and should not be the default option. If behavior modification methods do not work over a period of time, then you and your child’s doctor should work together to decide if medication is required. This should be a last resort rather than a first choice, however.
Provide Plenty of Unstructured Time
Is it merely a coincidence that the rates of hyperactivity appears to be going up at the same time that the number of schools providing a recess period goes down? Children need the chance to run around and simply play in an unstructured setting. As parents and teachers become increasingly busy, children’s schedules become more ordered than ever before. Be sure that any child, particularly one who shows signs of hyperactivity, has time to play outside every day. Advocate for Your Child
As soon as a diagnosis is made, a team of “experts” swoops in to give their opinions. From educators to doctors to specialists, everyone thinks that he or she knows what is best for your child. While each person means well, expert opinions are often conflicting and confusing. You know your child best, which makes you an expert on that child. Use cooperation and negotiation to develop a plan that incorporates others’ expertise on the disorder and your own knowledge of what motivates your child individually.Let people who will be responsible for your child know of his disorder. Coping with hyperactive child is difficult for those who understand, but downright trying for the uninformed. Discussing the situation in advance also gives you the chance to tell the person in charge about the methods you are currently using. Consistency in the child’s environment is important, so if you are using a certain reward or means of dealing with negative behavior, let the caregiver know what you are doing.

Become Educated

Learn as much as you can about your child’s disorder. Read and digest any handouts or informational materials that you are given. Perform your own research as well; keeping in mind that information on the Internet is not always reliable. Stick to trustworthy sources for information.Do not allow yourself to be pushed into making decisions regarding your child’s treatment. Asking for a second and even third opinion is your right and responsibility. Ask questions to clarify points that you do not understand, and take as much time as you need to become comfortable in discussing your child’s problems.Coping with a hyperactive child presents a unique set of challenges. Following a few tips, however, can make the burden easier to bear. Help your child to focus by presenting information in easy to digest chunks and writing things down. Educate yourself about the child’s disorder and advocate for her with professionals and experts. Establish order and encourage others who interact with your child to do the same. In this way, you can maximize your child’s successes while minimizing his negative behaviors. Always Consult Your Physician First
It is helpful to prepare yourself with health information by reading and talking to friends, but always consult your doctor before taking medical action or changing your health routine.This information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. LifeScript disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information.Is Your Teen Hanging Out With The Wrong Crowd?
如果你的孩子是跟错了人,how would you know? Have you noticed a change in behavior or a lack of respect for what used to be important? Bad influence from befriending the wrong people shows up in various ways and peer pressure gives teens a new attitude about life that may not be to the liking of all parents. Is your teen hanging in the wrong crowds?