Better Sleep for Adults With ADHD

Sleep issues are not uncommon among those living with ADHD. Erica Shires/Getty Images

Adults with ADHD often have trouble falling and staying asleep, leading to daytime drowsiness and possibly a worsening of symptoms. But just because you’ve been diagnosed with the attention-busting disorder doesn’t mean better sleep is impossible. Follow these 9 tips to get more shut-eye, and you may find your symptoms of ADHD improve too…For adults withattention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD), getting enough sleep can be a major challenge.The condition – characterized by issues such as trouble sitting still and difficulty paying attention – can make it harder to calm the body and mind at night. And while reasons aren’t entirely understood, the majority of adults with ADHD report problems falling and staying asleep, as well as difficulty waking up and feeling fatigued during the day, according to the National Resource Center on ADHD.The disorder typically starts before age 7 or 8, but mostchildren with ADHDcarry symptoms into adulthood. At least 4.4% of adults in the U.S. have aspects of the condition, according to surveys by the National Institute of Mental Health.And even if you control your symptoms of ADHD during the day,insomniacan strike with a vengeance.“About three-fourths of adults with ADHD will say their minds are too ‘full’ to sleep,” says William Dodson, M.D., a Denver-basedpsychiatristand expert on adults with ADHD. “They toss and turn.”And when they do drift off, adults with ADHD often fall “dead asleep” and will complain they can’t wake up even with multiple alarm clocks, Dr. Dodson adds. “They hit the snooze button.”

“ADHD adults are chronically sleep-deprived,” Dr. Dodson says. “The typical person will be wide awake at 3 or 4 a.m. and have to get up at 7 to go to work.”Like everyone else, ADHD adults need seven or eight hours of sleep a night to promote health and prevent fatigue during the day, says psychiatrist Clete Kushida, M.D., Ph.D., medical director of the Stanfordbob ios下载 Center in Redwood City, Calif.Studies have shown sleep deprivation can be as impairing as other adult symptoms of ADHD combined, Dr. Dodson says.And it can actually make other symptoms worse, adds Michael Coates, M.D., an adult ADHD expert and past chair of family medicine at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C. “Sleep is critical for adults with ADHD,” he says.So how do you get the sleep you need? The following 9 tips from top experts can help.Better sleep method #1: Find outwhyyou aren’t sleeping.
Before you start trying to solve your sleep problems, it’s important for you and your doctor to figure out exactly what’s causing them, says clinical psychologist Thomas Brown, Ph.D., associate director of the Yale Clinic for Attention and Related Disorders in New Haven, Conn.Separate issues need to be treated individually, he says.

A medical checkup can rule out such causes assleep apnea(in which breathing occasionally stops at night), depression, anxiety and, in women over age 40, hormonal issues and night sweats.“Adults with ADHD have sleep apnea seven times more frequently than the general adult population,” Dr. Dodson says.They’re also more likely to experience “night terrors,” in which someone awakens suddenly, feeling panicked, he adds.“ADHD is simple and straightforward,” Dr. Dodson says. “What takes time is checking for everything else.”Better sleep method #2:Get enough exercise.
Regular exercise has clear and lasting benefits when it comes to ADHD, including related sleep problems, according to Dr. Dodson.“Research shows half of adults with ADHD have symptom remission withaerobic exercise,” he says.ADHD adults should be on an exercise regimen that includes 45-50 minutes of cardio per day, Dr. Coates says.[Not sure how to get started? Clickhereto find out.]

He points out that exercise producesendorphins, stimulatingneurotransmittersthat promote a sense of well-being – not unlike medications that treat symptoms of ADHD.“It’s a natural way to getRitalin-like effects,” Dr. Coates says, referring to the drug that’s often prescribed to help treat ADHD. “And it helps even if the patient is also on stimulant medications. It’s almost the foundation of treatment.”But don’t work out after 7 p.m., Dr. Coates warns. Exercising too close to bedtime can interfere with sleep.Better sleep method #3:Try melatonin.
This natural hormone, which helps set the body’s sleep-wake cycle, builds up late in the day and promotes shut-eye at night. Andmelatonin supplements, taken about an hour before bedtime, have been shown to help some adults with ADHD get to sleep.“What often causes sleep disturbances in ADHD adults is they have no internal clocks,” Dr. Dodson says. “I did a study that found 85% of people with ADHD don’t own a watch. The ADHD nervous system doesn’t [understand] time.”He recommends taking a melatonin dose of 1 mg or less. And you need to remember to take it every night, which can be hard for people with ADHD, he warns.Also, while melatonin may help you get to sleep, it doesn’t necessarily help you stay asleep, Dr. Coates adds.

Better sleep method #4: Use natural light.
Bright lights at night can interrupt the body’s natural production of melatonin and alter your circadian rhythm, making sleep more difficult.For this reason, it helps to dim lights within a few hours of bedtime, suggests Dr. Kushida.If you’re reading yourself to sleep, use a light just strong enough to see the words, he suggests.On the other hand, bright light in the morning can help adults with ADHD wake up, he says. If possible, get at least a few minutes of sunshine early in the day.Better sleep method #5: Follow the rules.
The AASM’s rules for better “sleephygiene” can help ADHD adults, Dr. Dodson says. That includes setting a consistent bedtime and wake-up time that you stick to, even on weekends.Those with ADHD should also take steps to stop nighttime stimulation. “Turn the computer and TV off at least an hour before bedtime,” Brown suggests. “Let your brain slow down.”Also, stop drinking caffeinated beverages or eating foods with caffeine, such as chocolate, within hours of bedtime, he says. (If this doesn’t help, you may want to stop earlier in the day.)

保持卧室黑暗,凉爽和舒适possible, Dr. Kushida suggests.“重新你的卧室环境职场发生关系t as a place for sleep,” he says.And if you still can’t get to sleep, get up for a while, Brown advises. You don’t want to associate bed as a place where you can’t “shut off your brain and stop thinking of stuff,” he says.Better sleep method #6:Take your meds.
It may seem counterintuitive, but research has shown that some stimulant medications commonly prescribed for symptoms of ADHD during the day can also help with sleep problems.According to a 2016 study published in theJournal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, most children with ADHD who had preexisting sleep problems did not have those same sleep problems on a high dose of methylphenidate.“People are so [afraid thatADHD medications] will keep them awake they never try them,” Dr. Dodson says.

Dr. Coates says he’s had success prescribing Ritalin to be taken later in the day to promote sleep.“Exactly why it works is unclear, but maybe it activates a part of the brain whose main function is to filter [sleep-impeding thoughts] that come in,” he says.But stimulants don’t work for everyone, Brown warns. Many adults with ADHD find if they take one too late in the day, it’s the same as drinking too many cups of coffee.Better sleep method #7:Try relaxation techniques.
Progressive muscle relaxation – in which you tense and release muscles one by one – and slow, deep breathing have been shown to work as sleep management tools for adults with ADHD.“You learn how to relax, which helps your mind drift,” Brown says.That way, you won’t bring worries to bed, he adds.

Better sleep method #8: Avoid alcohol.
People who can’t get to sleep may be tempted to self-medicate by drinking. Studies of adults with ADHD who are chronic relapsing alcoholics show that 95% of relapses occur between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., suggesting they’re attempting to deal with sleep issues, according to Dr. Dodson.But alcohol acts as both a depressant and a stimulant and can make sleep issues in adults with ADHD even worse, says Dr. Coates.“When their engine is running, they might think, ‘Have a drink,’” he says. “It will make them fall asleep, but it’s not a healthy sleep – and they’ll wake up three or four hours later.”Better sleep method #9: Watch out for sleeping pills.
Sleep medications are considered a last resort for those with adult ADHD and generally aren’t recommended. That’s especially true if you’re taking a stimulant ADHD medication.Adding a sleep-inducing drug at night sets up a “vicious cycle” of stimulation and sedation, Dr. Kushida says.Sleep medications only suppress the problem and don’t treat it, Dr. Dodson adds.“If I can, I’ll treat the patient with a stimulant [to help relieve ADHD symptoms],” he says.

如果一个病人的ADHD包括一个活跃的成分nt, Dr. Dodson says, he may add an alpha-2 adrenergic agonist medication such asclonidine. These drugs, which slow the heart rate and inhibit certain stimulating brain chemicals, may help with some symptoms of ADHD and also make sleep easier, he says.“But avoidsleeping pillsif you can,” he advises.How Much Do You Know About ADHD?
Do you battle inattention and restlessness? You could have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). About 8-9 million adults have ADHD. Many adults are unaware of their disorder, because it was never diagnosed in childhood.Find outhow much you know about this common disorder.
